Review The Document and Answer The Following Questions:: IEP Scavenger Hunt Education 2201
Review The Document and Answer The Following Questions:: IEP Scavenger Hunt Education 2201
Review The Document and Answer The Following Questions:: IEP Scavenger Hunt Education 2201
Education 2201
2. Identify at least four different domains that may be included for the Documentation of
Evaluation Results.
a. Four different domains that may be included for the Documentation of Evaluation
Results are academic achievement, communicative status, health, and
3. What are the four steps to determining eligibility as shown on the IEP form?
a. The four steps to determining eligibility as shown on the IEP form:
i. Step One – Disability
ii. Step 2 – Adverse Effects
iii. Step 3 – Educational Needs
iv. Step 4 – Eligibility
4. How is the eligibility process different if the student has a specific learning disability?
a. There are additional factors that must be considered for the eligibility process if
the student has a specific learning disability. A determinant factor must be
identified for the child’s suspected disability. Additionally, inclusionary and
exclusionary factors musts be identified as well. Inclusionary factors determine
whether the child is progressing at a slow rate than expected for the areas of
deficit/concern. Exclusionary factors are any additional factors (e.g., disabilities)
that can be the basis for the learning difficulty.
5. At what age does the IEP team need to begin to document plans for secondary transition?
a. The IEP team begins to document plans for secondary transition at 14.5 years of
6. A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is typically only required when students have
significant behavioral needs that require supports beyond typical classroom management
or supportive structures. Describe at least five components of the FBA.
a. Hypothesis of Behavioral Function – why it is believed the behavior is occurring.
Determine a potential relationship between behaviors and environment
b. Students strengths – the behavioral strength of a child (e.g., any positive
interaction or behavior)
c. Setting – where the behavior is occurring
d. Consequence – what the results are for a target behavior (e.g., what happens after
a behavior and how it effects the student)
e. Environmental variables – anything that might affect a behavior that is within the
child’s environment
7. On the Behavior Intervention Plan, what is the difference between a skill deficit and a
performance deficit?
a. A skill deficit is a behavior that child does not know how to perform, whereas a
performance deficit is one they know how to perform, but they cannot
consistently perform the task when it is required.
8. On the reporting for goals and objectives, the team must indicate the goal area. What are
the three potential goal areas?
a. The three goal areas are academic, functional, and transition.
10. When the team considers placement options for the student, what must they consider and
a. The team has to consider all factors when considering a placement for a child.
They should consider the diagnosis, the child’s culture and background,
independence, functional skills, and speech/language abilities. Through the
evaluation of these factors, the team can determine the best placement for a child
with the most beneficial outcomes.