Core Values - Karsen Mery 1

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My core values/motivations include my family, dance, hard work, happiness, kindness,

my friends, and friendship itself. I think that I learned more kindness from this class. Before
coming into this class, I knew of diversity and other lifestyles but it wasn't to an extent where I
could comfortably talk about it. Throughout this class I learned how to talk about hard things, I
learned how religions, races, sexual orientations, and genders all have different ways of living,
and I learned that no matter how different someone's life is we should treat them with respect
and kindness. I think that the topics that I learned in this course also made me value friendship
to a whole new level. I see myself treating my friends with more respect, as well as meeting new
people and being friends with them because I can click with them immediately. This class, and
the subjects within, taught me how to live my life in a social, communicative way that can allow
me to grow as a person and contribute my kindness and compassion to the world. I truly gained
so much from this class that will not only help me at college, but will also help me when getting
a job, if I ever teach dance, when I meet new people, and so many other scenarios.

I feel like there are so many words to describe my identity. Some of the best words to
describe my identity would be kind, loving, determined, hard-working, and passionate. I think
that these words are good for my identity because no matter what task I am given, I apply these
5 factors to get it done with a positive attitude and a positive outcome. I think that there are a lot
of times when I will hold myself back from doing things that seem scary at first, even though
these are things that help me in life and usually end up not being scary when I get into the flow
of doing them. I try to combat this with my determination to get things done and my willingness
to try new things and it works for me. No matter how scary a task may seem, I can make a
positive attitude from it and overcome anything that may come my way. I think something I
would change about myself is calming down. I can oftentimes get worked up and stressed over
things that aren't that stressful. I stress and have anxiety about my future and I think that I HAVE
to have a set out plan for the rest of my life, but that truly is just not the case. I think this class
has helped me to understand that everyone has their own life, everyone is just as stressed as I
am so my stress is valid, but finding the balance between stress and relaxation is something
that I need to work on.
I have always had an idea of what humanity/humanities is but it has never really been a
solidified in-depth definition. This class strengthened my knowledge of what humanities is and
the many factors that tie into it. I have found that I enjoy learning about humanities and some of
my favorite classes, or parts of classes, have humanities or topics from humanities involved.
Learning about humanities and all of its components/subjects has reshaped the way that I view
myself in this world and the difference that I want to make going forward in life. I learned not
only to treat people with kindness but to also treat people respectfully. We don't all look the
same, act the same, talk the same, etc. but we are all still equals and in society, we should treat
each other the way that we want to be treated. I want my life to be filled with love and
happiness, so I have learned that it is my duty/responsibility to make that life for myself as well
as help make that life for others. This class has taught me to stand up for the things that I
believe in and use my voice as a voice of change for the things that I care about in society.
Overall I would say that this class has helped me learn how to become a good human being
filled with kindness, passion, and determination.
This class was truly amazing! I remember at the end of last year I had gone up to Mr.
Jensen and said "Do you think you could teach humanities? Mrs. Catten isn't teaching it
anymore and I really want the college credit." I also remember the day that I saw humanities on
my schedule and the ecstatic feeling that I had. I learned so many new subjects and ideas in
this class and even when we redid the lectures that I had gone through in Ethnic Studies I
learned even more that I hadn't previously thought about. I think that some changes that could
be made are the correlation between lectures and assignments. I found that some of the
assignments didn't have a lot to do with the lectures that we had learned or were going to learn
about. It made the course's curriculum feel slightly disconnected from the in-class experience. I
did enjoy (and I enjoy this in all of your classes) the fact that there is always room for discussion,
and you push people to have hard discussions that they have never really had or understood
before. With that, I always love how much participation there is in your class from such great
minds. I thoroughly enjoyed this course and I hope that you continue to teach it because you
have done an amazing job at teaching me.

I think that I deserve a 100 for participation. I never want to sound cocky or anything
similar to that, but I think that my participation in this class was pretty great. I would answer
questions, talk to my peers, finish assignments (mostly on time), and I would always do my best
to contribute to the class/group discussions about the topics that we were learning about.
(p.s. I genuinely mean it when I say this class, like all classes you teach, was amazing! I
am not saying this to get a 100% in the class, I am saying this because it is simply just the truth.
I have enjoyed your classes so much and I have gained an extensive knowledge of so many
different things that all have come from you and your knowledge and your classes.)

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