ATT II Kompetensi 12
ATT II Kompetensi 12
ATT II Kompetensi 12
1. The muster list shall be prepared before the ship proceeds to sea to….
A. Correctly carry out various emergency response plans
B. Carry out lifesaving procedures and use lifesaving appliances
C. Ensure that life-saving and fire appliances are maintained in good condition
and are ready for immediate use
D. Establish inner rules to perform work of a special risk
E. I don’t know
2. Is it necessary to be certified to be a lifeboat-commander ?
A. Yes, you must attend to a course held by certified personnel, and provide
evidence of having maintained the required standards of competence every five
B. No, the only thing you need is one hour instruction from a deck officer.
C. No,
D. Yes, you must attend a one week course at a approved course center.
3. Which statement below is true regarding of plan applying safety precautions before
entering a tank or confined space?
A. Precautions before entering a tank or confined space is not to use safety equipment
B. The precaution before entering a tank or confined space is carried out at appropriate
times to test the readiness of shipboard personnel
C. The precaution before entering a tank or confined space organised for shipboard
personnel in their roles and responsibilities during various types of shipboard
D. Precautions before entering a tank or confined space are understood, applied,
and demonstrated
E. All answers corret
4. Which one of listed requirements regarding lifeboat fittings do not correspond to present
regulation? All life boat shall be fitted with…
A. Effective means for bailing or have self-bailing arrangement
B. Release device to enable forward painter to be released under tension
C. A remotely operated steering arrangement
D. A buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the lifeboat
E. I don’t know
5. Which the given requirements regarding manning and supervision of survival craft
correspond to SOLAS regulations ?
A. Every lifeboat required to carry radio telegraph installation shall have deck officer
capable of operatig the equipment assigned
B. A deck officer or certified persons shall be placed in charge of each survival craft to
be used
C. Every motorized survival craft shall have a certified engineer assigned
D. Every officer can be placed without certified
E. I don’t know
6. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the launching and recovery
arrangements for survival crafts corresponds to present SOLAS regulations?
A. Different type of launching and recovery arrangements shall be used for similar
survival crafts on board the ship.
B. Launching and recovery arrangements shall be such that the operator at all times
can observe the survival craft and lifeboats.
C. Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water on to survival crafts
during abandonment.
D. Each lifeboat shall be provided with separate appliances which is capable of
launching and recovering the lifeboat.
E. I don’t know
7. If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the following
actions is the first to be taken?
A. Try to kill the fire immediately by use of fire-extinguishers or other adequate
B. Raise the fire alarm.
C. Call the officer on duty.
D. Check all nearby compartments for survivors.
E. I don’t know
8. When the fire alarm signal is sounded every member of the ship's crew shall
immediately proceed to their assigned fire station. Which one of the following signals is
used as fire alarm signal on board cargo ships?
A. Seven short blasts followed by one long blast by the ship's whistle and alarm bells.
B. Intermittent signals by the ship's alarm bells.
C. One long blast with the ship's whistle and alarm bells followed by seven short blasts.
D. Continuous blasts (very long blasts) by the ship's whistle and alarm bells.
9. Which of the equipment listed is not included in the fireman's personal equipment?
(SOLAS II-2/17.1.1)
A. An electric safety lamp
B. An axe
C. Leather safety boots and gloves
D. Protective clothing
E. I don’t know
10. When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules, alarm instructions
and your own duties in case of an emergency?
A. By folder distributed to each crewmember
B. By oral instructions by the Captain
C. By alarm instructions in all crew cabins
D. By muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places
E. I don’t know
11. The muster list shall show the duties assigned to the different members of the crew.
Which of the given duties do not necessarily have to be included in the muster list?
A. Clearing escape routes
B. Muster of passengers
C. Preparation and launching of survival crafts
D. Manning of fire parties assigned to deal with fires
E. I don’t know
12. The ship's training manual must contain instructions and information on the life-saving
appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be included?
A. Correct donning of protective clothing.
B. Correct donning of life-jackets.
C. Correct use of oars and sails for survival craft.
D. Correct use of communication equipment.
E. I don’t know
13. The ship's training manual must contain instructions and information on the life-saving
appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be included?
