Education 201-Autobiographical Essay

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Autobiographical Essay
Sanchez-Reyna, Everardo
Professor LueLinda Egbert
EDUC 201 Foundations of Education
Spring 2015

Autobiographical Essay




The profession of a teacher is among one of the noblest. He or she has the opportunity to be a
hero in a kids life. Morals and values are something that teachers should teach in their class.
Becoming a teacher is one of my biggest dreams because I will have the opportunity to be a hero
in a kids life and teach him or her values and morals that will help them throughout life. As a
kid, all the teachers I had were my heroes and taught me a lot of things. They were a big part of
my inspiration to follow their footsteps and become a teacher as well. Knowing that you helped a
kid reach his dreams or at least put him or she in the right path into accomplishing them has no
price. Becoming a teacher will take hard work and dedication but when I get there it will all be
worth it. When you see a smile in a kids face you know that money is not everything. The
heroes exist, they dont have a cape and super powers, but instead have a marker, books, and a
bunch of students that they are willing to teach.



Behind the profession of a teacher is struggle, perseverance, love, dedication, tenacity,

morals, values, appreciation, and many more things that form and surround a teacher. Being a
teacher is nowhere near being an easy task, but it is one of the most fulfilling. As a kid and even
as an adult, there are people that influence your life and inspire you to become or do something.
When I was a kid I had various dreams. One of these dreams was to become a teacher. All the
things I have done and participated in have taught me various lessons. My biggest dream is to be
the best teacher I can be and hopefully one day I can change the life of one of my students for
good and inspire them to be someone important in life.
Educational Background
I was born in Mexico and had the opportunity to attend school till the third grade over
there before moving. When I came to the United States it was very hard for me because I had
never spoken English and that was the main language that people used to communicate with each
other. The solution to this problem was for me to take ESL classes. This helped me tremendously
because I eventually learned the language and could stay with the whole class and learn the same
things they were learning. Elementary was truly a struggle for me because besides the language
barrier, I had to cope with the way things were taught here, the length of school, the climate, the
traditions, but I am thankful for all of these things because I learned something from all these
Once in high school, things were easier for me to understand because I was fluent in
English. When I graduated I came to CSI because I wanted to go into business administration. I
really enjoyed my classes, but in my third semester I was asked to become a Spanish tutor. The
feeling that I obtained from helping the students and them thanking me because they had passed
their Spanish test was unexplainable. It was then that the thoughts of going into education started



popping into my head. I still stayed in the field of business my fourth semester, but I decided that
during the summer I was going to think things thoroughly and decide whether I wanted to stay in
business or change my major to education. After talking to some people and getting my thoughts
straight, I took the decision to change my major into bilingual elementary education. This is my
fifth semester here at CSI and my first semester studying to be a bilingual elementary educator.
Education contributes tremendously with the development of a professional educator in
many ways. For example, the town in which I am currently leaving at, the Hispanic ethnicity
population is very high, so high that it is the majority of the population of the town. Some of the
teachers give up their time to tutor these kids and help them understand things that they are not
getting. When I become a teacher I will be able to understand them when they struggle learning
the language and I will be able to help them because those are some of the struggles I
encountered when I first came to this country. It truly is a privilege to be around kids from
various ethnicities because then you just dont have a culture to learn from, you just dont have
one point of view, but instead you have a broader open mind and more knowledge about the kids
around you . The main inspiration for me were all the great teacher that I had throughout my
years in school and all the professor I have met in college.
Work History
To be honest I have not worked at all in my life. Even though I havent worked at a real
job, I have participated in some activities that require work. Some of these activities are
volunteer coach, yard work, and Spanish volunteer tutor. To me they were not real jobs because I
didnt get paid for doing them. My pay for doing these jobs was the reward of receiving a lot of
experience. The lessons and skills I learned through these jobs will be very helpful in the future.
There are a lot of skills that are required to have as a teacher. This is how my work



experiences will contribute to my development as a professional educator. These jobs taught me

