Kunci Ukp
Kunci Ukp
Kunci Ukp
29. (gambar)
Life Jacket
Embarkation ladder
Sesion 4 definitions of the term “CENTRE LINE”given.
Which one is the correct one?
1.One the figure there are four (4) possible Centre line is given by A on the figure
definitions of the term “WINDLASS” given. 12.On the figure there are four (4) possible
Which one is the correct one? definitions of the term “BREATH”given. Which
Windlass is given by B on the figure one is the correct one?
2.What safety clothing should be worm during Breadth is given by B on the figure
an anchoring operation?
13.On the figure there are four (4) possible
All ofthe equipment mentioned in the definitions of the term “STARBOARD BOW”
alternative answers given. Which one is the correct one?
3.The diagram shows the lead of a rope during Starboard bow is given by A on the figure
mooring operations and the possible point
14.On the figure there are four (4) possible
where it may break. Where would be definitions of the term “STARBOARD
considered the safest place to be standing? QUARTER” given. Which one is the correct
Outside the coloured zone one?
4.What is the necessary protection when you Starboard quarter is given by C on the figure
are rust chipping with air tools? 15.What special safety measures are required
Protective clothing,safety shoes, gloves,
by a seaman when working aloft on stage?
goggles, earmuffs Safety harness with a rope secured to a safe
5.Which one of the following types of rope is point above
the most dangerous to work with? 16.On the figure there are four (4) possible
Nylon definitions of the term “QUAY” given. Which
6.What is the correct understanding of the one is the correct one?
term “boat deck” ? Quay is given by A on the figure
The deck where the lifeboats davits are 17.When could there be a demonstration of
positioned how to start a lifeboat engine?
7.What kind of safety equipment must be A demonstration could be arranged during a
worm during achoring? lifeboat drill
All of the mentioned equipment 18.When a vessel arrives at a port to pick up a
8.What is the correct understanding of the pilot and enter harbour, there should be
them “Bottlescrew”? someone required to stand by the anchor
A bottlescrew is a metal threaded sleeve foward. How should the anchor be prepared
which adjusts the length and tension on and ready?
rigging or stays The brake securely applied,all
9. On the figure there are four (4) possible cement/covering into the chain locker and
directions shown by the arrowed lines.Which securing arrangements from windlass
one would correctly shows the direction
removed. The guillotine can remain for
understood by the term “AFTER SPRING”? removal when ready
After spring is defined as A on the figure 19.The figure shows a cross section through a
10.The figure shows a cross section through a ship floating in water, with the null in red and
ship floating in water, with the null in red and the seabed below the ship shaded. On the
the seabed below the ship shaded. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of
figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “UNDERKEEL CLEARANCE”given.
the term “FREEBOARD”given. Which one is Which one is the correct one?
the correct one?Freeboard is given by D on Underkeel clearance isg given by A on the
the figure
11.On the figure there are four (4) possible
20.The diagram shows the direction that a at anchor watch duties must be carried out as
rope runs during a mooring operation and a follows.
possible place where it may break. Where Both ships have normal anchor watch
would be considered the safest position to responsibility in addition to watching ship to
stand? ship fendering, mooring etc
Outside the blue coloured zone / Outside the 30.What is the correct understanding of the
blue coloured zone, but even then it could be term “BOAT DRILL”?
dangerous Practical execise for the people on board to
21.What kind of safety clothing should be practice their duties and be prepared in the
worn during a mooring operation? case of an emergency abandon ships
Helmet, safety shoes, gloves and protective
22.What is the correct understanding of the
term “FAIRLEAD”?
The acces point where mooring line are lead
when making fast to the shore
23.On the figure there are four (4) possible
definitions of the term “MIDSHIPS”given.
Which one is the correct one?
Midships is given by B on the figure
24.What items of clothing should be avoided
during mooring operations?
All of the items specified in the alternative
25.What is the correct understanding of the
term “GANGWAY”?
