Ncbts Form
Ncbts Form
Ncbts Form
Department of Education
Region I
Laoag City
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Performance Indicators
Very G
4 3 2 1
1.1 Acts a role model for students 1.1.1 Abides and implements school policies and procedures
1.1.2 Attends classes and school activities regularly
1.1.3 Demonstrates punctuality & promptness, honesty and integrity,
dedication and commitment
* submission of required reports and forms
* reporting to school
* attending school gatherings
* posting of grades
1.1.4 Observes regular attendance
1.1.5 Maintains appropriate appearance
* follows dress code
* observes proper grooming
1.1.6 Recognizes the effect of one's behavior on students/manifests
behavior that elicits positive influence on the students
Rating = (Sub-Total / 6)
4 3 2 1
2.1 Makes the physical environment safe and 2.1.1 Maintains a safe, clean and orderly classroom free from hazards
conducive to learning. & distractions i.e. video computer games, billiard halls,
videoke joints.
2.1.2 Provides challenging curricular and co-curricular activities given
the physical environment.
2.2 Establishes and maintain consistent 2.2.1 Handles behavior prblems quickly and with due respect to
standards of learner's beahvior. children's rights.
2.2.2 Gives timely feedback and reinforcement appropriate to learner's
2.2.3 Guides individual learners towards development of appropriate
social and learning behavior
2.2.4 Communicates and implements school policies & procedures
for classroom behavior
2.3 Creates an environment that promotes 2.3.1 Maintains a learning environment of courtesy and respect for
fairness different learners (e.c. ability, culture and gender)
2.3.2 Provides gender-fair opportunities for learning
2.3.3 Recognizes the strengths in every learner
Rating = (Sub-Total / 9)
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Performance Indicators
Very G
4 3 2 1
3.1 Recognizes learner's background know- 3.1.1 Uses information on the learning styles and requirements of
ledge and experiences learners to design and select learning experiences
3.1.2 Sets goals that define appropriate expectations for all learners
3.1.3 Paces lessons appropriate to strengths and weaknesses, needs
and difficulties of learners through varied/differentiated activities
3.1.4 Uses appropriate learning approaches for learner's special needs
3.1.5 Demonstrates sensitivity and responsiveness to multi-cultural
background of learners
3.1.6 Respects different religious beliefs held by learners
3.2 Demonstrates concern for holistic develop- 3.2.1 Sets clear, challenging and achievable expectations on the holis-
ment of learners tic development of all learners
3.2.2 Identifies learning gaps and takes actions to enable learners to
catch up
3.2.3 Employs integrative and interactive strategies for meaningful and
holistic development of learners
3.2.4 Recognizes/demonstrates sensitivity to unusual behavior of
learners and takes appropriate action
3.3 Recognizes the learning needs of adults 3.3.1 Intensifies and expands the ALS program
and OSY's in the community 3.3.2 Conducts massive campaign for participation in the accreditation
and Equivalency (A&E), literacy cum-livelihood and other certifi-
cate programs
Rating = (Sub-Total / 12)
The domain of Curriculum refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work in convergence to help students
attain high standards of learning and understanding of the curricular goals and objectives. These elements include the
teacher's knowledge of subject matter, teaching-learning approaches and activities, instructional materials and learning
4 3 2 1
4.1 Sets clear and appropriate learning goals 4.1.1 Sets clear learning goals and expectations (moved from 4.3.1) /
for the lessons communicates clearly to the learner
4.1.2 Links the goals with the expectations of every learner
4.2 Demonstrates mastery of the subject 4.2.1 Delivers accurate and updated content knowledge using appro-
priate methodologies, approaches and strategies
4.2.2 Integrates language, literacy and numeracy skill development and
values in his/her subject area
4.2.3 Links the current content with past and future lessons
4.2.4 Aligns the teaching methods, learning activities and instructional
materials or resources appropriate to learners with lesson
4.2.5 Creates situations that encourage learners to use high order
thinking skills
4.2.6 Engages and sustains learners' interest in the subject by making
content meaningful and relevant to them
4.2.7 Shows familiarity with scholarly works on the subject
4.3 Selects teaching methods, learning activi- 4.3.1 Translates learning competencies to instructional objectives
vities and instructional materials or 4.3.2 Selects, prepares and utilizes instructional materials
resources appropriate to leaners and 4.3.3 Uses a variety of teaching approaches and techniques appro-
aligned to objectives of the lesson. priate to the subject matter and the learners
4.3.4 Provides activities and uses materials which fit the learners'
learning styles, goals and culture
4.3.5 Provides activities and uses materials which involve students
in meaningful learning
Rating = (Sub-Total / 14)
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Performance Indicators
Very G
4 3 2 1
5.1 Develops and uses a variety of appropriate 5.1.1 Prepares and conducts formative and summative tests
assessment strategies to monitor and 5.1.2 Employs non-traditional assessment techniques (portfolio,
evaluate learning. journals, rubrics, etc.)
