Group 6 Suggestions N

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Olympia, Rezzie B.

Eleccion, Ivy Mae J.

Yabo, Theresa Jane B.

Tradio, Rosario A.

Napalla, Kaycee B.

Efondo, Jhon Nino

Barroman, Britt Allin



Municipality of Lila

October, 2019

A Thesis Presented to
the Principal and Faculty
Senior High School
Lila National High School

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirement for the Subject
Practical Research 2

October, 2019

Education plays a great role in the development of a person. Its purpose

is to train learners on how to formulate solutions, to every problem, how to be

independent, how to apply what they learned in school in real life situations, and

how to understand things which are useful to one’s or anyone’s life. You cannot

learn just by simply being told what to do or simply observe other’s, you have to

practice and study frequently.

According to Looyeh et al., (2015) study habits contribute significantly in

development of knowledge and perceptual capacities. Study habits are the

methods of study used by students during an academic course within an

appropriate environment. Study habits tell a person that how much he/she will

learn and how far he/she wants to go, and how he/she to learn. According also

to Looyeh et al., (2015) academic performance is a skill that students obtain

from school, college, and university through the time spent in the school or

classroom, lab or the library.

Churcher et al., (2014) both students’ and teachers have responsibilities

which they must perform in order for students to achieve academic excellence.

The teacher’s responsibility is to teach the students through lectures and by

making himself available to help the student outside the class while the students’
responsibility is to study the lesson taught in class. A student cannot learn even

from best teacher if he does not study.

Develop Good Study Habits (2017, January 05) students who maintain

good study habits are becoming fewer and fewer. Developing good study habits

these days are hard. Some students prefer doing social activities than studying

at home and study.

According to Grohol (2018) students nowadays grapple with many issues

in their lives, and become of all the competing things for their attention, it’s hard

to concentrate on studying. And yet if students are in school they have to do at

least a little studying in order to progress from year to year. According also to

Grohol (2018) the key to effective studying isn’t cramming or studying longer

but studying smarter. (feel nako kay pang RRL)

As we have observed, student nowadays lose their interest in studying

because of various negative reasons. The researcher wants to give solutions to

these issues and help students with their learning skills and pursue them to

study hard. This study would help lots of students with their difficulties in school

and help them develop and improve their learning skills.

Theoretical Background

There are some theories presented by the researchers to reflect and

understand the existing knowledge. These are interrelated concepts that further

explains the study about students’ study habits and their academic


Jean Piaget’s (1932) Cognitive Developmental Theory, children are

active and motivated learners. He developed the idea of “cognitive

constructivism”. It means that students continuously developed through their

surroundings or environment. There are four stages of cognitive development:

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete and formal. This theory has been used

to explain mental processes which develop the learnings of an individual.

Jerome Bruner’s (1966) what theory? investigated on how a learner

present their knowledge through their way of mindset. It involves the

experiences that makes the student willing to learn. His theory presents that

learners construct new concepts through their existing knowledge. He studied

several motivations for learning because his idea explained that interest in the

subject matter is very essential. Bruner proposed three modes of representation

on cognitive development of children: enactive representation, and symbolic

representation. “Bruner’s states that a theory of instruction should address four

major aspects: (1) predisposition towards learning, (2) the ways in which a body
of knowledge can be structured so that it can be most readily grasped by the

learner, (3) the most effective sequences in which to present material, and (4)

the nature and pacing of rewards and punishments.”

Herbert Walberg’s (1981) Theory of Educational Productivity

investigated on how to make learning more effective and productive and the

influential variables of learning. There are 9 influential factors affecting the

academic performance of the students that requires optimization to attain

academic achievements in school. “These nine factors are potent, consistent

and widely generalizable”. The 9 factors include: ability, development,

motivation, quantity of instruction, home environment, classroom or school

environment, peer group and mass media environment.

“Of the 11 most influential domains of variables, 8 involved social-emotional

influences: classroom management, parental support, student-teacher

interactions, social-behavioral attributes, motivational effective attributes, the

peer group, school culture, and classroom climate (Greenberg et al., 2003).”

