Radar Unix: A Complete Package For GPR Data Processing: Gilles Grandjean, Herve Durand
Radar Unix: A Complete Package For GPR Data Processing: Gilles Grandjean, Herve Durand
Radar Unix: A Complete Package For GPR Data Processing: Gilles Grandjean, Herve Durand
A complete package for ground penetrating radar data interpretation including data processing, forward modeling
and a case history database consultation is presented. Running on an Unix operating system, its architecture
consists of a graphical user interface generating batch ®les transmitted to a library of processing routines. This
design allows a better software maintenance and the possibility for the user to run processing or modeling batch
®les by itself and diered in time. A case history data base is available and consists of an hypertext document which
can be consulted by using a standard HTML browser. All the software speci®cations are presented through a
realistic example. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ground penetrating radar; Graphical user interface; Data processing; Forward modeling; HTML database
0098-3004/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 9 8 - 3 0 0 4 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 1 1 3 - 7
142 G. Grandjean, H. Durand / Computers & Geosciences 25 (1999) 141±149
2. Software design
Fig. 2. Look of the GUI main window, showing the menu, the history and the results windows.
G. Grandjean, H. Durand / Computers & Geosciences 25 (1999) 141±149 143
Fig. 3. This operation consists of selecting the window which will have to be processed from the raw data. The limits are pointed
by the mouse. The coordinates of this window are indicated to convert each scan in a 3-D reference.
Fig. 4. A Fourier transform can be applied to the scans to evaluate the amplitude spectrum along the scan axis. Here, the fre-
quency bandwidth is restricted from 200 to 600 MHz.
144 G. Grandjean, H. Durand / Computers & Geosciences 25 (1999) 141±149
be browsed by using a standard HTML interpreter. dicating if some processing is running or not. The
This technique is also applied to consult the help guide dierent menu items are described next.
of the software.
The main GUI window is presented in Fig. 2. It The option File facilitates plotting on the screen and
consists of a menu at the top of the window, a results printing the GPR sections before or after processing.
window on the right side where each returned infor- The size of the plot in centimeters for the horizontal
mation about the processing is displayed, a history and the vertical axes, the labels of axes and the title of
window at the left side where the processing applied to the plot can be speci®ed. The last option is to quit the
data are listed, and a light at the lower right corner in- software.
Fig. 5. This panel shows the dierent options for the processing routine. Each processing parameters can be stored in a ®le, to be
re called later.
G. Grandjean, H. Durand / Computers & Geosciences 25 (1999) 141±149 145
At the end of the editing, data are in the right form 3.4. Processing
to be analyzed and then processed.
The processing procedure consists of a sum of oper-
3.3. Data analysis ations applied to the raw data in order to enhance the
signal-to-noise ratio and to produce a more realistic
This part of the preprocessing gives important indi- image of the ground. Processing routines are standard
cations about the data to perform the more adapted ones selected from seismic methods and adapted to
processing: GPR particularities (Grandjean and Gourry, 1996).
Fig. 6. This screen shows the processed data using the previous parameters. Note that the gray scale shows the envelop of the sig-
nal, i.e. the instantaneous amplitude, which is more representative of the diraction zones.
146 G. Grandjean, H. Durand / Computers & Geosciences 25 (1999) 141±149
Fig. 5 shows the processing panel, where the dierent . migration: is an operation which transforms the sig-
options are available: nal recorded in the time domain into a new spatially
correct signal distribution (Yilmaz, 1987).
. amplitude compensation: correct for attenuation due
. special ®lters: including powering (Vesnaver and
to spherical divergence, dielectric loss and scattering
Sormani, 1989), instantaneous amplitude conver-
sion and time to depth conversion can also be
. ®lters: four kind of ®lters including mean scan aver-
age, reduction with mean scan average, frequency performed.
and horizontal ®lters are also available to enhance
the signal-to-noise ratio. The ®rst and the second After the dierent processing operations have been
ones respectively spread and con®ne the signal along selected, the batch ®le can be either saved to be
the distance axis according to a sliding window, the recalled afterwards or run immediately. Fig. 6 shows
third is a band pass ®lter in the frequency domain the result of the processing options selected in Fig. 5.
and the fourth removes the horizontal signal; The speci®c processing applied to data enhance the
. static corrections: remove the topographic eects areas, represented in black, where ground heterogene-
according to a compensating velocity value; ities scatter the radar wave.
Fig. 7. This screen shows the build-in editor of the software where the parameter models are described. The language used is expli-
cit and the results can also be stored as a ®le on the disk to be re called later.
G. Grandjean, H. Durand / Computers & Geosciences 25 (1999) 141±149 147
Fig. 8. The two parameters, i.e. dielectric constant and factor Q distribution, can be plotted on the screen. Note that random distri-
butions can be used to simulate the scattering eects in heterogeneous media.
Fig. 10. An example of the HTML french database where all the informations concerning the ®eld survey, the processing modeling
and the interpretation can be consulted by using an HTML interpreter.
G. Grandjean, H. Durand / Computers & Geosciences 25 (1999) 141±149 149
ively the part of the GUI allowing the input of ground dimensions. Considering the expansion of the compu-
heterogeneities and the resulting model sections in ter performances, we plan to implement it on a
term of permittivity and factor Q distribution. The Pentium PC under the Linux operating system.
modeling routine is then called to process the synthetic
GPR section (Fig. 9). This procedure can be iteratively
used until a good match between the observed GPR 5. Software distribution
data and the synthetic section is achieved. Another use
of such a modeling scheme can be used for optimizing Radar Unix can be obtained by contacting the
®eld survey design in desk-top studies, where it may be authors ([email protected]). It is freely available,
necessary to evaluate the applicability of GPR method providing that it is not for commercial use and if every
over some hypothetical geological models before going published material derived from it refers to this article.
to the ®eld.
The database stores all the features of a study, This work is the BRGM contribution 98018. Some
including the ®eld settings, the raw and processed of the routines we used in our software were derived or
GPR data, the physical model and the corresponding adapted from Seismic Unix and we would like to thank
synthetic and ®nally the comments about the the Colorado School of Mines for this contribution.
interpretation. All case histories can be recalled and
consulted by using an HTML browser. (Fig. 10). This
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