Portable bridge arrangement between ship
and shore, when alongside
26.On the figure there are four (4) possible
directions shown by the arrowed lines,which
could be the correct direction associated with
the term “HEAD LINE”.Which one is the
correct one?
Head line is given by B on the figure
27.What is the correct understanding of the
term “LEE SIDE”?
The lee side is the side of the ship which is
facing away from the wind
28.When reeving a new wire onto a self
stowing winch drum you should, after looking
at brake arrangement,reeve it to pay out as
Direction B
29.When two ships are lying alongside each
other in a ship operation and one ship is lying
Sesion 5 9.the engines are going astern and the ship is
making strenway of about 1,5 knots with the
1.The ship is sailing in shallow water with rudder hard to stardboard.what effect will
reduced under keel clearance.if the ship is this have on the ships progress?
steaming with the engine at full rpm.what This will give the stren a lift force to
would be the speed in comparison to the starboard
speed achieved in deep water ? 10.what would be the effects of a ship passing
Slower than deep water
into shallow water ?
2.you are sailing in shallow water with a 15 % the ship is less responsive to both rudder and
Under keel clerance.turning the ship around propeller
what space do you need compared to deep 11.the vessel is in a 360 degrees turn with
water ?
engine full a head.if the engine speed is
Need more space than normal reduced during the turn will there be any
3.the ship engine is going astern is picking up change in the turning diameter
streway.the rudder is a mid ship and the ship Yes the turning diameter will increase if the
has a single,right-handed,fixed pitch speed is reduced
propeller.what would be expected to happen 12.the ships is starting to slow down after
the ship will probably start to change
streaming at full ahead speed.what will
heading to starboard and stren will increase happen to the position of the ‘pivot point’?
4.the ship is required to be stopped in the It will move aft as the ship slows down
water as quiqly as possible,but without major 13.the rudder is in the over position with
changes to the ships heading what is the most propeller stopped and the ship turning
effective method to achieve this ? slowly.on a ship with a single fixed pitch right
Reduce engine power,use high frequency handed propeller and no thuresters.what can
rudder cycling be doneto make the ship increase the speed
5.the ship has completed a 360 degree turn at of turn without significantly increasing the
full speed in deep water.the ships is now to forward speed of the ship ?
repeat the turn at full speed in shallow Give the engines a short kick ahead
water.what will be the diffrence in the turning 14.the ships rudder is full over when the ships
circle diameter ? engine are full ahead .will the turning effect
The turning diameter will be increased in (lift force) of the rudder be changed when the
shallow water engine is stopped ?
6.the maximum rudder angle on your ship is Yes,the lift force will be dramatically reduced
35 degrees.do you think this is the anggle that when the engines are stopped
the rudder is most effective ? 15.who is responsible for the number and the
No the most effective rudder angle is about position of any tugs to be used during a
25 to 30 degrees,this is because the rudder is
mooring operatin?
“stalling”at 35 degrees angle The master,with consideration of the advice
7.on the figure there are four (4) possible of of the pilot
the term “air draught” given.which one is the
correct one ? 16.which of the following answers correctly
8.the ship is to berth alongside a quay in calm specify the following most common
conditions of no wind or current the ship has rudders?a)unbalanced b)balanced c)semi-
a single fixed pitch right handed balanced and d) underhug balanced i.e the
propeller.which angle of approanch would be number in the picture is related to the letter
considered the most favourable ? adjacent to the name of the rudder
NO 2 1=a,2=b,3=c and 4=d
17.the ship is streaming at full ahead when 24.what is correct understanding of the term
the engine are reversed to “full astren”to stop “bank effect”?if a ship was approaching the
the ship.the ship has a single,right-handed bank at an angle what would be the effect on
fixed pitch propeller.what would be the the ship ?
anticipated reaction of the ship,if there is no The vessel’s bow is pushed away from the
wind or current ? bank
The ship will probably sheer to starboard and 25.two ships are meeting in a restricted
gradually lose headway channel as illustrated.which which of the
18.what would be the correct definition of the following action would be the most suitable to
“Squat” ? take on both vessel as they approach and pass
Squat is the reduction of underkeelclearance each other ?
