Rubric For Writing
Rubric For Writing
Rubric For Writing
Students will write short profiles about their routines, applying the simple present in
affirmative and negative, using vocabulary for daily routines and free time activities.
Grammar You don’t apply the You make some You make some Great! You can
simple present in mistakes about mistakes about apply all the
affirmative and simple present simple present in grammar in
negative correctly in affirmative affirmative and writing!
for the different and negative negative but they
subjects. they affect don’t affect your
your writing.
Vocabulary In your sentences, You use some Your spelling and Awesome! You
and spelling. there are very few vocabulary but use of the use the
examples of we need to work vocabulary vocabulary
vocabulary that is on how to use it contains some correctly to
the objective of the in a sentence, errors but they describe
lesson. or work on don’t affect the people or
spelling. message in your things in
composition. writing!
*The grammar and vocabulary section count for a maximum of 20 points each and
punctuation counts for 10 points. The result is multiplied by 2.
Total points _________ x 2 Grade = __________