Chaldly Jinky Humss Research

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A Research Presented to

The Faculty of Humanity and Social Science

Tabuk City National High School

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirement for the Course

Practical Researc


Leones, Chaldyn Jinky A.

Binoloc, Joseph Mark

Oliganga, Dasiree Kate

Agurin, Roy Rendon

May 2021


A. Background of the Study

The widespread outbreak of the new coronavirus disease known as COVID-19

has first happened at Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan city of China in December
2019, and within several months, it has become a global health emergency. It has
rapidly affected thousands of sick people or being killed due to the spread of this
disease. The COVID-19 pandemic also resulted in widespread disruption such as travel
restrictions, closure of schools, and global economic recession. Currently, in 2019, we
are all suffering from the spread of CoVid19 and because of this, there are many
changes in our daily living as students. Face to face classes have been stopped and
distance learning have been implemented. This study aims to determine the most
preferred learning strategies of the students in their modular distance learning and to
look into the learning strategies of students in their modular learning.

Do you know what modular distance learning is? IT individualized instructions

that allows learners to use self-learning modules in print or digital format/electronic
copy, whichever is applicable to the learner. Usually, teachers will have to deliver
appropriate learning materials. According to Gordon (1998), learning strategy have
effects on educational process and how students perform. Dunn and Griggs (1998)
defined learning strategies as the attitude, favorites, and conductsthat utilize in their
learning. Forever, according to them, to learning method might have a lot or a bit of
differences. For instance, do you remember the name of a person if you see it written
down? If you prefer to learn it by seeing the written name you are a visual learner. If on
the other hand, you prefer to learn it by listening you are an auditory one (Slavin, 2000).

And as a student we have different type of strategies in learning. In learning

trough modular distance learning it makes every student to learn fast and easy. These
are pointers that should be appearing in the study not in the Introduction.
Keep a positive attitude. It is likely that you miss seeing your friends and teachers
on a regular basis. You also are probably going stir-crazy staying at home with fewer
options for going out and having fun. Just remember that your teachers and families are
here to help you during this uncertain time and that eventually the world will get through
the COVID-19 pandemic. Understand your teachers’ expectations. You should make
sure that you understand how your teachers will be teaching and what they expect from
you in terms of participating in lessons, completing assignments, and collaborating with
your peers. If you understand the rules and requirements of distance learning, you are
in a better position to successfully acquire new knowledge and develop new skills.
According to Reid (1987:89) defines "perceptual learning strategies"As the changes
"among learners in using one or more senses to understand, organized, and written
experience". In this paper, the terms "perceptual learning strategies" and "learning
strategies" will be used interchangeably.

Have a dedicated learning space. You will concentrate better if you have a space
that you use only for learning. This space should be different from where you sleep,
relax, or have fun. It should also be quiet and comfortable. You do not want your phone
going off while you are working or your brother or sister distracting you while you are
listening to your teacher. Take breaks for fun and relaxation. Just because you may be
stuck at home does not mean you need to be focused on school work all of the time.
You should take time to stretch and move around every so often rather than sitting in
front of a computer screen for hours upon hours.

Also, be sure to hang out with your family and to call, email, text, or video chat
with your friends to maintain social connections in a time of physical distancing. Ask for
help if you need it. If there is something you do not understand academically or if you
need support processing your feelings and challenges, ask for help. Your teachers and
your families will be more than happy to answer your questions and to provide
assistance as soon as they can and to the best of their abilities. Asking for help is
important for everyone, especially given the uncertainty of the time and the challenges
of physical distancing.
“Researchers and practitioners who have studied and applied learning strategy
instruction in the classroom generally agree on the how of instruction” (Clarke, 2008).
Three components of the skill are considered essential—knowledge of what the strategy
is, how to apply it, and when and where to use it (Jones, Polincsar, Ogle, & Carr, 1987).
Effective instruction must address all three components.

