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Head Nursing
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Resume Rubrics


Create a comprehensive resume with complete details on (profile, education, seminar, membership and character references)

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
1. Content Lists all the required Lists most of the required Some of the required Most of the required
components: personal components. Descriptions of components missing. components missing.
information, experience, work experience and Descriptions of work Descriptions of work
education, skills, honors. education background are experience and education experience and
Descriptions of work somewhat vague and background are vague education background
experience and education insufficient, and not clearly and insufficient. Résumé are minimal and
background highlight targeted to the position. is generic and not irrelevant to the
applicant’s strengths while tailored to the position. position.
matching the job
2. Organization The most important items Listing important items in Several sections or items Sections and items are
listed on the top half of reverse chronological order are not in reverse not well-organized (in
résumé. Items listed in is inconsistent. Relatively chronological order. random order). Key
reverse chronological order. easy to identify key ideas Difficult to identify key skills and ideas are very
Very easy to identify key and skills. ideas and skills. difficult to find.
ideas and skills.

3. Vocabulary Uses formal (academic, Uses mostly formal Frequent use of informal Frequent inaccuracy in
specialized) vocabulary to (academic, specialized) and generic vocabulary. word use or selection.
describe work experience vocabulary to describe work Some word usages Word usages mostly
and education background experience and education correspond to applicant’s correspond to
precisely and concisely. background. Occasional use first language. applicant’s first
Strong action verbs are used. of colloquial vocabulary language. Only informal
remains. Some strong action vocabulary is used.
verbs are used, but some are
4. Grammar Minimal (1-3) grammatical 4-6 grammatical errors, 7-10 grammatical errors, Sentence structures
errors, punctuation errors, punctuation errors, and punctuation errors, and mostly correspond to
and typos. typos. typos. Some sentence applicant’s first
structures correspond to language. Over 10
applicant’s first language. grammatical errors,
punctuation errors, and
5. Visual Consistent in choice of layout Shows appropriate Page appears crowded Exceeds one page or
Appearance and font style/size. Fills only appearance. Some but does not exceed one does not fill the
one page, but not inconsistencies in choice of page. Many consistencies majority of the page.
overcrowding. Overall layout and font style/size in choice of layout and Font style/size is
visually appealing and very remain. Does not exceed one font style/size. unreadable.
professional. page.

Rating scale:

1-5 (Novice) 6-9 (Beginner) 10-12 (Intermediate) 13-16 (Proficient) 17-20 (Expert)

Evaluator: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________


Competency Evaluation:

Novice Beginner Intermediate Proficient Expert

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Cover Letter Rubrics


Create a cover letter address to Rogelio V. Canlas Jr., MAN, RN – Chief Nurse, OLMCMC

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
1. Content Includes all the required Includes most of the Includes some of the Most of the required
components: appropriate required components. required components. components are
salutation and closing Mentions attached résumé. Does not mention missing. Does not
statement, personal Highlighted attached résumé. mention attached
information, position sought, strengths/qualifications are Strengths/ qualifications résumé, strengths/
and purpose of the letter. not convincing or clearly are not tailored to the qualifications, or
Mentions attached résumé. targeted to the position. position. Listed reasons reasons for applying for
Highlights Mentions reasons for for applying for this job this position.
strengths/qualifications applying for this job, but not are generic and not
related to the job. Elaborates in detail. targeted to the position.
on reasons for applying for
this position.
2. Vocabulary Uses formal (academic, Uses some formal Frequent use of generic Uses mostly informal
specialized) vocabulary and (academic, specialized) vocabulary and colloquial vocabulary and
expressions. vocabulary and expressions. expressions. colloquial expressions.
Occasional use of informal
vocabulary remains.

3. Grammar Minimal (1-3) grammatical 4-6 grammatical errors, 7-10 grammatical errors, Over 10 grammatical
errors, punctuation errors, punctuation errors, and punctuation errors, and errors, punctuation
and typos that do not impair typos that do not impair typos that may impair errors, and typos that
comprehension. comprehension. comprehension. may impair

4. Format Style Uses appropriate font style Some inconsistencies in Many inconsistencies in Very inconsistent in
and size. Format is choice of font style/size choice of font style/size. choice of font style/size.
consistent. Layout (e.g., remain. Layout is clear. Choices in layout may Some font size/style
margin, line spacing) is affect readability. does not appear
visually appealing. professional. Unclear
layout affects

Rating scale:

1-4 (Novice) 5-7 (Beginner) 8-10 (Intermediate) 11-13 (Proficient) 14-16 (Expert)

Evaluator: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________


Competency Evaluation:

Novice Beginner Intermediate Proficient Expert

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Plan of Activity Rubrics


Create a plan of activity organizing all the nursing activities in the area with in the allotted time frame.

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
1. Organization Presentation was very Presentation was fairly Presentation was not Presentation lacked
organized and was very organized and pretty clearly organized. organization. Poor
easy to follow. followable. Transitions Transitions between transitions between
Transitions between might have been slightly members were jumpy group members
group members were discontinuous but did or awkward. individual parts.
well planned and not take away greatly Presentation lacked
executed cleanly. from the overall order and very
presentation. difficult to follow.
2. Teamwork/Participation The group worked very The group worked well Group communicated Group did not work
well with each other and with each other and relatively well with a well together. There
the presentation was communicated well. few lapses in the were obvious
shared equally among Some members presentation; some miscommunications
the group members. participated slightly students dominated and lapses in the
more than others. the presentation and presentation.
others did not
participate much.
3. Grammar Minimal (1-3) 4-6 grammatical errors, 7-10 grammatical Over 10 grammatical
grammatical errors, punctuation errors, and errors, punctuation errors, punctuation
punctuation errors, and typos that do not impair errors, and typos that errors, and typos that
typos that do not impair comprehension. may impair may impair
comprehension. comprehension. comprehension.
4. Format Style Uses appropriate font Some inconsistencies in Many inconsistencies Very inconsistent in
style and size. Format is choice of font style/size in choice of font choice of font
consistent. Layout (e.g., remain. Layout is clear. style/size. Choices in style/size. Some font
margin, line spacing) is layout may affect size/style does not
visually appealing. readability. appear professional.
Unclear layout affects
5. Time Management Independently starts Completes work on time Procrastinates or Does not complete
work and paces tasks so and transitions between completes task at the tasks or transition to
that assignments are tasks with occasional last minute. Requires new assignments.
completed before class is redirection. consistent assistance
over. Transitions to complete work
between tasks and/or transition
independently. between tasks.

