LP#1 English Lit G7
LP#1 English Lit G7
LP#1 English Lit G7
1. Define Haiku poetry
2. Identify the form and structure of haiku poetry
3. Compose a haiku poem
A. Motivation
Ask the class what are their favorite poem(s). Present three words, could be adjectives
or verbs and challenge them to create a poem using those three words.
B. Presentation
Ask the class if they are familiar with Haiku Poetry.
C. Discussion
• Have students read the Introduction and Definition sections of the Study.com
text lesson What Is Haiku Poetry? - Definition & Examples. (This is a video presentation
using the projector)
• As the students that are reading, write the following on the board:
o Line 1: 5 syllables
o Line 2: 7 syllables
o Line 3: 5 syllables
• Now ask students to think of one important moment in their lives and compose
a haiku poem about it using the guidelines listed on the board.
• When all students have finished their haiku poems, ask them to read the
Examples and Lesson Summary sections of the text lesson.
• Have the students share their haiku poems with the class.
D. Generalization/Conclusion
• Ask the students to define the Haiku
• Ask the students what are the composition and structure of a Haiku poem
• Show some example and let them identify the Haiku poem. Now have them
analyze the form of each poem. Do they follow the 5-7-5 pattern?
1. Compose 5 Haiku poems using their favorite/inspired word following the 5-7-5 pattern.
(Let them freely choose their main subject)
Advance study about what is a Ballad poem.
Prepared by:
Unit Earner