06.silabus Budaya Keselamatannautika
06.silabus Budaya Keselamatannautika
06.silabus Budaya Keselamatannautika
Semester : -
Demonstrates a Communications Ceramah Communications menjelaskan Uraian
knowledge and and Teamwork. -listens to others tentang cara
understanding of Self Assessmnet Diskusi -does not keep problems to meningkatkan
Communications him or herself
Questionaire communication
and Teamwork -tells people what he or she
wants in a direct manner skills disertai
-presents a balanced picture contoh
Has commond of english
language and other language Mempraktikkan
as appropriate for the
Teamwork Understanding
-helps / trains inexperienced that teamwork is a
crew members to acquire process which can
knowledge be learnt
-works with others in an
enthusiastics manner
-shares information that
could benefit other officers
and ratings or company
-solves conflict
Demonstrates a Factors behind Ceramah - Ability Menjelaskan
knowledge and human error - social tentang macam-
understanding Diskusi - Legislation macam factor
of Factors - ship Condition
behind human
behind human Tanya - Help
error jawab - Culture error
masalah human
Komponen penilaian perkuliahan ini meliputi frekuensi kehadiran mahasiswa, keaktifan di kelas, pemahaman dan penyelesaian suatu kasus, resume
buku/makalah kelompok/makalah individual, diskusi, ujian tengah semester dan ujian semester dengan bobot penilaian sebagai berikut :
1. Ujian Semester : 50 %
3. Tugas-tugas : 20 %
4. Kehadiran di kelas : 10 %
1. MSS Marine Safety Service Founded in 1967 and specilices in Safety Training and Safety Audits Onboard and Ashore. First Published in
1995 ISBN 0.9526070 0 X. Copyright 1995 Bitung, .....................................