B. Statement of the problem:

Generally, this study was conducted to determine the learning strategies of

students in striving within the modular distance learning. And it aims to study the
following objectives:

1. What are the strategies used by students for their modular distance learning?
2. What are the most, preferred learning strategies used by students?
3. How effective are the strategies in the learning capabilities of the students during
modular distance learning?

C. Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the learning strategies of students in Modular distance

learning and their striving ability to apply each learning within the range of their learning
abilities and the knowledge that they’re comprehending. And was limited to a participant
of 25 students who involved to this study to provide details of experience related to the
objective of the study.

D. Significance of the Study

This study will help to determine the most preferred learning Strategies of students
to their Modular distance learning, their adaptability ability in the process of
understanding their modules will create a concrete determinant of this study. Thus,
student’s cognitive ability will comprehend each of the knowledge that has needed to be
acquired by them in the process. It is also a big help, on educational attainment of
students and also the significant positive and negative state of their abilities and mental
impact of it to the students as a learner. And to the school administrator that establishes
every betterment and improvise learning for the students and teacher’s that has the
power to inculcate such learning to them through Modular distance learning especially
those students who does not have the proper equipment to undergo online learning will
benefit such of them in the process.

The result of the study benefits the following:

School Administrators. This study may provide basis for school administrators in
formulating modules that they distribute to the students.

Faculty- This study reminds the teachers that Modular distance learning is very difficult
in the part of the students. They must be considerate and more patience on how the
students answer their modules.

Students- Students have an essential role in achieving their dreams by educating their
selves even it is difficult. This research encourages them to be more attentive to pursue
their studies. And this is also enlightened and motivate them to take part and be
responsible on what course they decide.

Researchers -The result of this study would provide data and information to the
researchers that may serve as their guide in making recommendation to improve thiier
study about their topic.

Future Researchers- The future researchers can use this study as their reference in
any similar study.



This chapter consists of the researcher design, sampling procedure, data

collection method and data analysis approach. This chapter also distinguished each of
the selected schools were chosen as crucial informants through purposive and quota
sampling. Emails, Google forms, and social media were used to distribute
questionnaires and retrieve data. The questions used in the questionnaires were
localized, which was validated by the researchers’ research advisor. Deductive
Thematic Analysis was used in the interpretation and coding of data.

A. Research Design

This qualitative research used a Deductive Thematic Analysis and

Phenomenology design to explore the research question. This qualitative research let
you understand individual’s life experience. It is because it focuses on understanding
how students handle their situations in their Modular distance learning.

B. Sampling and Instrumentation

The sample data will be distributed through students in different public and
private schools in Tabuk City, and will be obtained from 25 participants through
Snowball Sampling. An interview questionnaire is to be present in this research. It
included open ended and closed ended questions. The researchers will also observe
the participants to gain more data for their research study.

C. Data Collection

A semi-structured interview will be utilized in gathering needed information. Letter

of consent will be given to participants for the completion of the study. Those wishing to
participate in the research shall complete consent forms and return to the researchers.
Interviews will be conducted to participants of Lacnog West, Tabuk City, Kalinga.

D. Data Analysis

The researchers will utilize content analysis because it allows the researchers to
determine the learning strategies of students in Modular distance learning, it is the tool
to analyze findings. Interviews will be recorded to facilitate transcription of date. The
responses in the interview will be translated analyzed and categorized into codes and
Chapter 3


The researchers gathered their data through survey questionnaires distribution

on students who have undergone modular learning in their municipality in Tabuk City,
they are able to contain 25 participants from different schools from public and private.
The researchers make used of survey questionnaire as their instrument in order to
attain the insights and contain knowledge about the strategies used of students in order
to cope within their studies. Face-to-face learning engagement of students and teachers
within the school has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic
has paved the way for implementing Modular Distance Learning as an urgent response
to ensure continuity of education.

