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Realizado Trabajo de Ingles

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1. Escriba un prrafo con 25 oraciones en presente perfecto en el que describa cmo ha sido su experiencia
como estudiante de la Facultad de Estudios a Distancia de la UPTC: No olvide emplear since, for, never)
2. Responda en forma completa las siguientes preguntas acerca suyo. Recuerda que have you ever
significa alguna vez has.
My experience as a student of distance education

I am very happy studying. I have learned many new things. I have learned to be more patient and
disciplined. I have learned to be organized with the time to make all work within the term imposed by
the professor. I have been working as Professor five years but i've been studying at the university a
week. I have learned to be sociable because I spoke with little people in my work. I have known new
teachers and new people at the university. I have learned to be tolerant of persons because i am
malgeniada. Never arrived late to class because it seems to me a lack of respect for the professor
and fellow students. Until now I have complied with the tasks imposed by the teachers. I loved the
distance education because I am able to work and to spend time with my children. I liked from the first
day of classes . I'm still thinking about my overcoming. I met nice people. I have mentioned many
things that I had forgotten .I have reinforced what I had learned at the undergraduate level from the
first day of classes I worked and studied each of the topics covered. I have never surrendered when I
cannot understand any topic. I have not yet failed evaluations because I understand the issues well. I
had another vision of distance education because I had another concept. Since a few years ago had
I thought of studying at a distance but he had many doubts by the comments of the people " shortly
to poico vbaliosas things I have learned to my life and for me to be able to teach children in my
school. I don't want to stop studying because I think that the knowledge has no limits. I believe that
the entire group has learned valuable things for his career and for your life." Finally I have goals set
and I become disciplined to achieve them.
My skills have improved, I have learned that when one wants to overcome there are many ways to do
so. I have seen the group dynamic and satisfied with the classes even though I can't deny that I
finished the day tired but satisfied. I have become more active with this pace of education because I
have to investigate and read if I want to reinforce what was learned.

Conteste las siguientes preguntas:

Have you ever been on TV?No, I havent be on Tv

Have you ever been to a theatre Have you ever broken a bone? I've never been to theater,
nor I have broken a bone.

Have you ever broken up with someone? Yeah, I've upset with my brothers for silly things

Have you ever called your boyfriend or girlfriend by the wrong name? I never have the
wrong name, because I've always been attentive.

Have you ever called your girlfriend/boyfriend "Honey?" I've never called that.

Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? (For example, hair style,
hair color or weight) Several times, I have lost weight quickly.

Have you ever cheated on an exam? I've never cheated on exams Because I've been

Have you ever cried in public and embarrassed yourself? No, I have not cried in public
because I have been patient

Have you ever cried for no reason and felt good because of it? Never, I have been a
quiet person.

Have you ever dated someone from another race, culture or religion? Sure, I spoke with
Christian and come from different cultures and people that I have learned to integrate
myself without noticing religion, class, race single personality..


Actividades: De acuerdo con los usos presentados en el instructivO

1. Complete las oraciones con la forma correcta del presente perfecto o pasado simple
A: Did you like the movie "Star Wars?"
B: I do not know. I've never seen that movie.
2. Sam has come to San Diego a week ago.
3. My best friend and I have known for over fifteen years. We still meet once a week.
4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He has written ten very creative stories in the past year. One day will be as
famous as Hemingway.
5. I I have not much fun since I was a child.
6. Things have changed a lot in Coltech, first started working here three years ago, the company had only
six employees. Since then, we have expanded to include more than 2,000 full-time workers.
7. The dige him, stay on track while going on tour, but he landed in the woods and was bitten by a snake.
8. Listen Donna, I do not care if you missed the bus this morning. You've been late to work too many
times. You are fired!
9. Sam is Colorado, which is hundreds of miles offshore, so he has never seen the sea. He should come
with us to Miami.
10. How sad! George've dreamed of going to California before he died, but it has not. He has never seen
the sea.

1. 2. Escriba un artculo con 15 oraciones, en la que narre la ayuda que

usted brind a alguien en un momento decisivo. Emplee el pasado
simple y e presente perfecto. Atienda a los usos dados
EJEMPLO: I knew a poor girl. She has been alone for a long time(Yo conoc
una chica pobre. Ella haba estado sola por mucho tiempo): Aqu se empleo el
pasado simple y presente perfecto.

struggle between classes

I organized a brigade to help low-income families. There
were people who had been at war for several years. but
more that struck me was seeing a family with 8 children.
They had been asotes soportantando the war, the armed
conflict which for many years has asotado our country, but
they had survived, I never had felt the pain of others, from
there, I have learned to be tolerant, to love all people. I have
become more sensitive of others' pain, I have learned to help
others when they need it. Inquiring about the origin of this
family and many more, I have been looking for many ways to
help defeat illiteracy childhood, I have been improving
gradually the shortcomings of these families inviting and
involving certain organizations to assist in the cause. I have
worked tirelessly to raise money and to create a school.
Since childhood I have been thinking about founding a
school for poor and desanparados child; but it is not easy to
achieve this dream. Pero I have not lost hope of achieving it.
I had never stopped to think about the people who have
been the center of conflict, the disastrous drug war and
politics. I have not entendert because there are inhuman
people that enjoy watching the suffering of others. I have
asked several times why there is inequality among humans
if we are all the same origin, I have children, they have
always taken comfort, so they sometimes despise what they
have. I believe in nature, but I have not had clear the
existence of a supreme being, because if we are aware and
analytical there are many differences between classes; so I
have not believed in religions, I think the source of existence
is the nature and and nothing else. I have been a persistent,
kind, generous and very revelde person, because I've always
thought that religion and politics, drug trafficking, extortion
and laziness of man are destroying human life.

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