University of Cagayan Valley College of Maritime Education

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University of Cagayan Valley

College of Maritime Education

Letter to the Respondents

February 9, 2017

Dear Respondent:

We are presently accomplishing our thesis entitled,

Satisfaction Level on Marine Transportation in the
University of Cagayan Valley in partial fulfillment of
the degree, Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation.

In this connection, we would like to solicit your

cooperation to answer the attached questionnaire. Rest
assured that all the information/data will be treated
with strictest confidentially.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Very truly yours,

Joey B Pamittan

Jaylord C Pauig

John Mark C Tambasacan

University of Cagayan Valley
College of Maritime Education

Letter of Intent
February 9, 2017



College of Maritime Education

University of Cagayan Valley


We are presently accomplishing our thesis entitled,

Satisfaction Level on Marine Transportation in the
University of Cagayan Valley in partial fulfillment of
the degree, Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation.

In this connection, request permission to conduct our

study to the third year students of BS Marine
Transportation. Rest assured that all the
information/data will be treated with strictest

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Very truly yours,

Joey B Pamittan

Jaylord C Pauig

John Mark C Tambasacan

University of Cagayan Valley
College of Maritime Education


Part I. Profile of the Respondents

1. Age: ___________
2. Gender:
( ) Male
( ) Female
3. Civil Status:
( ) Single
( ) Married
( ) Widow/er
( ) Others (specify)______
4. Parents Highest Educational Attainment:


( ) No Formal Education
( ) Elementary Undergraduate
( ) Elementary Graduate
( ) High School Undergraduate
( ) High School graduate
( ) College graduate
( ) College Undergraduate
( ) Others___________________________


( ) No Formal Education
( ) Elementary Undergraduate
( ) Elementary Graduate
( ) High School Undergraduate
( ) High School graduate
( ) College graduate
( ) College Undergraduate
( ) Others___________________________

5. Occupation:


( ) Government Employees
( ) Private Employees
University of Cagayan Valley
College of Maritime Education

( ) Self Employed
( ) Farmer
( ) Housewife
( ) Others__________________


( ) Government Employees
( ) Private Employees
( ) Self Employed
( ) Farmer
( ) Housewife
( ) Others__________________

Part II. Level of Satisfaction of the Respondents in the

Marine Transportation in terms of:

A. Maritime Instructor

Directions: Please check the box that corresponds to your

answer on the indicated operations. Use the scale below.

Descriptive Scale Numerical Scale

Very Competent 3
Competent 2
Not competent 1

Indicators 3 2 1
1. Mastery of the subject
2. Relevance of the topic
3. Comprehensiveness of topic/session discussed
4. Appropriate use of examples, anecdotes and
practices to explain key concepts or ideas
5. Ability to encourage participation
6. Ability to communicate ideas clearly
7. Ability to answer questions convincingly
8. Openness to suggestions and comments from
9. Ability to encourage critical and/or creative
10. Effective use of instructional aids e.g. OHP,
Films, Flip Charts etc
11. Topics/subject matter presented are in
University of Cagayan Valley
College of Maritime Education

sequential order
12. Topics/subject matter presented are in
logical order
13. Time Management
14. Appropriateness of attire/grooming
15. Inclusion of related current events in the

B. Maritime Facilities

Indicators 3 2 1
1. The classroom is spacious enough to accommodate
the ideal number of students
2. The classroom is properly ventilated
3. The classroom is clean and free from unwanted
pests e.g. flies, cockroaches etc
4. The classroom is properly lighted
5. There are enough number of chairs and tables
6. The sound system and microphone are functional
7. The laptop units are available
8. The multi-media projectors are working
9. The whiteboards and flip charts are available
10. There are enough comfort rooms for the use
of the students and instructors
11. There is an accessible library with
sufficient books and references
12. There is a multi-purpose hall
13. The mass hall is clean and free from
unwanted pests e.g. flies, cockroaches etc
14. The gymnasium is available
15. The sports facilities are accessible e.g.
basketball, tennis court etc

C. Maritime Training Program

Indicators 3 2 1
University of Cagayan Valley
College of Maritime Education

1. The Program Of Instruction is responsive to the

needs of the students
2. The objectives of the training are usually
3. The subjects are properly sequenced
4. The methods of instruction are suitable
5. The time allotted is strictly observed
6. The training schedule is strictly observed
7. The training program is updated with current
trends and issues
8. The training program includes a research based
output to develop their output based competency
of the students
9. The training program and instructors are
evaluated by the students
10. The results of evaluation are properly
analyzed for improvement purposes

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