Ultimate Gps
Ultimate Gps
Ultimate Gps
Guide Contents
Guide Contents
Arduino Wiring
Battery Backup
Advanced Wiring
Built In Logging
Logging Status
Downloading Data
LOCUS Parser
External Antenna
New in version 3 of the Ultimate GPS breakout, we now have support for optional
external antennas!
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We carry a few different GPS modules here in the Adafruit shop, but none that satisfied our
every desire - that's why we designed this little GPS breakout board. We believe this is the
Ultimate GPS module, so we named it that. It's got everything you want and more:
-165 dBm sensitivity, 10 Hz updates, 66 channels
5V friendly design and only 20mA current draw
Breadboard friendly + two mounting holes
RTC battery-compatible
Built-in datalogging
PPS output on fix
>25Km altitude
Internal patch antenna + u.FL connector for external active antenna
Fix status LED
The breakout is built around the MTK3339 chipset, a no-nonsense, high-quality GPS module
that can track up to 22 satellites on 66 channels, has an excellent high-sensitivity receiver (165 dB tracking!), and a built in antenna. It can do up to 10 location updates a second for
high speed, high sensitivity logging or tracking. Power usage is incredibly low, only 20 mA
during navigation.
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Best of all, we added all the extra goodies you could ever want: a ultra-low dropout 3.3V
regulator so you can power it with 3.3-5VDC in, 5V level safe inputs, ENABLE pin so you can
turn off the module using any microcontroller pin or switch, a footprint for optional CR1220
coin cell to keep the RTC running and allow warm starts and a tiny bright red LED. The LED
blinks at about 1Hz while it's searching for satellites and blinks once every 15 seconds when
a fix is found to conserve power. If you want to have an LED on all the time, we also provide
the FIX signal out on a pin so you can put an external LED on.
Two features that really stand out about version 3 MTK3339-based module is the external
antenna functionality and the the built in data-logging capability. The module has a standard
ceramic patch antenna that gives it -165 dB sensitivity, but when you want to have a bigger
antenna, you can snap on any 3V active GPS antenna via the uFL connector. The module will
automatically detect the active antenna and switch over! Most GPS antennas use SMA
connectors so you may want to pick up one of our uFL to SMA adapters. (http://adafru.it/851)
The other cool feature of the new MTK3339-based module (which we have tested with great
success) is the built in datalogging ability. Since there is a microcontroller inside the module,
with some empty FLASH memory, the newest firmware now allows sending commands to do
internal logging to that FLASH. The only thing is that you do need to have a microcontroller
send the "Start Logging" command. However, after that message is sent, the
microcontroller can go to sleep and does not need to wake up to talk to the GPS anymore to
reduce power consumption. The time, date, longitude, latitude, and height is logged every
15 seconds and only when there is a fix. The internal FLASH can store about 16 hours of
data, it will automatically append data so you don't have to worry about accidentally losing
data if power is lost. It is not possible to change what is logged and how often, as its
hardcoded into the module but we found that this arrangement covers many of the most
common GPS datalogging requirements.
We've tested this version of the Ultimate GPS in a high-altitude balloon, and it kept fix up to
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Leonardo Users: This tutorial step won't work with a Leonardo. Go on to the next step,
"Arduino Wiring", but refer back here for this discussion of the GPS data!
This is will free up the converter so you can directly wire and bypass the Arduino chip. Once
you've uploaded this sketch, wire the GPS as follows. Your module may look slightly
different, but as long as you are connecting to the right pin names, they all work identically
for this part
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Now plug in the USB cable, and open up the serial monitor from the Arduino IDE and be sure
to select 9600 baud in the drop down. You should see text like the following:
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This is the raw GPS "NMEA sentence" output from the module. There are a few different
kinds of NMEA sentences, the most common ones people use are
the $GPRMC (Global Positioning RecommendedMinimum Coordinates or something like
that) and the $GPGGA sentences. These two provide the time, date, latitude, longitude,
altitude, estimated land speed, and fix type. Fix type indicates whether the GPS has locked
onto the satellite data and received enough data to determine the location (2D fix) or
location+altitude (3D fix).
For more details about NMEA sentences and what data they contain, check out this
site (http://adafru.it/aMk)
If you look at the data in the above window, you can see that there are a lot of commas, with
no data in between them. That's because this module is on my desk, indoors, and does not
have a 'fix'. To get a fix, we need to put the module outside.