5.1.3 Interprets and uses assessment results to improve teaching
and learning.
5.1.4 Identifies teaching-learning difficulties and possible causes and
takes appropriate action to address gaps.
5.2 Monitors regularly and provides feedback 5.2.1 Provides timely and accurate feedback to learners to encourage
on learners them to reflect on and monitor their own learning growth
5.2.2 Keeps accurate records of grades/performance levels of learners
5.3 Communicates promptly and clearly to 5.3.1 Conducts regular meetings with learners and parents to report
learners, parents and superiors about learners' progress
progress of learners 5.3.2 Involves parents participation in school activities that promote
5.3.3 Provides progress reports to superiors
Rating = (Sub-Total / 9)
4 3 2 1
6.1 Establishes learning environments that 6.1.1. Shares with community in accountability for the learners'
repond to the aspirations of the community achievement
6.1.2 Mobilizes community resources (human, material) in the Brigada
Eskuwela, Adopt-a-School Program and Sagip Eskuwela to
support learning
6.1.3 Uses the community as a laboratory for learning
6.1.4 Participates in community acitivities that promote learning
6.1.5 Uses community networks to publicize school events and
6.2 Taps existing organizations and other 6.2.1 Establishes a School Governing Council (SGC)
stakeholders in addressing the needs and 6.2.2 Conducts an advocacy campaign and orients the school commu-
problems of schools nity on the roles and functions of the SGC
6.2.3 Guides the SGC in the performance of its functions
Rating = (Sub-Total / 8)
Strands of Desired Teaching Performance Performance Indicators
Very G
4 3 2 1
7.1 Takes pride in the nobility of teaching as a 7.1.1 Maintains proper stature and behavior that upholds the dignity of
profession teaching / articulates and demonstrates one's personal philosophy
of teaching
7.1.2 Manifests personal qualities such as enthusiasm, flexibility and
7.1.3 Maintains stature & behavior that upholds the dignity of teaching
7.1.4 Allocates time for personal and professional development through
* participation in educational seminars and workshops
* enrolment in short-term courses and post graduate programs
* reading educational materials regularly
* engaging in educational research
7.2 Builds professional links with colleagues 7.2.1 Participates actively in professional teacher organizations
to enrich teaching practice 7.2.2 Updates oneself about recent developments in education / keeps
abreast with the recent trends and developments in education
7.3 Reflects on the extent of the attainment of 7.3.1 Evaluates oneself on the quality of his/her own teaching
learning goals 7.3.2 Submits oneself for evaluation by students, peers and superiors /
strives to obtain favorable rating by students, peers and superiors
7.3.3 Accepts personal accountability for learners' achievement
7.3.4 Uses self-evaluation to recognize and correct weaknesses
Rating = (Sub-Total / 10)
Descriptive Rating
Percentage is used because the number of performance indicators varies in the different domains/strands.