Legal Basis

Education Act of 1982 Chapter 3 Section 15, students have duties and

responsibilities in school. It stated that “every student shall:

(1) Exert his utmost to develop his potentialities for service, particularly by

undergoing an education suited to his abilities, in order that he may become an

asset to his family and to society.

(2) Uphold the academic integrity of the school endeavor to achieve academic

excellence and abide by the rules and regulations governing his academic

responsibilities and moral integrity.”

Review of Related Literature

Education is one of the most important things in life that a student or

individual must have. Study Habits plays a great role in having a good grade

and in achieving life goals. According to Venturina (2014) students high school

life will be meaningful and challenging if one has established a proper and

efficient study habits. Also, it is a pre – requisite on attaining a successful and

prosperous life in the near future.

Becton Loveless (2019) states that the key to become an effective

student is learning how to study smarter, not harder. An hour or two of studying

a day is usually efficient to make it through high school with satisfactory grades.

Applying an effective study habits, majority of students will achieve their

success. Don’t get discouraged, don’t give up, just work hard to develop study

habit to become a successful student.

Azikiwe (1998) describes the study habit as “the adopted way and

manner, a student plans his private readings after classroom learning so as to

attain mastery of the subject.” According to her, good study habits are good

assets to learners because the assist students to attain mastery areas of

specialization and consequent excellent performance while opposite constitute

constraints to learning and achievement leading to failure.

Pak Lee (2010) states that students with higher academic performance

are more motivated to learn and are more positive about their own study habits.

Higher achievers tend to give themselves higher self – evaluation scores in time

management, concentration, memory, note taking, test strategies, test anxiety,

organizing and processing information.

Mapua (2016) studying is the best way to grow and attain achievements

as a student. There are some tips to improve study habits, 1; Self – control you

should know how to manage yourself to study and it will help you become a

decent working professional in the future. 2; Patience learn to forgive yourself

for making errors or for taking a little bit more time in learning a subject, as it will

definitely bear some fruit in the future. 3; Time Management one simply has to

learn time management in order to be able to juggle both personal and school

life. Studying is one of the most beneficial hobbies to pick up. Students who

spend more time studying end up becoming more successful than those who


Perez (2018) studying is a vital element in earning good ratings and

performing well in school. Everyone studies differently, some individuals like to

have music or loud sounds around them because it allows them to focus, while

others may like to be in complete silence as to not be distracted.

Churcher et al., (2014) study habits are too numerous to the benefits of

students in general. A good study habit helps a student to be academically

oriented. Student with good study habit and with negative self – conception of

their ability seldom succeeds in school. Once a student starts inculcating a good

study habit, the student will automatically begin to associate it with the reward

it brings.

According to the article by the administrator of Australia edu (2008) about

study habits, “Effective study habits are very important part of learning process.”

Academic dishonesty in school may be avoided if good study habits is promoted

that let the students know that good study habits is essential. However, students

with learning problems may have ineffective and inefficient study skills. Students

must be aware of their learning style to help them understand why they get

frustrated with just common study procedures. Good study habits are giving all

subjects equal treatment and attention. For students to achieve educational

goals, hard work, motivation, and good study habits must be improved and

nurtured by every student.

Related Studies

According to the study of Silverrajoo and Hassan (2018) this does not

mean that study habit never helped the students in raising their grade. Students
have different academic objective, some students wanted to score high mark in

all subjects, some wanted to pass and there are students who are not interested

because students’ study unwillingly. This can be the reasons for students to

practice different study habits in different level.

According to the study of Abastillas et al., (ND) there is positive

relationship between study habits and academic performance and if a student

has a good study habits then he/she would have a good academic performance.

According to the study of Looyeh et al., (2015) student study habits are

relatively good on average level, owing to the existence of a significant

relationship between study habits and academic performance.