A. Correct method of release of survival craft from launching appliances.
B. Correct method for use of the on-board communication system.
C. Correct use of oars in survival craft.
D. Correct donning of fire protective clothing.
E. I don’t know
14. What other purposes may a fixed fire-detection and alarm system be used for, in
addition to fire indication? (SOLAS II-2/13.1.14)
A. Controlled closing of fire doors
B. None
C. Automatic activation of sprinkler system
D. Automatic closing of fire doors
E. I don’t know
15. Where may as a general rule pressure containers for gas fire-extinguishing medium be
kept? (SOLAS II-2/5.1.10)
A. in the space which is to be protected
B. In cold storages
C. Above bulkhead deck
D. Outside the space which is to be protected
E. I don’t know
16. Where do we find information about the ships fire preparedness?
A. Information about the ships fire preparedness do we find at the fire station
B. Information about the ships fire preparedness do we find in the alarm
C. Information about the ships fire preparedness do we find in the company QA manual
D. Information about the ships fire preparedness do we find in the deck log book
E. I don’t know
17. What things can we do in case of cargo hold flooding?
A. In case of cargo hold flooding, the Master must be informed immediately.
B. All precautions must be taken to contain the flooding to that hold.
C. The general alarm must be raised.
D. A, B, and C are correct
E. Only C is correc
18. What is a contingency plan for ships ?
A. Plan for safety preparedness
B. Plan for next voyage
C. Loading plan for general cargo
D. Plan for maintenance and repair
19. In what language/languages must the fire control plans or booklets (or copies of
these)be written ?
A. In the Flag State official language with copies in English or French
B. In the Flag State official language
C. In the English language
D. In a national language where company head office is located
20. Which of the following is most likely to influence changes to emergency
plans and procedures ?
A. The ISM Code
B. The design and layout of the ship
D. The safety requirements of the USCG
21. Which of the following prevention actions offers the guarantee of an efficient
intervention in an emergency ?
A. Training of the crew
B. The installation of protective measures
C. Planning of the emergency
D. All the listed answers
22. Which of these requirements regarding the launching and recovery arrangements for
rescue boats corresponds to the SOLAS regulations?
A. The release mechanism shall be of an automatic type approved by the Flag State
B. Embarkation and launching arrangements shall be such that the rescue boat can be
boarded and launched in less than 5 minutes.
C. Launching shall be possible with a headway speed of up to 5 knots in heavy weather.
D. Rapid recovery shall be possible with the boat's full complement of persons
and equipment.
E. I don’t know
23. How do you report Non-conformities, Accidents «& Hazardous situations?
A. We have non-conformity, accidents & hazardous situation reporting form.
B. We investigate, analyze, and take corrective action
C. A and B are correct
D. Only A is correct
E. I don’t know
24. What is the general emergency alarm signal to be sounded by the ship's whistle and alarm
bells in case of an emergency situation?
A. Series of long blasts
B. Seven short blasts followed by one prolonged blast
C. Series of short blasts
D. Continous sounding by whistle and alarm bells
E. I don’t know
25. How often shall each member of the crew participate in an 'abandon ship'-drill?
A. Once every month
B. Once every 6 months
C. Once every week
D. Once a year
E. I don’t know
26. The ship's training manual must contain instructions and information on the life-saving
appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be included?
A. Correct use of oars and other propulsion equipment for survival craft.
B. Correct use of on-board communication equipment.
C. Correct donning of fire protective clothing.
D. Correct use of sea-anchors (drogues).
E. I don’t know
27. Under the SOLAS regulations, how often must each life-saving appliance be inspected to
ensure that they are complete and in good order?
A. Annually
B. Monthly
C. Daily
D. Weekly
E. I don’t know
28. What is the heliograph used for when you are in a lifeboat or liferaft?
A. As a means of signalling by reflecting the light of the sun
B. As a first aid burns dressing
C. To warm the emergency food rations
D. To check the outside temperature
E. I don’t know
29. An adult lifejacket must be constructed so that the wearer can jump into the water without
injury and without damaging or dislodging the lifejacket, from a height of at least
A. 4 metres
B. 4.5 metres
C. 5.5 metres
D. 2.5 metres
E. I don’t know
30. Immersion suits or anti-exposure suits must be worn by the crew of the rescue boat. The suit
must be capable of being unpacked and put on without assistance within
A. 30 seconds
B. 90 seconds
C. 2 minutes
D. 1 minute
E. I don’t know
31. The ship's training manual must contain instructions and information on the life-saving
appliances carried onboard. Which of these duties must also be included?
