Smartphone App Project

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Smartphone app

Goal: Create a smartphone app for tourists visiting places in Asunciòn.

1. Think about different places that might be interesting to someone visiting

Asunciòn, focusing on historical or Paraguayan identity. ( four places)
2. Research information about these places, such as:
a) name
b) function
c) contribution to the community.
(use the internet or books)
3. Find images of these places.

4. Think about:
a. how your app will work.
b. Create a name for your app.
c.Create a logo for your app.
5. Write a draft(borrador) with the information required. Submit it to the
teacher for correction. (Information in a concept map: June 6)

6. Create a presentation (PowerPoint) using your photos and the

information you have found. USE CONCEPT MAPS TO PRESENT THE

Note: If you have any questions about this project, let me know.
3 2 1 0

Complete work The work has all the The work has some The work has a few The work does not have the
elements required. elements required. elements required. elements required.

Target Vocabulary A wide and appropriate Appropriate use of target Appropriate use of some Inaccurate use of target
range of target vocabulary. target vocabulary. vocabulary with frequent errors
vocabulary. that greatly affect understanding.

Organization of ideas Include concept maps Include concept maps Include concept maps No concept maps are included in
outlining the information outlining the information in outlining the information the work.
in all the parts of the some parts of the work. in a few parts of the
work. work.

Punctuation and Correct use of Few spelling errors and There are several Many spelling errors and largely
Spelling punctuation mostly correct use of spelling errors, some incorrect use of punctuation
punctuation incorrect use of
Rubric for oral presentation

3 2 1 0

CONTENT Shows full understanding of the topic Shows good understanding Shows good understanding of parts of Does not seem to
by explaining the information all the of the topic by fairly the topic. Sometimes explains, understand the topic. Just
time. explaining the information. sometimes just read the information. read the information.

USE OF Speaks clearly, with confidence and Speaks clearly, with Use of language is simplistic, limited, and Often mumbles or cannot
LANGUAGE ambitious use of language. confidence and fairly use of repetitive. be understood.
(GRAMMAR) Shows a wide range/correct use of language. Shows adequate use of grammatical Restricted use of grammar
grammatical structures. Shows general correct use structures. structures.
of grammatical structures.

PRONUNCIATION Shows clear accurate pronunciation. Shows fair accurate Pronunciation is not very clear, requires Mispronounces several
pronunciation. some effort to understand. words.

VOCABULARY Uses target vocabulary correctly all Uses target vocabulary Uses some target vocabulary fairly Doesn´t use any of the
the time. correctly most of the time. correctly target vocabulary.
Smartphone app for Asunciòn

Interesting places to visit in Asunciòn

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Name: _______________ Name: _______________

Function: _____________ Function: _____________
Contribution: ____________________ Contribution: ____________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
Smartphone app for Asunciòn

Interesting places to visit in Asunciòn

3 4

Name: _______________ Name: _______________

Function: _____________ Function: _____________
Contribution: ____________________ Contribution: ____________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
What app can I use to visit
the most important spots
in Asunciòn?
I found I`m using the app _______________. It can
it! ________ and _________________________.
I love it! It makes me easier to visit the most
important places in Asunciòn.

This is the logo!

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