According to the study of Rabia et al., (2017) a good study habit is the

key to high grades. Reading textbooks or notes, slides before coming to class

is a way to improve studies. The school environment, student personality and

poor group affect the reading habits of students. Late night studies are harmful

to students’ health. Studying alone is better for performance. Family background

is one of the reasons for students’ performance. More participation to class is

also a reason for good performance.

According to Akhtar and Aziz (2011) parent and peer pressure affect the

academic achievements of the students. Parent pressure affect the academic

performance of the students positively, while peer pressure affects the

academic performance of the students negatively.

Culler and Holahan (2016) studied the relationship between the level of

test anxiety to college students and its affect to their academic performance and

study related behaviors. Students who have higher test anxiety were found to

be lacking in their study behaviors and academic performance than those who

have lower test anxiety.

Temur (2017) investigated the relationship between students’

metacognition levels and their study habits and attitude. Metacognition has

demonstrated the value of monitoring one’s own cognitive processes (Collete

A. Daiute). The study concluded that “there is a medium positive relationship

between metacognitive knowledge and skills and study habits, study attitudes

and study orientation.” The study also resulted that there is no significant

relationship between metacognition and academic performance for students

with poor performance in school but there is a significant relationship between

metacognition and academic performance for students who are active and

achievers in school.

Mendezabal (2013) study on Study Habits and Attitudes: The Road to

Academic Success concluded that academic achievement does not only need

high cognitive ability but also depended on study habits and attitudes of the

students. There is a significant correlation between the study habits and

attitudes of the students to their academic performance. To improve the

efficiency and quality of education, there is a need to enhance the study habits

and attitudes of the students. Developmental programs may help students make
efficient and effective study habits and positive attitudes towards school and

Research Flow

Jean Piaget (1932)
Cognitive Developmental LEGAL BASES
Theory Education Act of 1982
Jerome Bruner (1996) Chapter 3 Section 15
Constructivist Theory Duties and Responsibilities
of Students
Herbert Walberg (1981)
Educational Productivity

Data On
Study Habits questionnaire score
Average Grade
Academic Performance

Statistical Treatment
Descriptive Correlational Research Design
Data Gathering
Data Interpretation

Proposed Action Plan
Statement of the Problem
The main thrust of this study is to analyze the study habits and academic

performance of junior high school students of Lila National High School.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following sub problems:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;
1.2 sex;
1.3 grade level? ( suggestion rani nako pod)

1. What is the student perception on study habits in terms of?

1.1 Reading Text Books ;

1.2 Taking Notes ;

1.3 Studying ;

1.4 Memorizing ;

1.5 Preparing for Test ;

1.6 Managing your Time ?

2. What is the Academic Performance during the 1st and 2nd quarter?

3. Is there a significant relationship between students’ study habits and

academic performance?

4. Is there a significant relationship among the different study habits?

5. What plan of action will be proposed on the basis of findings?

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between students’ study

habits and academic performance.

Significance of the Study

The researches believe that the findings of the study would benefit and

provide essential information for students, parents, teachers, and other

researcher on students’ study habits and academic performance.

Students. They will be able to widen their perception on study habits and

improve their academic performance in school. Also, a student will gain

knowledge that good study habits have a good effect on the academic

performance of the students.

Teachers. This will help them guide their students’ to be responsible as

a student. They can teach their student to study well and guide them to what is

right. Students will be active in school and there will be more interactions with

the teachers.

Parents. They can help the students with their study habits and persuade

them to study well in school.

Future Researchers. This study may serve as a resource material for

others who wish to carry out research related in this study. Researcher can

enhance this study for better contribute to the body of knowledge


Research Design

This study will use the Descriptive Correlational Studies in its attempt to

determine and analyze relationships between study habits and academic


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the junior high school students of Lila National

High School SY 2019 – 2020. The researcher used stratified random sampling

in choosing the respondents.

Table 1
Subject of the Study

Research Environment

This study was conducted at Lila National High School, located at

Poblacion, Lila, Bohol that is 28.3 km away from Tagbilaran City and is very

adjacent to Lila Central Elementary School.