and the possible change of trim of a ship Slow down if possible without losing
when it moves through shallow water due to steerage and be prepared for prompt
a reduction in water pressure application of rudder to counteract any
19.when a ship is tying at anchor in a tidal swing as they approach and pass each other
area using both forward anchors to what 26.two ships travelling in opposite directions
particular aspect should the officer of the are to pass each other in narrow river,as
watch be paying special attetion ? illustrated explain that is likely to happen as
When the ship swings to the tide the they pass each other ?
direction of swing should be controlled to Due to interaction,the bows will repel each
avoid the anchor cables becoming wrapped other,and othen the two ships will be sucked
round each other together and finally the strens will be
20.where would the “pivot point “ be repelled as they start to pass clear
considered to be located when the ship is 27.two vessel are meeting each other in
proceeding at full speed ahead and there is no confirined waters.what would be the effects
wind or current ? of incineration between the two vessel as
At about 1/6 of the ships length from the they approach each other ?
bow The bows of the ships will be pushed away
21.which of the following hull shapes would from each other
normally provide a directionaly stable ship ? 28.what is the correct understanding of the
A long ship with a narrow beam term “ a ship with good directional stability”?
22.the ship has a rightt handed propeller and A ship which when the rudder is left a
is swinging to starboard when the engines are midships,it willcontinue on approximately a
slow a head and the rudder is to starboard the straight course
engine are stopped and the rate of swing
rapidly slows down how could the swing to 29.what depth of water would be considered
as shallow water in relationship to a change
starboard be maintained without the ship
making much headway ? of the ship s manoeuvering characteristic ?
Astern on the engines will allow transverse When the under keel clearance is less than
thrust to continue the swing 50% of draught of the ship
23. ship vary considerably in design and 30.which type of vessel suffers from the
underwater shape,but does the ships trim greatest squat effects?
ever have any influence on its steering Vessel with a high block coefficient
abilities ?
Yes,the ship often steers better if trimmed by
the stern
Sesion 6 through the filter ?
1.Which statement (S)is true of a 15 ppm
gasolinespill? 13.Marpol annex V disposal of garbage
outside”special area” after unpacking
2.what would be the prefered colour to use spares,you are left witha limited amount of
when maintaining the paint on packing materials is this probihited .if not
shell,plating,structure and bottom/tanktopp what will be the nearest distance to land for
in the engine room ?
dispocal into the sea of these materials ?
white or light grey to ensure all minor spills this prohibited
and leakages are noticed and dealt with 14.the OPA 90 notifitcation requipments is?
3.which ppm is allowed for discharging of
bilge water overboarad ? 15.whats is the purpose of the ODME (Oil
15 ppm DischargeMonitoring Equipment ) printer ?
4.(Pict) to prove that oil has been pumped
overboard according to regulations
5.what does term discharge mean AS used in 16.New Marpol regulations came into the
the oil polution regulations ? effect from july 93 starting that the previous
all the other alternatives instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content
6.in which area is plastic material accepted for (60litters per nautical mile ) was change to ?
overboard disposal ? 30 litters per nautical mile
Not permissible any where 17.whats is definition on clean ballast as per
7.Most minor oilspill are causedby: marpol annex 1?
Human error
ballast with an oil content of less than 15
8.(Pict) ppm
9.marpol annex V.disposal of garbage your 18.when a pollution incident occurs there is a
vessel in the red sea (special area ) and the plan for action to be undertaken . state which
chief cook is requiesting to have some food of following priority sequences to be
waste burned in the incinerator.due to considered
problems with incinerator .you decided to stop pums – report – clean up ?
have the waste ground in the grinder (Lump 19.small oil spills on deck can be kept from
size max.25mm) and disposed off into the sea going overboard by doing what?
is this probihited .if not how far from nearest plugging the scuppers
land is this legal ? 20.marpol annex 1 your vessel sailed from
12 miles bahrain heading for singapore 2 days after
10.what is the best way to avoid pollution departure you would like to empty your
from oil –spill s aboard ship ? machinery spcae bliges.what will be the
Contain any oil-spill onboard the ship correct procedures in this connection ?
