MatGPR Brief Introduction
MatGPR Brief Introduction
MatGPR Brief Introduction
5: A brief introduction
Andreas Tzanis
Department of Geophysics,
University of Athens
Athens, March 2016
matGPR is a two-layered software system, in which the bottom layer comprises a suite of
functions to handle, display and process the data, while the top layer organizes these functions,
automating data management and streamlining the flow of work by means of a GU Interface.
The design philosophy is quite simple: work flows in a continuous cycle between the Current Input
Data (IPD), i.e. that data before some processing operation (step) and the Output Data (OPD), i.e.
the data resulting from this operation. One imports displays and inspects the IPD. Then one
applies a processing step (procedure) and evaluates the result, which is the OPD. If satisfied, one
may keep the Output DPD replacing the current IPD and repeat the cycle with a new processing
step. If not, you may ignore or discard the result and cycle with another processing step. A multilevel undo/ restore utility is available at any time at which control is returned to the matGPR GUI.
You may save or export the current Input Data via the matGPR GUI. Soft and hard copies of the
current IPD OPD data (and any figure produced during a session), can be made at any time.
2) Mla Geophysics (RAMAC) including 16-bit data stored in *.RD3 files and 32-bit data
stored in *.RD7 files.
3) Sensors and Software (PULSE EKKO / DT1).
4) ZOND (SEG-Y).
5) Seismic Unix (SU).
6) SEG-Y Revision 0 and Revision 1 formats. The integer 16-bit and 32-bit storage formats of
SEG-Y Revision 0 are now supported.
Only single-channel data files are acceptable, inasmuch as matGPR is currently being offered
for zero- or single-offset surveys.
o With reference to RAMAC/ RD3 data, as of Release 3 it is possible to import and
assimilate GPS trace positioning, if available, by decoding the associated .cor file where
GPS information is stored. The positions of the GPS-located traces are projected in the
UTM coordinate system and are treated as marker traces: they are stored in the
IPD.markertr field whence they can be manipulated in various ways.
o With reference to bistatic Pulse Ekko (DT1) radars, only data recorded in reflection mode
(single-offset) are fully supported. Multiple-offset data, (e.g. CMP gathers) can be
imported and displayed, but at this stage of development, matGPR does not offer any
processing utilities beyond rudimentary editing and filtering.
Prior to importing any raw data and at any time during a matGPR session, the user can inspect
the complete information held in the file header of any one of the supported data formats.
Consecutive or broken sections can be joined into a single data set via a specialized GUI.
matGPR can save the IPD either in the native MGP-file format (default), or in MATLAB binary
format (native MAT-file), for long-term storage and fast access during subsequent analysis
sessions. The current IPD can be saved at any time during a processing session.
For distribution or exchange, the data can be exported to SEG-Y Revision 1, SU and DZT 16-bit
SIR-200/300 file format.
It is possible to undo any number of processing steps in order to restore the data to a
previous state. A GUI facilitates this operation and lets the user decide at which state he/she
desires to restore the data. The number of undos is user specified and can be changed during
Data visualization options include image (colour-graded) displays with several colour maps,
wiggle-trace displays, variable-area displays as well as their combinations. Utilities are also
provided to:
o Change the colour map and colour scheme of image displays.
o Edit the colour scheme, zoom, pan, peek elements (pixels) of the data matrix, export the
display in all standard graphics formats, print the display and edit the display figure, the
data axes figure and their children objects.
o Option to assimilate topography into 1-D or 2-D depth migrated data is now included in
the context menu of the Processed Data Figure.
It is also possible to display, zoom, pan, peek, export, print, edit and evaluate:
o Individual IPD and OPD traces.
o Individual IPD and OPD trace spectra.
o The time-frequency characteristics of IPD and OPD traces.
o The attenuation characteristics of the IPD and OPD.
o The instantaneous attributes of the IPD radargram.
o The centroid frequency of the IPD radargram.
o The maximum, minimum, Most Positive and Most Negative Curvature Attributes.