Rating scale:

1-5 (Novice) 6-9 (Beginner) 10-12 (Intermediate) 13-16 (Proficient) 17-20 (Expert)

Evaluator: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________


Competency Evaluation:

Novice Beginner Intermediate Proficient Expert

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One Month Scheduling Rubrics


Create a one-month schedule for all the staff under your supervision, using the 3-shift format and incorporating all leaves into the

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Excellent Good Fair Poor
1. Days All the days of the month are The days are misnumbered The days are misnumbered The days are misnumbered by
numbered numbered correctly. by one day. by two days. three days or more.

2. Month and The calendar includes a label of The calendar includes a label The calendar includes a The calendar includes a label
Days Labeled the month and the days of week in of the month and the days of label of the month and the of the month and the days of
Spanish. All is spelled correctly. the week. The month or one days of the week. The the week. The month and/or
day is misspelled. month and/or two days are three days are misspelled.
3. 3-shift duty Excellent use of 3-shift format in Somewhat use of 3-shift Fairly use of 3-shift format Never use of 3-shift format in
all staff. No identified error. format in all staff with 1-2 in all staff with 3-5 errors. all staff with more than 5
errors. errors.
4. Total duty Excellently plot the required Plotted the required number Plotted the required Plotted the required number
hours/week number of duty hours per month of duty hours per month and number of duty hours per of duty hours per month and
and per week. per week. Exceeds 8 hours of month and per week. per week. Exceeds more than
duty per month Exceeds 16 hours of duty 16 hours of duty per month
per month
5. Leave Excellent use of leave per staff Better use of leave per staff Fair use of leave per staff Never use of leave per staff
with 1-2 identified error. with 3-5 identified error. with multiple identified error.

6. Creativity & The calendar is neat and shows The calendar is presentable, The calendar is not neat. It The calendar is not neat and
Neatness great creativity. but not as neat as it could be. is haphazardly put there is no creativity. It is very
together. sloppy.
7. Format Style Uses appropriate font style and Some inconsistencies in Many inconsistencies in Very inconsistent in choice of
size. Format is consistent. Layout choice of font style/size choice of font style/size. font style/size. Some font
(e.g., margin, line spacing) is remain. Layout is clear. Choices in layout may size/style does not appear
visually appealing. affect readability. professional. Unclear layout
affects readability.
8. Visual Consistent in choice of layout and Shows appropriate Page appears crowded but Exceeds one page or does not
Appearance font style/size. Fills only one page, appearance. Some does not exceed one page. fill the majority of the page.
but not overcrowding. Overall inconsistencies in choice of Many consistencies in Font style/size is unreadable.
visually appealing and very layout and font style/size choice of layout and font
professional. remain. Does not exceed one style/size.

Rating scale:

1-7 (Novice) 8-13 (Beginner) 14-20 (Intermediate) 21-26 (Proficient) 27-32 (Expert)

Evaluator: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________


Competency Evaluation:

Novice Beginner Intermediate Proficient Expert

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Head Nurse - Performance Evaluation


Remember this checklist, as it will form the basis for evaluating your performance. Your communication skills, safe care delivery, nursing
process and skills, professional accountability, complete uniform and equipment, and punctuality will be rigorously assessed.

Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4=Good, 3=Satisfactory, 2=Needs Improvement, 1=Poor

Performance Skills: Excellent Good Fair Poor Fail

5 4 3 2 1
1. Applies as appropriate theory as a basis for decision making in nursing

2. Assesses staffs presenting symptoms to determine a nursing diagnosis and

plan of action based on a medical expertise and knowledge.

3. Knowledge in communication, clarification and interpretation of existing

problems with staff and nursing responsibilities.

4. Inform the staff of the likely causes of errors defects and waste.

5. Suggest in which risk, errors, quality of problems may be reduced.

1. Neat and well groomed. Adheres to dress code.

2. Punctuality in reporting for duty.

3. Complies with the code of ethics of the nursing profession and upholds and
implements school rules.

4. Assist in training staff in particular by setting a good example.

5. Promotion of professional responsibility, accountability and behavior.

1. Provide leadership in the assessment, planning, implementation, and
evaluation of comprehensive school health program.

2. Respond to the student / staff medical emergencies.

3. Instruct subordinates in appropriate method and procedure in providing


4. Initiate and facilitate any steps necessary to improve methods, equipments,

materials and condition in the work area for which they are responsible.

5. Ensure thorough monitoring of staff in the area and take appropriate action
in response to any misdemeanors.


Rating scale:

1-16 (Novice) 17-31 (Beginner) 32-45(Intermediate) 46-60 (Proficient) 61-75 (Expert)

Evaluator: ____________________________________________
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Date: _______________________________


Competency Evaluation:

Novice Beginner Intermediate Proficient Expert

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