GPS modules will always send data EVEN IF THEY DO NOT HAVE A FIX! In order to get
'valid' (not-blank) data you must have the GPS module directly outside, with the square
ceramic antenna pointing up with a clear sky view. In ideal conditions, the module can
get a fix in under 45 seconds. however depending on your location, satellite
configuration, solar flares, tall buildings nearby, RF noise, etc it may take up to half an
hour (or more) to get a fix! This does not mean your GPS module is broken, the GPS
module will always work as fast as it can to get a fix.
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If you can get a really long USB cord (or attach a GPS antenna to the v3 modules) and stick
the GPS out a window, so its pointing at the sky, eventually the GPS will get a fix and the
window data will change over to transmit valid data like this:
People often get confused because the GPS is working but is "5 miles off" - this is
because they are not parsing the lat/long data correctly. Despite appearances, the
geolocation data is NOT in decimal degrees. It is in degrees and minutes in the
following format: Latitude: DDMM.MMMM (The first two characters are the degrees.)
Longitude: DDDMM.MMMM (The first three characters are the degrees.)
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The next data is the ground speed in knots. We're going 2.03 knots
After that is the tracking angle, this is meant to approximate what 'compass' direction we're
heading at based on our past travel
The one after that is 160412 which is the current date (16th of April, 2012).
Finally there is the *XX data which is used as a data transfer checksum
Once you get a fix using your GPS module, verify your location with google maps (or some
other mapping software). Remember that GPS is often only accurate to 5-10 meters and
worse if you're indoors or surrounded by tall buildings.
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Arduino Wiring
Once you've gotten the GPS module tested with direct wiring, we can go forward and wire it
up to a microcontroller. We'll be using an Arduino but you can adapt our code to any other
microcontroller that can receive TTL serial at 9600 baud.
Connect VIN to +5V, GND to Ground, RX to digital 2 and TX to digital 3.
Next up, download the Adafruit GPS library. This library does a lot of the 'heavy lifting'
required for receiving data from GPS modules, such as reading the streaming data in a
background interrupt and auto-magically parsing it. To download it, visit the GitHub
repository and click the DOWNLOADS button in the top right corner (http://adafru.it/aMm) ,
rename the uncompressed folder Adafruit_GPS. Check that the Adafruit_GPS folder
contains Adafruit_GPS.cpp and Adafruit_GPS.h
Leonardo Users: We have special example sketches in the Adafruit_GPS library that
work with the Leo!
Place the Adafruit_GPS library folder your sketchbookfolder/libraries/ folder. You may
need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library. Restart the IDE. You can figure
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out your sketchbookfolder by opening up the Preferences tab in the Arduino IDE.
Open up the File Examples Adafruit_GPS echo sketch and upload it to the
Arduino. Then open up the serial monitor. This sketch simply reads data from the software
serial port (pins 2&3) and outputs that to the hardware serial port connected to USB.
You can configure the output you see by commenting/uncommenting lines in the setup()
procedure. For example, we can ask the GPS to send different sentences, and change how
often it sends data. 10 Hz (10 times a second) is the max speed, and is a lot of data. You
may not be able to output "all data" at that speed because the 9600 baud rate is not fast
// You can adjust which sentences to have the module emit, below
// uncomment this line to turn on RMC (recommended minimum) and GGA (fix data) including altitude
// uncomment this line to turn on only the "minimum recommended" data for high update rates!
// uncomment this line to turn on all the available data - for 9600 baud you'll want 1 Hz rate
// Set the update rate
// 1 Hz update rate
// 5 Hz update rate- for 9600 baud you'll have to set the output to RMC or RMCGGA only (see above)
// 10 Hz update rate - for 9600 baud you'll have to set the output to RMC only (see above)
In general, we find that most projects only need the RMC and GGA NMEA's so you don't
need ALLDATA unless you have some need to know satellite locations.
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In this sketch, we call GPS.read() within a once-a-millisecond timer (this is the same timer
that runs the millis() command). Then in the main loop we can ask if a new chunk of data
has been received by calling GPS.newNMEAreceived(), if this returns true then we can
ask the library to parse that data with GPS.parse(GPS.lastNMEA()).
We do have to keep querying and parsing in the main loop - its not possible to do this in an
interrupt because then we'd be dropping GPS data by accident.
