Writing 1 Marking Scheme
Writing 1 Marking Scheme
Writing 1 Marking Scheme
Supporting Paragraph has few detail The main idea is supported with The main idea is some-what The main idea is fully
details sentences to support the main general details. developed using mostly specific developed using specific
idea. details. details.
Concluding The sentence is incomplete and The sentence is complete, but The sentence is complete and The sentence is complete
sentence does not sum up does not sum up the paragraph. adequately sums up the and clearly sums up the
the paragraph. paragraph. paragraph.
Organization of ideas Ideas in the paragraph are A few ideas in the paragraph do Ideas in the paragraph support Ideas flow in the paragraph
disorganized and do not support not support the main idea or are the main idea, but could be and clearly support the main
the main idea, causing out of place, causing a organized more clearly. idea, creating meaning.
a confusion of meaning. confusion of meaning.
Writing 1-Paragraph Rubric Name: ______________________
Vocabulary or word use Some inappropriate vocabulary is Words are basic; some words All words are used appropriately. All words are used
used; some words are used in the are used in the wrong context. appropriately; there is
wrong context. evidence
of some new vocabulary
being used.
Mechanics There are many errors in spelling, There are some errors in There are only a few errors in There are no errors in
capitalization, and/or punctuation. spelling, capitalization, and/or spelling, capitalization, and/or spelling, capitalization, and/
punctuation. punctuation. or punctuation.