The Philippines is adapting to the new standard model of education, and

constant modifications of educators and active engagement of other stakeholders are
the driving force for its success. The primary purpose of this study is to find out the
difficulties faced, views, and suggestions of teachers, parents, and students within the
School Year 2020-2021 in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning. These
provocations, views, and suggestions were distinguished through a mixed quantitative
and qualitative approach by administering surveys to the 25 participants in the selected
schools through quota and purposive sampling. Deductive thematic analysis was used
in the interpretation and coding of data. The main challenges that emerged were

 lack of school funding in the production and delivery of modules,

 student's struggle with self-studying, and
 parents' lack of knowledge to guide their child/children academically.
The study was able to determine the prevailing challenges of the participants in
terms of resources, preparedness, and communication. This study may serve as a
springboard for the future improvements of the schools' existing programs and
guidelines on implementing modular distance learning

From the survey, various challenges were encountered by parents, students, and
teachers in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning.

Tab.1: Students Group

Age 12 y/o 13 y/o 14 y/o 15 y/o 17-18 y/o 17-20
Year Level Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade
No. of 9 4 1 2 6 8
T-n of respondents 30

Table 1 shows the total number of students who participated in this study. Most
of the participants are grade 7 which are 9, followed by 8-12th graders, 6-11th graders,
4-8 th graders, 2-10th graders and the least is only 1-9 th grader. From Fig. 1, it could
be seen that most of the learners are having difficulty in this new learning modality. 90%
of the participants had a hard time answering their modules. Half of them do not have
enough time to accomplish all their modules within a week. They often receive at least 8
modules in all subjects and each module has 3-5 activities. The subject that they are
having greatest difficulty with are Mathematics, followed by History, Entrepreneurship,
and Applied Economics. In Mathematics, some students said that most of the Math
problems are difficult to solve and no detailed explanation is provided. Problem Solving
does not only include and require computation but there is a need to understand and
analyze the problem, it is important that students comprehend the problems (Salma &
Rodrigues, 2012). In History, some learners said that this subject has lengthy readings
and many of the students cannot understand some of the terms used. The questions
are hard as well and there are not enough examples provided. Students have difficulty
in understanding the lessons and history books are lengthy (Tok, B. R 2016).

Lastly, some students have difficulty in Entrepreneurship and Practical Research

because they lack knowledge about business. Furthermore, most of the students cannot
answer all their modules independently; that is why they badly need the assistance of
others. The family members, relatives and friends of the learners play a vital role in
education today. Siblings are at the top of the list helping the learners in answering the
modules followed by friends and classmates. Although 83% of the students said that the
teachers were approachable, some said that the teachers do not immediately respond
to the queries regarding the lessons. Majority (93%) of the learners have gadgets that
could be useful in learning.



From the survey conducted, several recommendations were gathered. The

methods and strategies suggested by the students to school to further improve the
Modular Distance Learning are reduction of activities from the modules, more examples
for each subject, home visitation once a week, limited face-to-face class or Blended
Learning, provision of colored printed modules, immediate information given by
teachers on what to answer in the modules, online consultation with students,
responsiveness of teachers through the use of social media platform, and leniency of
teachers in the submission of students’ outputs. The proposed solutions of parents to
the identified challenges in Modular Distance Learning are reduce/lessen activities in
the modules, take out the unnecessary exercises, Online Learning (a Zoom meeting
with the whole class with the teacher going through the modules with the students,
answering questions and learning the topics together), simplify the modules, implement
blended Learning, consistent instructions in the modules and as much as possible, limit
group activities, give each student ample time to complete all the modules, and give
more examples and explanations
to each of the given activity.

Accordingly, the teachers said that donations, solicitations, and assistance of

PTA and other stakeholders were some of the ways to augment the financial needs of
the school; the government must make the modules as textbooks, and the DepEd must
allocate additional funds for modules. The appropriate interventions to be provided for
struggling learners according to teachers are consistent consultation through text, call,
and through other social media platforms, organization of Community Learning
Facilitators (CLF), home visitation for direct tutorials, simplification of modules, and
immediate note/feedback made by teachers which are written in vernacular language.
For parents, teachers can give them assistance through text and call, community
facilitating, consultation and posting updates on social media, and by giving them words
of encouragement.


