06.silabus Budaya Keselamatannautika

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The document discusses various aspects of safety culture including communication, teamwork, planning, organizing, directing, controlling and factors behind human error.

The document mentions factors like ability, social factors, legislation, ship condition and culture that can lead to human error.

The document mentions identifying resources, time requirements, contingencies and setting priorities as important aspects of planning and organizing.




Program Diklat : Diklat Pelaut – IV (DP – IV) Pembentukan

Bidang Keahlian : NAUTIKA
Fungsi :
Mata Pelajaran : Budaya Keselamatan, Keamanan dan Pelayanan ( Safety,security and service culture)
Kode Mata Pelajaran :
Deskripsi Mata Pelajaran : The lists the qualities a group of Masters and chief engineers considered to be most
desirable in their watchkeeping officers.
Standar Kompetensi :

Semester : -

Alokasi Waktu : 3T;8P

Silabus Matematika Terapan 1

Metode Sumber/ Metode
N Kompetensi i Pengalaman
Materi Pokok Pembelaja Indikator bahan/ Penilaia
o Dasar waktu Belajar
ran Alat n
1 Demonstrates a Watchkeepers at Ceramah • Typical observations of Menjelaskan Buku Teks
knowledge and “The Cutting problem areas in ship board tentang jenis, teks: book
understanding of Edge” tanya jawab management include : kemampuan
Watchkeepers at • in ability of the senior Marine
“the Cutting officers to delegate or assign Safety
Edge” duties berkomunikas
dengan diselingi Service
• the wrong people doing the
wrong things at the wrong tanya jawab Alat
time bantu
• the inability to exchange memecahkan
masalah mengaja:
information and give orders
in a concise manner ketidakmampuan
dalam bersikap A1 :
• the lack of thought in the
content information to be
communicated Manual
Demonstrates a Planning and Ceramah -Identifying resources which menjelaskan Unjuk
knowledge and Organizing will help you achieve your disertai dengan kerja
understanding of Diskusi goals tanya jawab
Planning and -Specifying conditions
tentang planning
Organizing required to make each
resource useful and organizing
-detrermine time
requirements relevant to
each resource
-identify potential
-set priorities regarding the
contingencies you must

Silabus Matematika Terapan 2

Metode Sumber/ Metode
N Kompetensi i Pengalaman
Materi Pokok Pembelaja Indikator bahan/ Penilaia
o Dasar waktu Belajar
ran Alat n
protect yourself againts
-identify key warning signals
that tell you a contingency is
Demonstrates a Directing and Ceramah -To remain in control, retain menjelaskasn Unjuk
knowledge and Controlling Problem authority tentang Directing kerja
understanding of solving -to act decisively and Controlling
Directing and -not to issue conflicting disertai dengan Uraian
controlling Diskusi orders contoh
-Involve others in problem
solving, recommend
appropriate corrective action mengerjakan soal
for performance problem yang diberikan
oleh dosen
tentang directing
and Controlling

Demonstrates a Communications Ceramah Communications menjelaskan Uraian
knowledge and and Teamwork. -listens to others tentang cara
understanding of Self Assessmnet Diskusi -does not keep problems to meningkatkan
Communications him or herself
Questionaire communication
and Teamwork -tells people what he or she
wants in a direct manner skills disertai
-presents a balanced picture contoh
Has commond of english
language and other language Mempraktikkan
as appropriate for the

Silabus Matematika Terapan 3

Metode Sumber/ Metode
N Kompetensi i Pengalaman
Materi Pokok Pembelaja Indikator bahan/ Penilaia
o Dasar waktu Belajar
ran Alat n
manning of that vessel communications

Teamwork Understanding
-helps / trains inexperienced that teamwork is a
crew members to acquire process which can
knowledge be learnt
-works with others in an
enthusiastics manner
-shares information that
could benefit other officers
and ratings or company
-solves conflict
Demonstrates a Factors behind Ceramah - Ability Menjelaskan
knowledge and human error - social tentang macam-
understanding Diskusi - Legislation macam factor
of Factors - ship Condition
behind human
behind human Tanya - Help
error jawab - Culture error

masalah human

Silabus Matematika Terapan 4

*) Penilaian :

Komponen penilaian perkuliahan ini meliputi frekuensi kehadiran mahasiswa, keaktifan di kelas, pemahaman dan penyelesaian suatu kasus, resume
buku/makalah kelompok/makalah individual, diskusi, ujian tengah semester dan ujian semester dengan bobot penilaian sebagai berikut :

1. Ujian Semester : 50 %

2. Ujian Tengah Semester : 20 %

3. Tugas-tugas : 20 %

4. Kehadiran di kelas : 10 %


1. MSS Marine Safety Service Founded in 1967 and specilices in Safety Training and Safety Audits Onboard and Ashore. First Published in
1995 ISBN 0.9526070 0 X. Copyright 1995 Bitung, .....................................

Kepala SMK Maritim Polaris Bitung

Silabus Matematika Terapan 5

Oukke J.L.Sigar, S.Pd
NIP. 196310161989031008
Silabus Matematika Terapan 6

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