Grade 7 Prefix and Suffix

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Prefix and Suffix

▪A prefix is a letter or group of letters
which is added to the beginning of a
word in order to form a different word.
Un +
Happy = Unhappy
Not + Happy = Not happy
Un(Not) + Sent = Not sent
Re- means to do again
Re + Paint = Repaint
Again + Paint = Paint again
Re (Again) Read = Read again
Dis- to negate or remove
Dis +
connect = Disconnect
remove + connect = Have no connection
Remove from connection

Dis remove) +
(Negate/ arm
= Disarm
Remove a
Ex- means out
Ex + friend = Ex-friend
Out + friend = circle of friends.
Out from your

Ex (out) + claim = Exclaim

To cry out, speak in strong
or sudden emotion
En- put into or put on
En + circle = Encircle
Put on + circle = Put on circle
En (put on)+ danger = Endanger
Put into danger
A- not, without
A + historic = Ahistoric
Without/not + historic = Without connection
in history
Without/ theist
A not = Atheist
Without religion
▪A suffix is a letter or group of letters
which is added at the end of a word in
order to form a different word.
Ness- condition or state
Happy + ness = Happiness
Happy + Condition = Condition of being
Ill + ness (Condition)= Illness
Condition of being
ed- past tense
Shout + ed = Shouted
Shout + Past tense= “Shout” action is
Play + ed (Past tense) = Played
“Play” action is
ment- condition/result
Argue + ment = Argument
Argue + condition = Condition of exchanging
opposite views.
Content+ ment (condition) = Contentment
A condition of
feeling satisfied.
ful- full of
hand + ful = handful
hand + Full of = Hand is full
fear + ful (full of) = Fearful
Full of fear.
ary- of, or relating to
Vision + ary =of, Visionary
Vision + Relating to = or imagination.
relating to visions

Mission +ary(relating to) = Missionary

Of, or relating to
religious missions.
al- relating to
Voice + al = relating
Voice + Relating to = to human
Tribe + al (relating to) = Tribal
relating to tribes.
Here is some list of root words. Add a suitable
prefix and suffix to form a new word.

Enjoy______ ____Kind
Music______ ____Throne
Heat_____ ____Chromatic
Thank You!

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