11.Shipboard emergency drills must be call the bridge and request for position and
carried out least (OPA-90) permission to discharge overboard through
Once a month oily water separating and filtering equipment
12.Ships of 10000tons gross tonnage and 21. (PICT)
more shall be fifted with oil filtering 22.Notification logging procedures (OPA-90)
equipment ,complying with reg 14(7) of every report or message must be logged
marpol for the control of marchinery space including time and date
bilges.what would be the maximum oil
contents of oily watersmixture to pass
23.you are taking fuel on your vessel in the US
when you notice oil onthe water aroundyour
vessel you are to stop taking fuel and
notify the us coast guard
24.which of the following would be
considered pollution,when discharged
overboard,under the US water pollution laws
all of the mentioned
25.why shall a duly qualifed officer supersive
any potential polluting operation ?
to avoid pollution
26.is there any special area under marpol
where it is forbidden to pump out any sludge
or oil residues ?
there are special areas where it is forbidden
to pump out any sludge or oil residues
27. what is disadvantage of using chemicals an
oil-spill onthe water ?
the chemicals make it difficult to remove the
oil from the water
28.Marpol annex IV.your ship has in operation
an approved sewage treatment plant certified
by the adminisitration during discharge while
vessel is awaiting pilot off cape henry USA the
surrounding water is coloured.what kind of
action would be appropriate to take ?
stop discharge
29.what should you do with the ashes from
your vessels incinerator which has burned
garbage containing plastic ?
discharge to a shore facility only
30.you are onboard a vesseloff the west
african coast you want to dump a mixture a
food waste as,glass bottles and floating
packing materials.is this allowed ? and if so
how far off the coast would you have to be ?
this is prohibited
Sesion 7 9.Where and for what are rubber mats used
1.As per SOLAS requirements fast resque on board a pure RoRo car carrier?
boats shall be constructed in such a way that:
they are self righting or capable of being Under the loading ramp flap to prevent
readily righted by ist crew vehicle damage
2.Fast resque boats shall be capable of 10.What are the operational requirements for
carrying? a fast rescue boat?
it shall be served by a suitable launching
at least 5 seated persons and a person lying
down appliance to launch and retrieve the boat
3.If the general alarm is sounding and even under severe adverse weather
evacuation if the ship is required. What is the conditions
11.On a RoRo vessel,when loading Double
best way to ensure that all passengers are
aware of the situation? stacked containers on Maffi Trailers how
Inform thepassengers through oublic address many twist locks should have used between
system.crew with designated emergency the 2 containers?
duties should proceed to their cabing section One on every corner 4 in total
and search all cabins.guide and evacuate 12. ( Gambar )
passengers.if the area is incacesible reprot to
their superior or the bridge 13.Whos is normally deciding which search
4.On a RoRo vessel, where is the best place to pattern to use?
find information on loading ramp limitations? OSC
Inthe loading ramp manual 14.Parallel sweed search in a co-ordinated
5.Most search patterns consists of: manner is achieved when?
parallel track covering a rectangular area All facilities proceed with same speed
6.On a RoRo vessel,when cargo has shifted at 15.What are safety cones used for on a RoRo
sea, what could help in reducing acceleration vessel?
forces? all of the alternatives
Operating anti-heeling devices 16.How many crews are required to be
7.As per SOLAS every fast rescue boat shall be trained and regularly drilled in all aspects of
provided with: fast rescue boats in various conditions,
Thermal protective aids for at least 10% of including righting after capsizing?
the persons the boat is permitted to At least 2
accommodate or tw,which ever is greater 17.Fast rescue boats shall be stowed and kept
8.Car decks on board ro-ro passenger ships in a state of continuous readliness for
are nomally closed during sea passage. Why launching?
are passengers not allowed to be on the car- In less than 5 minute
18.Emergency instructions in appropriate
deck during sailing?
