Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8 - Second Grading I. Objectives
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8 - Second Grading I. Objectives
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 8 - Second Grading I. Objectives
I. Objectives
Materials: Visual aids, Manila and cartolina paper flaps, chalk and board
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Assignment
B. Pre-Reading
a. Unlocking of Difficulties
b. Motivation
Binary Game
In this activity, students will tell the binary opposites of the different ideas below:
Positive- North-
Darkness- Life-
C. Reading
The teacher will be the one to read the poem then he will call someone to continue until
the end. The teacher will ask questions every phrase.
D. Post-Reading
The teacher will ask the students to paraphrase or re-state a particular line from the poem.
After the students gave their idea or interpretation about the line, the teacher will also share his
thought about the particular line.
IV. Evaluation
Life and Death Concept Map
The students will choose any line from the poem, and then they will interpret what it
means through the form of drawing.
Direction: Choose a particular line from the poem. In a short bond paper, interpret your
chosen line through the form of drawing.
V. Assignment
Read and analyze the story of Makato and the Cowrie Shell pp. 137-139