Rizals Time :
Instability of Colonial Administration
The instability of Spanish politics since the turbulent reign of King Ferdinand VII (1808-1833)
marked the beginning of political chaos in Spain.
Human Rights Denied to Filipinos
No Equality Before The Law
Spaniards arrogantly regarded the brown skinned Filipinos as inferior beings.
Spanish Penal Code, which was enforced in the Philippines, particularly imposed heavier
penalties on Native Filipinos or mestizos and lighter penalties on white-complexioned
Maladministration of Justice
The courts of justice in the Philippines during Rizals time were notoriously corrupt.
Justice was costly, partial and slow.
Wealth, social prestige and color of skin were preponderant factors in winning a case in court.
The judicial procedure was so slow and clumsy that it was easy to have justice delayed.
Racial Discrimination
Filipinos as inferior beings who were infinitely undeserving of the rights and privileges that the
white Spaniards enjoyed.
Spaniards called the brown-skinned and flat-nosed Filipinos Indios (Indians), in retaliation, the
Filipinos dubbed their pale-complexioned detractors with the disparaging term bangus
The friars (Augustinians, Dominicans and Franciscans) controlled the religious and educational
life of the Philippines, and later in the 19th century they came to acquire tremendous political
power, influence and riches.
Almost every town in the archipelago, except in Islamic Mindanao and Sulu and in Pagan
hinterlands, was ruled by a friar curate.
According to: https://prezi.com/_sjfwvfaolg-/the-philippines-of-rizals-time-19th-century/
Present time :
I suppose the problem of the Philippine justice system is so complex that one does not know
where to start. It can start with plugging the loopholes on the external side. But this is almost an
impossible task. The other is attacking the problem on the internal side, meaning formation of
consciences of prosecutors and judges. This may even be a bigger task but is possible.
According to :