Once data is parsed, we can just ask for data from the library
like GPS.day, GPS.mo nth and GPS.year for the current date. GPS.fix will be 1 if there is
a fix, 0 if there is none. If we have a fix then we can ask
for GPS.latitude, GPS.lo ngitude, GPS.speed (in knots, not mph or
k/hr!), GPS.angle, GPS.altitude (in centimeters) and GPS.satellites (number of
This should make it much easier to have location-based projects. We suggest keeping the
update rate at 1Hz and request that the GPS only output RMC and GGA as the parser does
not keep track of other data anyways.
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Battery Backup
The GPS has a built in real time clock, which can keep track of time even when it power is
lost and it doesn't have a fix yet. It can also help reduce fix times, if you expect to have a
flakey power connection (say you're using solar or similar). To use the RTC, we need to
attach a battery. There is a spot on the back for a CR1220 sized battery holder. We
provide the holder but the battery is not included. You can use any 12mm coin cell - these
are popular and we also carry them in the Adafruit shop.
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Remember, the GPS does not know what time zone you are in (even though it knows your
location, there is no easy way to determine time zone without a massive lookup table) so all
date/time data is in UTC (aka. Greenwich Mean Time) - You will have to write the code that
converts that to your local time zone and account for Daylight Savings if required! Since
that's pretty complicated, most people just stick to keeping everything in UTC
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Advanced Wiring
Thus far we've only used the VIN GND TX and RX pins of the GPS - but there are many
other pins. What do these do and will you ever need them? Chances are, for 90% of GPS
projects, the other pins are not required. But we do make them available in case you have a
specific need.
FIX is an output pin - it is the same pin as the one that drives the red LED. When there is no
fix, the FIX pin is going to pulse up and down once every second. When there is a fix, the pin
is low (0V) for most of the time, once every 15 seconds it will pulse high for 200
VBAT is an input pin - it is connected to the GPS real time clock battery backup. We suggest
using the battery spot on the back but if you have a project with a coin cell or other kind of
battery that you want to use (and its under 3.3V) you can connect it to the VBAT pin. Fo r V1
and V2 mo dules: If you do this, be sure to cut the trace on the back between the RTC
solder pads
EN is the Enable pin, it is pulled high with a 10K resistor. When this pin is pulled to ground, it
will turn off the GPS module. This can be handy for very low power projects where you want
to easily turn the module off for long periods. You will lose your fix if you disable the GPS so
keep that in mind.
3.3V is the output from the onboard 3.3V regulator. If you have a need for a clean 3.3V
output, you can use this! It can provide at least 100mA output.
PPS is a new pin output on v3 modules. Its a "pulse per second" output. It is 50ms long so it
should be easy for a microcontroller to sync up to it
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Built In Logging
One of the nice things about the MTK3339 is the built in data-logger. This basic data-logging
capability can store date, time, latitude, longitude and altitude data into a 64K flash chip
inside. Its not a high resolution logger - it only logs once every 15 seconds when there is a
fix - but for 99% of projects that want to track location, this can be a great low power way to
log data - no SD card or other EEPROM required! It can store up to 16 hours of data.
The GPS module does require a microcontroller to 'kick start' the logger by requesting it to
start. If power is lost it will require another 'kick' to start. If you already have some data in the
FLASH, a new trace will be created (so you wont lose old data) and if you run out of space it
will simply halt and not overwrite old data. Despite this annoyance, its still a very nice extra
and we have some library support to help you use it
For more details check out the LOCUS (built-in-datalogging system) user
guide (http://adafru.it/dL2)
First, we should try getting the logger to run.Open up the
File Examples Adafruit_GPS lo cus_start sketch. This will demonstrate how to
start the logger (called LOCUS)
The key part is here:
Serial.print("STARTING LOGGING....");
if (GPS.LOCUS_StartLogger())
Serial.println(" STARTED!");
Serial.println(" no response :(");
You should start the logger and then check the response:
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Logging Status
Once you've seen that the GPS is OK with logging, you can load up the status sketch which
will also give you more data. Upload File Examples Adafruit_GPS lo cus_status
This output gives you some more information. the first entry is the Log #. This is how many
log traces are in the memory. Every time you start and save data, a new log is made. Full
Stop means that once the logger has run out of memory it will stop. Next the output
indicates that we are logging only during fix data and at set intervals, with an interval delay of
15 seconds. We are not logging based on distance or speed. The current status is LOGGING
(active), there's also the number of records we've stored. Each record is a timestamped
location. We log once every 15 seconds, you can see the records increment from 344 to
345 here. Lastly, we can see how much of the internal flash storage is used, only 4% at this
In real use, you'll probably want to start the loggging and then have your microcontroller go
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to sleep to reserve power, waking up once in a while to check up on the logging status.
