Subsurface Views: See The Big Picture

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GPR Technology

Vol 6, No. 22, April 2010

Subsurface Views

Sensors & Software Inc.

Compiling Multiple Data Sets

GPR tips

The beginning
of GPR time

See the Big Picture

hen using GPR, building a coherent view of all the data is important.
Real projects are rarely conducted on simple "rectangular shaped" sites.
Further, surveys can extend over time as the scope of work changes.
Examples best illustrate how compiling composite images makes the big picture visible.

trong "dark" bands are normal at the

top of the GPR cross-sections. The
top of the section is the start
of GPR recording time. (See
Figure 1: Colour contour map of snow depth in a ski area. The map is created from the meandering path of
Figure A - page 2). Customers
a snow grooming machine which logged GPS position with GPR derived snow depth. The meandering path
invariably ask "Why are they
is shown as dotted lines.
there?" and "Why can't they be
eliminated?" Answering these
questions requires understanding
what the bands represent and how
they are created.
The transmitter in GPR systems
emit an electromagnetic pulse. The
pulse signal traverses many possible paths (Figure B) to the GPR
receiver which detects the electromagnetic signal displayed in a GPR
section. Increasing path length
delays the signal arrival in time and
greatly reduces the signal amplitude.
The bands at the top of the GPR section
are the waves which travel the shortest
distance and arrive at the receiver first. In
most GPR systems, the receiving antenna
is placed very close to the transmitter to
create a compact system. The first arrival
direct wave signals are large (since their
path is short) and create strong
bands in the cross-section.
GPR system developers strive
to reduce the magnitude of
direct signals since they can
impact receiver electronics
(continued on page 2)

Spatial positioning accuracy is

critical in defining how to approach a
project. Large scale mapping of slowly-varying responses can
be accomplished by following one or more meandering paths while simultaneously
recording position and GPR response. Detailed imaging of small scale structures is
best achieved using regularized survey grids with accurately controlled positioning.
SnowScan demonstrates the meandering path approach. Ski areas have irregular
shapes and snow management only requires data footprints of several square
meters. Inexpensive GPS devices provide positioning to meter level accuracy. GPR
data combined with GPS using
QuickMap software creates snow
In this issue
depth images (Figure 1). The meanThe beginning of GPR time ... . . 1, 2, 4
dering path of the snow grooming
machine carrying the instruments is
See the Big Picture . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3
See us at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

s u b s u r f a c e

(continued on page 3)

i m a g i n g

s o l u t i o n s

Subsurface Views

Page 2
April 2010

Sensors & Software Inc.

The beginning of GPR time

(continued from page 1)

Some methods used to minimize the direct signal (and impacts) are:

Dark bands at the

top of the section

Figure A: An example of a typical GPR

section with the dark bands indicated at
the top of the section.

Figure B: The recorded GPR trace

consists of the addition of signals
that have travelled many paths from
the transmitter to the receiver. Some
paths are short, such as the direct
wave paths P1 and P2, while some
are longer like the reflection paths
P3 and P4. Amplitude decreases
rapidly and time increases linearly
as path length increases.

Increase the transmitter and receiver separation to increase

the path length (increases the physical size of the system and
reduces shallow target resolution).
Shield the receiving antenna from direct waves (shields create
other signal paths and do not reduce the direct ground wave
Use antenna polarization to minimize transmitter-receiver
coupling (usually means all desired signals are equally
Use non-linear electronic amplification to reduce or eliminate
the initial signal (problem is hidden - not eliminated - with
possibility of artifact creation).
Apply the non-linear amplification (gain) to the recorded data
(very easy to apply but just another form of hiding the issue).
See Figure C.
Estimate and subtract the direct wave signal using a digital
processor, commonly used in post processing (effective but
direct signals change with ground conditions making the
subtraction imperfect). See Figure D.

The bands at the top of the section are produced by the direct signal

Individual trace
before time gain

Non-linear time gain suppresses direct signal, eliminating the bands

Time gain

Individual trace
after time gain

Figure C: A non-linear time gain was applied to the data from Figure A to suppress the direct signal.

In all cases there are trade offs. The best philosophy is to record all signals with linear fidelity and maximize transmitter-receiver
separation where possible to reduce signal dynamic range.
The first arrival direct wave signals have beneficial aspects:

The first arrival provides a great zero time reference.

The signal presence or absence provides operators with a quick operational indicator.
Consistency of the direct signal amplitude at controlled sites provides a quality assurance measure.
The first arrival contains useful information about the ground's electrical properties.

s u b s u r f a c e

i m a g i n g

s o l u t i o n s

(continued on page 4)

Subsurface Views

Page 3
April 2010

Sensors & Software Inc.