Basic Processing
matGPR offers a collection of rudimentary and data handling (conditioning) procedures that and
Graphically assisted Time-Window Trimming: It is common for the later parts of the
traces to contain noise; matGPR allows one to reduce of the size of the radargram by
discarding late-time arrivals. In combination with time-zero adjustment, this is useful for
extracting a certain part of the data for some specific purpose.
o Graphically assisted Spatial-Window trimming: This allows one to discard traces at the
beginning or the end of the radargram, or extract parts of the radargram to a separate
data set.
o Graphically assisted elimination of errant traces appearing singular or in small groups
(for instance due to the antenna coupling with local ground features or bouncing on
small obstacles).
Per-trace DC component removal
Dewow filtering.
Trace Equalization.
Gain Manipulation with the following options:
o Standard Automatic Gain Control (AGC).
o Gaussian-tapered AGC (Automatic Gain Control).
o Inversion of Amplitude Decay which applies a smooth empirical gain function that
exactly compensates the mean or median amplitude attenuation observed in a
o Inversion of Power Decay which applies an inverse power-law compensation of the
mean or median power attenuation and may also be used for the spherical divergence
Resampling (increase or decrease of the sampling-rate) in time and/or space with band
limited sinc interpolation.
Marker Interpolation and Trace Positioning utilities. These include:
Editing and management of marker traces, i.e. traces whose locations are a priori
assigned with reference to a local coordinate frame.
Importation/replacement of marker trace (positioning) information from a disk file; this
allows preparation of positioning (marker) data independently of the built-in matGPR
marker editing utilities but, more importantly facilitates introduction of updated/more
accurate information so as to reposition the traces.
Transformation of data collected in equal-time spacing mode, to data at equal-distance
spacing for GPR instruments without survey wheels or other automatic triggering
devices. This can be done by piecewise cubic Hermite polynomial interpolation between
marker traces, or by stacking with reference to the location of the marker traces.
Assignment of x, y and z coordinates to the IPD traces by reference to the known coordinates
of marker traces. This information can be used in the application of static corrections (see
below), as well as for 2D and 3D data visualization.
Planning and execution of batch jobs (sequential processing) on single or multiple data sets
(IPDs). All operations available for batch-mode execution pertain to data conditioning; those
manipulating structural or geometric information are deliberately not included in a batch job.
Operations available for execution in batch mode include: 1) Time-zero adjustment; 2) Timewindow trimming; 3) Per-trace subtraction of the DC component; 4) Dewow; 5) Deamplification of raw SIR-200/3000 DZT data; 6) Standard Automatic Gain Control; 7) Gaussiantapered AGC; 8) Amplification by the Inverse Power Decay method; 9) Amplification by the
Inverse Amplitude Decay method; 10) Modification of the sampling rate; 11) Modification of
trace spacing; 12) Trace equalization; 13) Global Background (mean trace) subtraction; 14)
Karhunen Loeve Filtering; 15) FIR Frequency Filtering; 16) B-Spline Wavelet Filtering; 17) F-X
Deconvolution; 187) Predictive Deconvolution 19) 1-D Migration with choice between F-K
(Stolt) or Phase-shifting (Gazdag) Migration
; 20) 1-D Time-to-Depth Conversion
Advanced Processing
matGPR offers an extensive suite of advanced to very advanced processing utilities. These include:
Data Imaging.
matGPR offers a collection of imaging (migration) and modeling tools to assist in the
interpretation. These require velocity analysis and velocity models constructed with in-house
utilities. Notably, some migration routines incorporate frequency dependence of the phase
velocity due to the frequency dependence of the dielectric constant, (resistivity and magnetic
permeability are assumed to be constant). matGPR also provides a utility to manually calculate
phase velocities.
