Educ6014 Week 3 Iep
Educ6014 Week 3 Iep
Educ6014 Week 3 Iep
Used when an IEP team member is not at all or part of the meeting.
This form is used to show that the IEP team agreed that the following
individual is not required to attend all or part of the meeting
2. Describe the concerns (if any) of the student for enhancing his or her
education. You can ask questions such as “Do you read outside of
school? Do you enjoy reading or find it difficult? What part of your
education do you find success? What part of your education do you
need support. You may state that the student is not of age to state
The disability related needs are identified by asking why the student
isn’t achieving grade level standards or functional expectations.
5. When will reports about the student’s progress toward meeting the
annual goal be provided to parents? (Examples include, quarterly
progress reports, parent teacher conferences, annual IEP meeting
1. Describe the extent to which the student will not participate with
non-disabled peers in the regular education classroom.
You must restate all special education services not provided in regular
education setting from program summary (including supplementary
aids, specialized instruction, related services including amount and
frequency. Examples include:
This form provides the date of meeting and date parent receives
finalized IEP (Within 10 days of meeting)
For students who are ELL. The Elementary and Secondary Education
Act requires all English learners to take an annual assessment in
English proficiency in all four language domains (reading, writing,
speaking and listening) IEP teams are required to decided annually
whether students who are classified as EL and who have a disability
will participate in the ACCESS for ELLs with or without
accommodations or the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs with or without
One time consent to bill Medicaid if child is eligible. Have parent sign
at initial IEP meeting.
Does the child require extended school year (ESY) services to receive a
free and appropriate public education (FAPE) If no, explain reasons
rejected. If yes, identify which annual goals, including benchmarks or
short-term objectives if applicable will be addressed during ESY. On
this form you will specify all needed services.