Re Ex 2D/3D: Re Ex - GPR and Seismic Processing So Ware

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Reflex 2D/3D

Reflex - GPR and seismic processing so ware

Reflex covers the complete range of wave data (sei-

smic, GPR, ultrasound) and the different geometry as-
semblings (surface reflec on and refrac on, borehole
crosshole and tomography and combina on of boreho-
le and surface measurements).
Reflexw has a modular character. Therefore you may
assemble your own modular arrangement regarding
your personal needs.

1. Reflex2D-Quick
The program Reflex 2D-Quick allows an easy import, display, processing and interpreta on of 2-dimensional Groun-
dPenetra ngRadar zero offset and seismic single shot data (click on the datatype for a video guide).
The program is free for Reflexw 2D-data analysis users but it can also be ordered as a lowcost standalone processing
The program offers the following possibili es:

• Direct import from different formats like SEGY, SEG2, DZT, RD3, RD7, DZT;
• Easy change of distance scaling and geometry;
• Standard processing with the following possibili es:
• Subtract DC-shi and subtract mean (dewow);
• Sta c correc on and correct topography;
• Time cut and compress;
• Gain func on;
• Bandpass bu erworth;
• Background removal;
• Running and subtrac ng average;
• Fk migra on;
• XFlipProfile;
• Extract datapart;
• Different display possibili es like point or wiggle mode, saling and zooming func ons;

Novatest S.r.l.
[email protected]
• The data may be exported to the clipboard or saved as ASCII- or bitmap-data and to other formats like SEGY,
• Prin ng is possible with freely choosable scale either in cm or scale like 1:1000 with a print preview menu which
allows to preview the size and shape of the print output and to define an individual print header;
• Interac ve velocity adapta on for zero-offset, single shot (reflec on and refrac on) or VSP data:
• It is possible to adapt diffrac ons, reflec ons and straight lines. You may change the velocity, the radius of the
target, the angle between the line and the target and the width of the calculated diffrac on or reflec on hyper-
bola. There is also the possibility of fi ng linear features either by changing interac vely a line or by se ng two
points. The op on core allows to vary interac vely the veloci es of the single layers of the individual cores sto-
red within an ASCII-file. In addi on an interac ve use of the intercept me method for seismic refrac on data is
included (see picture on the right). The op on enables to get a first 1D-model very quickly;
• Picking the on sets and combine the picked phases to layer model:
- You have the choice between manual picking, con nuous picking and a semi-automa c picking using a
phase follower (manual edi ng is always possible). It is possible to export the picks into an ASCII-format
together with the 3 space coordinates for a subsequent interpreta on.;
- The so called layer-show offers the possibility to combine individual pick files, to plot them together with
the wiggle-files and to output them in report form on printer or file containing the depths, veloci es and
amplitudes of the individual layers. The me-depth conversion of the picks is either based on mean or
layer veloci es.

2. Reflex3D-Scan
The program Reflex 3D-Scan allows to import and to analize automa cally rectangular 3-dimensional GPR- or sei-
smic data which have been acquired along 2D-parallel lines in one or two perpendicular direc ons. The program
is free for Reflexw 3D-data interpreta on users but it can also be ordered as a lowcost standalone processing tool.

Precondi on is that the data have been acquired along equidistant parallel 2D-lines on a regular rectangular grid.
This means that the trace increment in one direc on (x or y), the start posi on of the 2D-lines and the scan incre-
ment between the 2D-lines must be equal. The data may have been stored on individual 2D-files or within a 3D-file.
If stored within a 3D-file the end-posi ons of the internal 2D-lines must be iden cal in addi on as well as the num-
ber of traces into profile direc on. The trace increment must be given within the original data.
In addi on if the data have been acquired in two perpendicular direc ons (crossing lines) the trace increment must
be equal for all 2D-lines but the scan increment between the parallel lines does not need to equal the trace incre-
ment if the op on interpolate scan to trace increment is ac ve. In this case an automa c interpola on will be done.
If these precondi ons are sa sfied the 3D-scan program allows a very fast interpreta on of your 3D-data.
Different data formats are supported. The original data may be stored on individual 2D-files or on one 3D-file with
the 2D-lines sequen ally stored. With 2D-files acquired an automa c interpola on filter allows a resampling of the
data in the direc on of each line if the number of traces slightly differ in each 2D-line. A meandering data acquisi on
of the 2D-lines is supported.
Op onally some filter steps are automa cally performed. They are: flip every 2. scan, compress, subtract DC-shi ,
dewow, sta c correc on, me cut, background removal, bandpass bu erworth, subtrac ng average, migra on (2D
and 3D) and gain in me direc on.
The processing of the x- and y-scans may be done independently and the c-scans also may be built independently
choosing the envelope of the original data.
Within the 3D-GPR ScanView menu which opens a er all sor ng and processing steps have been finished all display
op ons of the 3D-data interpreta on are available (op on windows, op on scroll and op on 3D-cube - see also
Reflexw 3D-data interpreta on).
A MPEG movie file for the later use with a MPEG-player may be easily constructed for the scroll and the 3DCube

Novatest S.r.l.
[email protected]
Op onally the actual me slice depending on the mouse posi on is shown in a second window. The actual cursor
posi on is marked by a cross within the me slice.

2D-data analysis:

• Easy import of data of many different formats (e.g. SEGY, SEG2, most of the GPR- and seismic systems (GSSI,
RAMAC, PULSE-EKKO, ABEM, OYO, Summit, IDS, UTSI and so on)), integra on of other non-standard formats;
• Full GPS support;
• Many different processing possibili es - interac ve processing of single files or by genera ng a batch-file, one-
and mul -channel filters, edi ng, sta c correc on, deconvolu on, migra on and much more. All processing
steps are documented;
• Interac ve adapta on of diffrac ons or first arrivals giving an es mate of the average veloci es;
• Picking of arrivals - manual, automa c or semi-automa c, ASCII-conversion of the pick
• Single-shot CMP processing (sor ng, display, processing, NMO-analysis, stacking);
• Interac ve velocity analysis of CMP- or shot-data using a semblance analysis or an interac ve adapta on
method calcula ng either the reflec on hyperbolas (reflec on seismics) or the complete travel me branch
including diving waves (refrac on seismics).

3D-data analysis:

• Easy genera on of a 3D-dataset from individual 2D-lines which may be parallel, crossing or randomly spaced
wih n the xy-plane;
• Display of x-,y- or z-slices. The slices are either displayed in manually scalable windows or by moving through
the 3D-dataset using a track bar;
• 3D-cube display of the individual slices or of the full 3D-data using shading algorithms;
• 3D-Picking of arrivals.

Modelling (simula on/inversion):

• Refrac on travel me analysis for refrac on seismics

• Various sor ng and combining possibili es for the picked travel mes;
• These combined travel mes are the bases for a FD based wavefront inversion;
• Different raytracing methods are available for the evaula on of synthe c travel mes.
• Forward modelling for simula ng the electromagne c and seismic wave propaga on in a 2-dimen-
sional medium using a Finite Difference scheme.
• A 2D-tomographic approach based on SIRT is incorporated for the inversion of the picked travel mes
(refrac on and transmission). Straight and curved rays are supported. A 3D-tomography is available
for transmission travel me data.

Novatest S.r.l.
[email protected]

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