. ( please include the number of students in shs and jhs and teachers of the


Research Instruments
This study used the standardized questionnaire of Palsane and Sarma

Study Habits and Inventory (PSSHI) with the application of multiple choice with

three choices ranging from ✔rarely, ✔sometimes and ✔often.

The statements were divided into six sections of study habits consisting of

reading textbooks, taking notes, studying, memorizing, preparing for tests, and

managing time. Each section has 5 questions and a total of 30 questions in the


(Please include Parameters and interpretation)

Data Gathering Procedure

Phase 1. Approval of the conduct of the study. The researcher must

write a letter of consent to the school principal for conducting the survey. Once

the principal approved the letter, the data collection will be done immediately by

the researcher.

Phase 2. Conduct of the survey. The researcher must present the letter

of approval to the teacher in the class before conducting a survey. The

researcher must ask the permission of the students. If the student will agree,

the researcher will present an overview on what is the purpose of conducting

the study. Then, the researchers must distribute the survey questionnaire and

conduct the study. Survey questionnaire were immediately retrieved after the

study is being conducted.

Phase 3. Data Mining. The researcher will check the students’ answered

survey questionnaire to obtain their survey result and analyzed if there will be a

significant relationship between the study habits and academic performance of

the junior high students’.

(Phase 5. Retrieving the grades? ) how about this?

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance – refers to the performance of the students in school.

- refers to the 1st semester/ 1st grading average grade

of the junior high students.

Students – refers to the respondents of the study which is the junior high

students of Lila National High School.

Study Habits – refers to the act of gaining information.

- refers to the perception of students in terms of reading textbooks,

taking notes, studying, memorizing, preparing for text and

managing your time.

Name: ________________________ Gender: Male __ Female __
Grade& Section: ________________ 1st Grading Ave. Grade: ____
We wish to know your study habits so that we may know if there is a
significant relationship between study habits and academic performance.
Please choose your answer honestly. Your cooperation is absolutely needed.
Direction: Please put a check mark () on the right column.

Reading Text Books Rarely Sometimes Often

1. I browse the headings, picture, charts,
questions and summaries before I start
reading a chapter.
2. I make questions from a chapter before,
during and after reading it.
3. I try to get the meaning of new words as
I see them for the first time.
4. I look for familiar concepts as well as
ideas that spark my interest as I read.
5. I look for the main ideas as I read.
Taking Notes Rarely Sometimes Often
6. I take notes as I read my text books.
7. I take notes during class lectures.
8. I rework, rewrite, or type up my notes.
9. I compare my notes with my
10. I try to organize main ideas and details
into a meaningful method.
Studying Rarely Sometimes Often
11. I study where it is quiet and has few
12. I study for a length of time then take a
short break before returning to studying.
13. I have all my supplies handy when I
study, such as pens, paper and
14. I set study goals, such as
the number of problems I will do or
pages I will read.
15. I study at least two hours for every hour
I am in class each week.
Memorizing Rarely Sometimes Often
16. I try to study during my personal peak
energy time to increase my
concentration level.
17. I quiz myself over material that could
appear on future exams or quizzes.
18. I say difficult concepts out loud in order
to understand them better.
19. I summarize my notes into my own
words, for better understanding.
20. I try to create associations between new
material I am trying to learn an
information I already know.
Preparing for Test Rarely Sometimes Often
21. I study with a classmate or group.
22. When I don’t understand something, I
get help from tutors, classmates and my
23. I do all homework assignments and turn
them in on time.
24. I can easily identify what I have learned
and what I have not yet learned before I
take a test.
25. I anticipate what possible questions
may be asked on my tests and make
sure I know the answers.
Managing your Time Rarely Sometimes Often
26. I use a planner (or other method) to
write down upcoming academic and
personal activities.
27. I use a “to do” list to keep track of
completing my academic and personal
28. I start studying for quizzes and tests at
least several days before I take them.
29. I start papers and projects as soon as
they are assigned.
30. I have enough time for college and fun.

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