In case of an emergency situation it can be languanges shall be posted in passenger
diffuclt for passengers to cabins.What information shall as a minimum
escape.vehicles,lorrie,trailers and other be included in the emergency instructions?
cargo are maybe lashed and it is a substantial The Method of donning life-jackets,escape
chance for passengers to get injured.vehicles routes and alarm signals
and other cargo might also shift when the 19.Which of there is not a Cargo Transport
ship is rolling Unit under the IMDG Code?
road tank vehicle
20.Fast rescue boats construction should be?
Rigid,inflated or rigid / inflated
21.As per SOLAS a fast rescue boats shall be
capable of?
Manoevering for at least 4 hrs at a speed of
20 knots in calm water
22. ( Gambar )
10 kN
Sesion 10 10.This devices can detect a package of drugs
1.Which one of the listed requirements inside a large delivery of ships stores. What is
regarding service and maintenance of life- it?
saving appliance correspond to present pallet scanner
instructions for onboard maintenance of life- 11.Which of these weapons are widely
saving appliances in accordance withthe available and commonly used by criminals and
terrorists to further their aims?
regulations shall be provided
2.Which type of equipment can be used to Gun
detect explosives? 12.The steps of the embarkation ladder used
particulate detector must be propotioned as it follows?
length = 480 mm,breadth = 115 mm,depth =
3.What is an IED?
a homemade bomb 25 mm
4.Which of the following areas may be 14.”What do crew, visitors and contractors all
possible restriced areas? (Review all answers ) have in common?”
all alternatives they all have opportunity to smuggle drugs
15.Which one of the listed requirements
5.Which of these actions should crew take if a regarding life-saving appliances corresponds
suspicious object that may be a bomb is to present regulations?
located during a seacrh? all prescribed life-saving appliances shall be
confirm with their search partner that the made of non-combustible or fire retardant
object found is suspicious material
6.Which of these are indications that a parcel 16.Every inflatable liferaft, inflatable lifejacket
is suspicious? and hydrostatic release units shall be
the parcel is addressed to no one in serviced?
particular,arrives unexpectedly and seems every 12 months
heavy for its size 17.On all UMS operated vessels and also on
7.How often must the Emergency Steering most other vessels the engine room is
Gear be tested,and how is this information equipped with fire detectors. What
recorded in the OLB? requirements of testing and checking of
every three months.details of test with detectors are to be observed?
signatures of master and witness all the mentioned alternatives
8.During test and/or maintenance work of the 18.Which of these are indicator that an
CO2 system affecting the release system, individual may be drugs smuggler?
precautions to ensure that the gas is not the individual wears bulky out of season
released into the engine room due to a clothing
mistake are to be ensured. What precautions 19.What is thepurpose of the ship security
should be taken? plan?
the main supply line to be blanked off prior protect you ships from risks posed by
to the work security threats or incidents
9.How often should the lifeboat wire falls be 20.Which of these types of information is
turned and renewed? considered sensitive?
turned at intervals of not more than 30 voyage itinerary and departure and arrival
months and renewed every 5 years times
21.Which security levels requires the highest
security alert?
security level 3
22.The best way to identify an IED is to?
recognize its components
23.When is a visitor on board required to
present an ID?
on security level 1,2&3
24.As per SOLAS regulations the general
emergency alarm system must be tested?
Every week
25.During a bomb search, which of the
following is an important principle to follow?
do not touch any susupicious packages
26.Which of the following requirement
regarding life-bouys correspond to present
regulations? (SOLAS III/7.1)
not less than half the total number of
lifebuoys shall be provided with self-
ignighting lights
27.When handling drugs?
when skin protection and a facemask
28.The steps of the embarkation ladder used
must be spaced appart by a distance of?
equally spaced and not less than 300 mm or
more than 380 mm