CALM Intro Assignment - Noble

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You have just watched a film that contained many messages

about how individuals pursue their goals and dreams, despite
obstacles that may appear to block their paths. This reflective
assignment is to encourage you to think about some personal
challenges that you have encountered, and to write about the
goals you set to meet these challenges.

* Each paragraph needs to be at least 3 sentences long *

Paragraph #1
Briefly review the film you watched. Identify one character who met a challenge and
three things you observed about that character.

Paragraph #2
Briefly describe yourself and near the end of this description, connect yourself to the
character mentioned in Paragraph #1.

Paragraph #3
Identify a personal challenge in your past - or perhaps something that is occurring for
you now. You might want to write about your feelings at the time, who were your
support people and what you did to help yourself at time. Maybe you set a goal-
describe how you met the goal.

Paragraph #4
Now you need to identify what you learned from the character in the film and what you
learned from meeting your own personal challenge. Relate the connection.

Paragraph #5
Some say that when you teach someone else what you have learned through
personal experience that you have truly learned. Define what it is that you would
teach /or how you would assist another person going through a similar challenge as

Assignment Due Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Total Marks: /15


Excellent Proficient Satisfactory No Evidence

5/5 3/5 2/5 0/5

Identification Three character Two to three One to two No character traits

traits are well character traits are character trait is are adequately
of character supported with well supported with adequately supported with
traits and accurate accurate supported with accurate
connection to information from information from information from information from
the film. A clear the film. A the film. the film. No
your personal connection is made somewhat clear Connection to your connection to your
life to your personal connection is made personal life is personal life is
life. to your personal unclear. made.

Details for the Relevant, telling, Supporting details Supporting details Supporting details
quality details give and information are and information are and information are
challenge the reader relevant, about the relevant, but typically unclear or
faced in your important challenge faced in several key issues not related to the
life information about your life and what are unsupported film.
the challenge faced you learned from about the challenge
in your life and the film. faced in your life
what you learned . and what you
from the film. learned from the

Writing Uses well- Few grammatical Fragmented Errors prevent

formed sentences errors. Doesn’t sentences reader
Mechanics & with no meet all with frequent from understanding
Guidelines grammatical of the required grammatical content of
errors. All required Assignment errors and the assignment.
assignment paragraph many of the
paragraph guidelines met. required
guidelines followed. assignment
guidelines not

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