See the Big Picture

(continued from page 1)

Buried utility mapping and concrete imaging illustrate controlled

grid acquisition. Targets are normally small, requiring footprints
much less then 1 square meter. The spatial positioning accuracy
desired cannot be obtained using inexpensive positioning systems. A
further benefit of accurate positioned grid data is that it enables use
of advanced processing such as migration that substantially
enhances images.
Noggin SmartCart data grids acquired over the span of 3 years
are displayed together in Figure 2. The image clearly defines the
locations of buried utilities leading to a remote building. The
target has responses that vary rapidly in less than a meter and are
enhanced using migration processing. The application required a
footprint of about 0.25 m. Inexpensive GPS with 1 m accuracy
augmented the grid controlled positioning. The georeferenced
composite image was created using EKKO_Mapper software.

Figure 2: A depth slice through a multiple grid data

compilation. Grids were acquired over several years
and stitched together to yield a bigger picture. Results
can also be superimposed on Google Earth, like in
Figure 1.

Figure 3 shows Conquest grids spanning two rooms that have

been pieced together using EKKO_Mapper. The footprint
required to define the reinforcing structure and the location of a
buried power cable is a few square centimeters. No inexpensive
indoor positioning system was available, making controlled grid
acquisition critical. Further, the in-building location required working around walls and furnishings using patchwork grid acquisition.
These examples illustrate the critical issues when faced with
surveying a complex site. For meandering path surveys:
get clarity on the application objective;
determine what footprint will be acceptable;
determine whether GPR responses vary slowly over the footprint;
confirm if the positioning uncertainty is smaller than the
desired footprint; and
have software such as QuickMap that melds multiple
meandering paths into one image.

Grid 7

Grid 6

Grid 5

Grid 4

For detailed imaging, use controlled grids. To be effective:

subdivide the site into suitable patches;

visualize the area as a set of small survey grids;
define a local site coordinate system;
locate each patch in local coordinates;
if georeferencing is needed, establish the translation from
local to global coordinates;
establish rectilinear survey grids on each patch for GPR data
use any positioning system - it can help even if accuracy is limited;
have a flexible compilation tool such as EKKO_Mapper software
to stitch the individual grids into a composite image.

Grid 3

Grid 2
Grid 1

Plan ahead using these suggestions and you will definitely be able
to see the big picture.

s u b s u r f a c e

i m a g i n g

s o l u t i o n s

Figure 3:
Example of 7 Conquest grids
assembled to track an
electrical conduit under
a slab-on-grade concrete
floor. Being able to acquire
data in localized patches
allowed the field crew to
work around furnishings,
fixtures and building walls.

Subsurface Views

Page 4
April 2010

Sensors & Software Inc.

Technical Papers & Notes

See us at ...

1. Electromagnetic Principles of
Ground Penetrating Radar,

PTI 2010

2. Environmental site assessment of

an oil field and detection and
Ground Penetrating Radar: Theory and
imaging of sinkholes using a
Applications, p. 3-40
novel geophysical method,
By: A.P. Annan

ref 397

Fort Worth, TX
May 2 - 4, 2010

Special Section: Near-Surface Geophysics The Leading Edge, p. 1480-1486

By: L. M.Gochioco, M. Zhang, M. Zhao,

ref 398

Upcoming GPR coursest


One Day Noggin Short Co

July 7, 2010
September 13, 2010

red throughout

Our Noggin short courses are offe

more about
the year to anyo
GPR and subsurface imaging.

One Day Conques

July 8, 2010
September 14, 2010

Trenchless Roadshow Toronto

Mississauga, ON
June 9 - 10, 2010
GPR 2010

Lecce, Italy
June 21 - 25, 2010


red to anyone
Our Conquest courses are offe
our concrete
interested in lear
imaging instrument.

PR - May 20, 2010 - Vancou
Imaging Concrete with G

3 Day GPR short course


- June 8, 2010 - Pittsburgh, PA

The beginning of GPR time

July 14 - 16, 2010,

Mississauga, ON

(continued from page 2)

Sensors & Software

gives you the basics

Our annual 3-day

course is an intensive
course covering GPR
theory, case studies,
survey techniques,
data processing and
interpretation. A
practical day in the
field is part of the

Bands eliminated through background subtraction

- - - initial plot
- - - background
subtracted plot

Contact us early
as space is limited.

Figure D-1
Figure D-2
Figure D -1
1: Signal amplitudes decrease rapidly with time which is approximately equivalent to path length. This common
GPR display plot indicates the almost exponential decrease in amplitude versus time (or path length).

[email protected]

Figure D -2
2: Another way to remove the strong first arrivals is to estimate the signals and subtract the estimate from the
data. These data show the use of average trace background subtraction processing on the data in Figure A.

In summary, the "dark" bands at the beginning of GPR time are:

a fundamental physical aspect of any GPR measurement,
caused by large signals but can be reduced by several methods, and
carriers of useful information.

s u b s u r f a c e


i m a g i n g

s o l u t i o n s

Software Inc. [email protected] Tel: 905-624-8909 Fax: 905-624-9365

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