At present, velocity analysis means the graphically assisted manual fitting of diffraction
front hyperbolae based on the premise of non-dispersive propagation in a uniform halfspace
and targets comprising point diffractors, or finite sized objects with quasi-circular cross
Imaging utilities include:
2-D Depth Migration. The necessary two-dimensional velocity model may either be read from
a disk file, or generated by a suitable utility form a synthetic structural model previously
prepared by the Model Builder utility specified in 5. The available options are:
o Phase-shift Plus Interpolation (PSPI) migration for zero-offset data. The PSPI migration
routine uses only the non-dispersive phase velocity term because, at present, theres no
accurate method to interpolate the dispersive terms in the sense required by the
Gazdag and Sguazzero algorithm.
o 2-D Split-step Migration augmented to account for frequency dependence of the phase
velocity (dispersion).
matGPR offers a utility, the Model Builder, to facilitate graphically assisted construction of 2-D
structural models for use with the 2-D Depth Migration methods and for forward modelling. Each
structural model comprises an ensemble of objects with polygonal or circular cross-sections and
may be edited, saved and modified indefinitely. The model editing utilities include:
o Graphically assisted deletion of old objects or/and insertion of new objects.
o Graphically assisted modification of an objects geometry by relocation, removal of old
vertices and insertion of new vertices (modifications may be undone).
matGPR includes two modelling methods, both of which require synthetic structural models
constructed with the Model Builder:
A fast, Adjoint Split-Step approach, (modified and expanded method of Bitri and Grandjean,
Geophysical Prospecting, 46, 287-301, 1998). This is a fast and relatively dirty approach,
lacking in detail (does not model secondary effects like multiples), and possibly prone to
artifacts if applied indiscriminately. Conversely, it is efficient enough to effectively supplement
the interpretation.
The slow but precise Finite Difference Time-Domain method of Irving and Knight (Computers
& Geosciences, 32, 12471258, 2006).
3-D Visualization.
matGPR offers a suite of functions to generate three-dimensional GPR data volumes using a
stacking technique: It is assumed that the 3-D GPR survey has been conducted in a local coordinate system in which:
o Radargrams can have any shape, length, orientation and trace spacing with respect to the
coordinate axes.
o The vertical axis can be either time or depth and the data do not need to have the same time
window sizes or sampling rates, or depth window sizes, or depth spacing.
Volumes can be created for absolute trace values, squared trace values, absolute-log trace
values, instantaneous trace amplitude and instantaneous trace power.
The stacking procedure is as follows: The data files (in MGP and/or MAT formats only) are read in.
For each file, traces that fall within a two-dimensional horizontal search window around a volume
cell are transformed and stacked together. After all the data files have been processed, the final
volume cell value is calculated by averaging all values added to it.
Visualization techniques include:
1. The GPR-slice utility to generate orthographic opaque or translucent slices that are:
o Horizontal and perpendicular to the vertical grid direction (z-axis).
o Vertical and perpendicular to the x-axis.
o Vertical and perpendicular to the y-axis
o Prior to displaying, each slice may be smoothed with a robust discretized smoothing
spline technique.
The horizontal and vertical size of the slices is controlled by the user.
Slices may be added or removed from the display, thus enabling an arbitrarily intricate and
detailed visualization of the data volume.
The user controls the azimuth and elevation of the viewing position, the aspect ratio, the axes
limits and the colour saturation (contrast) of the display.
2. Isosurface displays, i.e. orthographic representations of the data in the form of lit isometric
surfaces with equal signal amplitudes, or less rigorously stated lit surfaces of equal reflectivity.
The user may manipulate the display by:
o Specifying the isosurface value (signal amplitude).
o Specifying the azimuth and elevation of the viewer position.
o Specifying the aspect ratio of the display and the direction of lighting (light position).
o Specifying the colour of the iso-surface.
3. The 3-D Slices utility to visualize the entire data volume with orthographic opaque or
translucent slices parallel to the x-axis.
o Horizontal slices perpendicular to the z-axis and vertical slices perpendicular to the y-axis
can be overlaid one at a time.
o The user controls the azimuth and elevation of the viewing position, the aspect ratio and
the colour saturation of the display.