Grade 4 - Composition Assessment
Grade 4 - Composition Assessment
Grade 4 - Composition Assessment
SCHOOL: _______________________________.
GRADE 4: _______________________________.
DATE: ___________________________________.
Assessment Rubric
Exceeding Meeting Αpproαching Below
Expectαtions Expectαtions Expectαtion Expectαtion
27 - 30 21 - 26 15 - 20 0 - 14
Paragraphs Paragraphs Does not Does not
the work and the work and paragraph paragraph the
uses correct uses correct the work, uses work and does
language punctuation some correct not use
structures. and correct punctuations punctuations
Spells all words language and marks. Uses
correctly. structures. language. broken
Uses the Spells most of Structures in language and
correct tense the words their work. hardly
and a wide correctly. Uses some communicates.
range of Uses correct correct tenses Uses incorrect
vocabulary in tense and and tense and
context. appropriate appropriate inappropriate
Writes legibly vocabulary in vocabulary in vocabulary
and neatly. context. context. with numerous
Has some Writes legibly Uses some spellings errors.
sense of and neatly. correct The
cohesion in spellings handwriting is
presentation Writes legibly. illegible and
of ideas untidy.
feelings and