A. Correct use of escape routes and other escape methods.
B. Correct use of navigational equipment for survival craft.
C. Correct use of ship's line throwing apparatus.
D. Correct use of surface to air visual signals by survivors.
E. I don’t know
32. An adult lifejacket must have sufficient buoyancy and stability to turn the body of an
unconscious person in the water from any position to one where the mouth is clear of the
water in not more than
A. 5 seconds
B. 2 seconds
C. 10 seconds
D. 15 seconds
E. I don’t know
33. Once the lifeboat is under way, the Coxswain should steer to a safe distance from the
abandoned ship taking into account all prevailing conditions. What is the recommended
A. Remain alongside the abandoned vessel, but on the windward side
B. Down wind of the abandoned vessel
C. Leeward of the vessel and clear of the bow and stern
D. Preferably upwind and clear of the bow and stern
34. Which of these requirements regarding abandon ship drills corresponds to the SOLAS
A. Each lifeboat shall be launched with its assigned crew, and manoeuvered in the
water at least once every three months.
B. For ships on short international voyages, each lifeboat shall be launched and
manoeuvered in water at least every six months.
C. Drills shall be conducted when the ship is in harbour.
D. All lifeboats shall be lowered during drills.
35. Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you recognise that fire break
out onboard.
A. Commence fighting the fire, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad
B. Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organise and commence fighting
the fire
C. Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and commence fight the fire
D. Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the
fire and join the fire squad
E. I don’t know
36. Where do we find information regarding fire extinguishers, fire doors, remotes release
buttons, fire equipment etc. onboard a ship?
A. Information related to fire fighting equipment, release systems etc. do we find in
ship fire plan.
B. Information related to fire fighting equipment do we find in the engine log book
C. Information related to fire fighting equipment do we find in the ship drawings
D. Information related to fire fighting equipment do we find on the bridge
E. I don’t know
37. When is the risk of fire greatest?
A. When the vessel is in port, particularly dry-dock.
B. When the vessel is in dense traffic situations.
C. When the vessel is in hot, dry climates.
D. When the vessel is at sea in stormy weather.
E. I don’t know
38. In which compartments are halogenated hydrocarbons not allowed as fire-extinguishing
media? (SOLAS II-2/5.3.1)
A. Cargo holds for passenger cars and other empty vehicles
B. Pump rooms
C. General cargo holds
D. Engine rooms
E. I don’t know
39. What is the basic principle of fire prevention?
A. Keep all spaces throughout the vessel well ventilated.
B. Remove one of the three components of the 'fire triangle.'
C. Never to smoke in bed.
D. Inspect the vessel at the end of each watch.
E. I don’t know
40. What number of fire hoses is required for cargo ships of 1000 tons gross and upwards?
A. One for each fire hydrant
B. One hose for every second fire hydrant
C. Two hoses for each vertical fire zone
D. One hose for each 30 meter length of ship plus one spare. Hoses for engine and
boiler room in addition
E. I don’t know
41. What action should be taken immediately after a fire has been extinguished?
A. Report the incident to the vessel operator and flag state authorities
B. Write a non-conformance report in compliance with chapter 9 of the International Safety
Management Code
C. Hold a de-briefing of the incident with all officers and fire fighters present
D. Establish a continuous watch at the fire area against re-ignition and remove any
smouldering material
E. I don’t know
42. What type of fire-extinguishing medium release is allowed for fixed gas fire-extinguishing
installations? (SOLAS II-2/5.1.8)
A. Automatic release system activated by the ship's fire alarm
B. Manual operated release system only
C. Automatic release system incorporating alarm system for manned compartments
D. Automatic release system activated by fire detectors
E. I donn’t know
43. How is loss of electric power or other fault conditions of fire-detection and fire-alarm systems
to be indicated? (SOLAS II-2/13.1.2)
A. By audible and visual signals at the control panel
B. By check systems on the control panel
C. By semi-automatic test systems at the control panel
D. By fully automatic separate test boards where any faulty condition is initiated by audible
and visual signals
E. I don’t know
44. What should first be done before the central gas extinguishing system is used on a fire in the
engine room or cargo holds?
A. Close all openings.
B. Close down boilers.
C. Stop all fans and engines.
D. Make sure that the compartment has been evacuated.
E. I don’t know
45. At which time shall required fixed fire-detection and fire-alarm systems with manual operated
call points be in operation? (SOLAS II-2/13.1.1)
A. At all times during navigation
B. At sea and in ports when there are qualified officers on duty
C. Always at nighttime
D. Capable of immediate operation at all times
E. I don’t know
46. A drip tray containing oil is on fire. The only fire fighting equipment available is water hose
with spray jet/spray nozzle. How, if at all, should you attempt to put out this fire using water?
A. Water should be applied to the oil in a single jet only.
B. Water should not be used on any type of oil fire.
C. The water can be applied in a fine spray starting from the front in a sweeping
D. Water should be applied in a jet to the back of the fire.
E. I don’t know