important values like responsibility, teamwork, hard work, and communication. Once I am a
teacher these values and skills will be very helpful because I will use them on a daily basis
whether it is with the students, the parents, or my colleagues. I will have the responsibility of
running the class and of communicating with the students, parents, and colleagues. It will require
hard work and teamwork.
Service and/or Extracurricular Activities
I have always liked to participate in extracurricular activities. The opportunity for me to
join extracurricular activities was in high school. I participated in sports such as football,
basketball, and track. Some of the clubs I participated in were FBLA, SKILLS USA, and the
outdoor classroom in which he had the opportunity to plant trees and do things to help the
environment. I was always and still am an outgoing person that likes to help out in whatever is
Just like in the jobs I did, I learned important things from the extracurricular activities I
participated in. I learned how to work as a team, I learned how to support others, how to read
body language, and how not to give up when something gets difficult. Integrity and
sportsmanship were very important in these activities. How can these things help me in my
professional life? This is a good question to think about how to use these skills that I obtained.
There will be times in which I will be able to work with my colleagues in a team project and I
will implement my teamwork skills. When my students participate in sports I will be able to
encourage them and support them. If something is bothering the students I will be able to tell
simply by observing their body language. A very important skill is to be perseverant, when my
colleagues or my students run into a problem I will tell them to keep trying and to never give up.



Reasons for Choosing Education as a Career

As a teacher you need to be able to work in teams and like helping people out. Ever since
I was a kid I would be very social. I like talking to kids my age, younger kids, older kids, and
even grownups. The conversations I had with the grownups were my favorite as I got older
because they always left me with an advice, with a positive comment, or thinking about the
future. Shyness was not associated with me because I was always talking in class. In fact, that
was my problem, I would get in trouble for talking during class. When I had a question or I
didnt understand something I wouldnt be afraid to ask my teachers for help or for an
explanation. When I was in high school I would stay after everyone left and talked to the janitors
or teachers. I loved spending time in school and getting to know more about the people that I was
Patience is a virtue that comes in handy in different professions especially in education.
The teachers and other people that would see me helping my fellow students would tell me that I
would be a great teacher because I had the patience to sit with them and explain the things they
didnt get even if it required me to explain it to them more than once. To me this wasnt a
problem and it didnt make me mad because I understood that they were not getting the
assignment and if I was in their shoes I wouldnt like for the professor to become inpatient and
end up not helping me. I enjoy helping anybody that asks for help because it makes me feel good
and because thats the right thing to do.
Another big reason for choosing education as a career was all the great professors I had in
school. They inspired me because they were willing to give up their time to help me succeed. I
could tell that they truly loved to teach and that they loved their students to succeed. When I
came to CSI I was going into business but after my first semesters here I noticed that the



professors at this college were passionate and loved teaching and that got me thinking about
becoming a professor too. Then the after I took a Spanish class the professor asked me if I could
tutor and I said I would give it a try. At first it was hard but then I got the hang of it. I loved the
feeling I obtained from seeing the students smile as they understood something and the joy they
had when they would pass a test. All this made me change my mind about my major and I
decided to change it to bilingual elementary education.
I am really happy so far with the choice that I made because I have had the opportunity to
go to a school as part of my field experience and observe the teachers in their classroom. Every
time I see a kid smile or hug me it reassures me that this is the job I want to do for a very long
time. The intrinsic rewards is what this profession is all about.
Professional Goals
There are some long term goals that I want to accomplish in my life time. One of my long
term goals is to teach at an elementary, high school, college, and university level. I want to be the
best professor I can be, be recognized as a great professor, and help and inspire kids to be
somebody great in life. Accomplishing this goal is going to take hard work and dedication. I will
need to obtain a lot of degrees too, but it will all be for the best. I want to give it my fullest and
be the best I can possibly be so that one day I can be a role model for my students and inspire
them to become teachers like me or help them reach their goals in life.
I also have some short term goals that I would like to accomplish. The short term goal I
currently have is to graduate from the College of Southern Idaho and get my Associates Degree
in education. From there, I will either go to ISU or BSU to get my Bachelors Degree. If I decide
to go to BSU I will need to move to Boise, but if I decide to ISU I can take classes here at CSI
which would be more convenient for me. To achieve this goal I will need to try harder in school



and take as many classes as I can handle.

Education is very important in everyones life. Being able to promote that education and
being part of peoples lives is something that I want to do for the rest of my life. To become a
teacher I will need to push myself and put in hard work and dedication but it will all be worth it
at the end. Once I am a teacher I will need to put all the skills Ive learned into practice. I want to
be a great teacher just like all the teachers and people that have inspired me.

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