Downloading Data
Finally, once we're done logging we need to extract the data. To do this we need to first get
the raw data out of the FLASH and then decode the sentences.
UploadFile Examples Adafruit_GPS lo cus_dump to the Arduino and open up the
serial monitor
PLEASE NOTE: Asking the Arduino, with 2K RAM buffer to handle 64KB of FLASH data
and spit it out from the GPS can sometimes over-tax the processor. If you are having
hiccups, check the GPS tool instructions below
Copy and paste all the text after the -'s (starting with $PMTKLOX,0,86*67 and ending
with $PMTK001,622,3*36) then paste it into the box located on this
page (http://adafru.it/cFg)
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Tool (http://adafru.it/aOQ) - connect to the GPS via the COM port of the Arduino/FTDI/TTL
cable. You can then query, dump and delete the log memory
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LOCUS Parser
LOCUS Parser (http://adafru.it/cFg)
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External Antenna
New in version 3 of the Ultimate GPS breakout, we now have
support for optional external antennas!
This is not available in v1 or v2 so if you do not see the uFL connector, you have an older
version of the module which cannot support antennas
All Ultimate GPS modules have a built in patch antenna - this antenna provides -165 dBm
sensitivity and is perfect for many projects. However, if you want to place your project in a
box, it might not be possible to have the antenna pointing up, or it might be in a metal shield,
or you may need more sensitivity. In these cases, you may want to use an external active
antenna. (http://adafru.it/960)
Active antennas draw current, so they do provide more gain but at a power cost. Check the
antenna datasheet for exactly how much current they draw - its usually around 1020mA. (http://adafru.it/960)
Most GPS antennas use SMA connectors, which are popular and easy to use. However, an
SMA connector would be fairly big on the GPS breakout so we went with a uFL connector which is lightweight, small and easy to manufacture. If you don't need an external antenna it
wont add significant weight or space but its easy to attach a uFL->SMA adapter
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Can my module do 40Km altitude? How can I know?
Modules shipped in 2013+ (and many in the later half of 2012) have firmware that has
been tested at 40km.
You can tell what firmware you have by sending the firmware query command
$PMTK605*31 (you can use the echo demo to send custom sentences to your GPS)
If your module replies with AXN_2.10_3339_2012072601 5223 that means you have
version #5223 which is the 40KM version. If the number is higher then 5223 then its even
more recent, and includes the 40KM support as well
HOWEVER these modules are not specifically designed for high-altitude balloon use.
People have used them successfully but since we (at Adafruit) have not personally tested
them for hi-alt use, we have it as a bonus extra not as a specifically-designed hi-alt
OK I want the latest firmware!
Here is the binary of the 5632 firmware (http://adafru.it/dR5), you can use this tool to
upload it using an FTDI or USB-TTL cable (or direct wiring with FTDI) (http://adafru.it/dR6).
We do not have a tutorial for updating the firmware, if you update the firmware and
somehow brick the GPS, we do not offer replacements! Keep this in mind before
performing the update process!
I've adapted the example code and my GPS NMEA sentences are all garbled and
We use SoftwareSerial to read from the GPS, which is 'bitbang' UART support. It isn't
super great on the Arduino and does work but adding too many delay()s and not calling
the GPS data parser enough will cause it to choke on data.
If you are using Leonardo (or Micro/Flora/ATmega32u4) or Mega, consider using a
HardwareSerial port instead of SoftwareSerial!
How come I can't get the GPS to output at 10Hz?
The default baud rate to the GPS is 9600 - this can only do RMC messages at 10Hz. If you
want more data output, you can increase the GPS baud rate (to 57600 for example) or go
with something like 2 or 5Hz. There is a trade off with more data you want the GPS to
output, the GPS baud rate, Arduino buffer/processing capability and update rate!
Experimentation may be necessary to get the optimal results. We suggest RMC only for
10Hz since we've tested it.
How come I can't set the RTC with the Adafruit RTC library?
The real time clock in the GPS is NOT 'writable' or accessable otherwise from the Arduino.
Its in the GPS only! Once the battery is installed, and the GPS gets its first data reception
from satellites it will set the internal RTC. Then as long as the battery is installed, you can
read the time from the GPS as normal. Even without a proper "gps fix" the time will be
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The timezone cannot be changed, so you'll have to calculate local time based on UTC!
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