The great number of activities in each module is one of the main problems that
emerged in the implementation of Modular Distance Learning. The Department of
Education should consider this problem, reduce the activities, and take out the
unnecessary topics so that mastery will be attained as much as possible. As what some
of the parents said, the lesser the better. One of the concerns of the students is that
they do not have enough time to answer all the modules within a week. Therefore, if
DepEd cannot extend the duration of accomplishing the modules, they must lessen the
activities. We all know that mistakes cannot be avoided at times. Thus, teachers should
the modules, and they must make sure that all the lessons or activities are appropriate
to the needs of the learners. The parents, as well as the students, are right; the
instructions in every exercise must be clear enough for the learners to understand. The
topics must be simplified, and teachers must give more examples. Moreover, all the
printed pictures in the modules should be clear. The cases of COVID-19 in the
Philippines are still in great number, so face to face learning is not yet possible.

However, the researchers think that Blended Learning is also possible for places
that are not infected by the virus. This can be applied to some schools located in rural
areas like other high schools in the country. Online Learning approach could be
implemented in urban areas like BCNHS since most of the learners have an internet
connection. For the students who still cannot access the internet, they will be given
special consideration by home visitation as an example. Aside from text and call, social
media particularly on messenger is one of the most used modes of communication
between teachers, parents, and students. Therefore, teachers are recommended to be
active online most of the time. They must be able to address the sentiments of some
parents and students, which is to be patient enough in attending to the needs and to
respond to the queries immediately with regards to learning. The Department of
Education and the government must collaborate together towards the success of
Philippine Educational System despite the COVID-19 pandemic. It is imperative that
every school must be provided with support and enough funds. The Department of
Education should give autonomy and freedom to teachers in every school to do their
own modules. However, the modules must be validated for the quality assurance and
the progress will be monitored.

Quinones, M. T. (2020, July 3). DepEd clarifies blended, distance learning modalities for
SY 2020- 2021. Philippine Information Agency.
Tria, J. Z. (2020, June 3). The COVID-19 Pandemic through the Lens of Education in
the Philippines: The New Normal. ResearchGate.
h_the_Lens_of_Education_in_the_Philippines_The_New_Normal Wikipedia
contributors. (2020, October 30). COVID-19 pandemic. Wikipedia.
Bernardo, J. (2020, July 30). Modular Learning most preferred parents: DepEd. ABS-
CBN News.
FlipScience. (2020, October 5). 'Tagapagdaloy’: How Filipino parents can help ensure
successful modular distance learning. FlipScience - Top Philippine Science News and
Features for the Inquisitive Filipino.
Llego, MA. (n.d). DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021.
Nardo, M. T. B. (2017, October 20). Modular Instruction Enhances Learner Autonomy.
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Tabuk City National High School
July 08, 2021

Dear Tuga National High School;

St Toni High School:

You are being invited to participate in a research study on people’s experience

on psychosis. In particular, we are interested in how modular learning will also affect
your students like our school is. The interviews will be conducted wherever you prefer
and your convenience, and will be tape-recorded. By participating in this research, you
may also benefit others by helping people to better understand what it is like to
experience of students in home-schooling, and how some students are coping up with
this set-up. Several steps will be taken to protect your anonymity and identity. While the
interviews will be tape-recorded, the tapes will be destroyed once they have been typed
up. The typed interviews will also be kept in a locked filing cabinet at the Tabuk City
National High School, and only the two main researchers and a research assistant
(sworn to confidentiality) will have access to the interviews. All information will be
destroyed after 5 years’ time.

Thank you for your participation and God Bless

Truly Yours,

Leones, Chaldyn Jinky A. Binoloc, Joseph Mark

Oliganga, Dasiree Kate Agurin, Roy Rendon

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