How To Prepare For Life at The University
How To Prepare For Life at The University
How To Prepare For Life at The University
are striving and inspired to gain admission into the tertiary institution
and make the most use of their learning environment to become
everything God has destined for them.
My university experience
I once discussed with a certain teen who boldly told me she can't wait to leave her family's house
because of so many restrictions here and there. One said she can't imagine life without parents, that it
will be so amazing! Not just these few, many teenagers aspire to live without Adults just like the prodigal
son who waited for so long for his Dad to die in other to explore life and when his expectation seems
afar, he took the unfamiliar route of requesting his inheritance instead of waiting endlessly.
Most teenagers have this special goal of leaving home so soon, away from adults' interference, away
from so many rules and regulations, away from scoldings and punishments. While some have the goal of
actually moving on with life, others just want to raise their ego and status as a "campus girl or campus
Although it may sound like a success to attain any of those, depending on which category one finds
themselves in, there's a huge gap between leaving home, getting to school, and reaching the end. It's a
big gap many don't prepare for. If you are reading this book, you are one out of few that prepare for
school before getting in there. So, congratulations!!
A group of teenagers was asked about the most difficult thing about being a teenager, some said it's
realizing that you are all alone to sort things out yourself. When I heard this, I wasn't shocked because
their response reminded me of how I felt after writing my West African Examination Council (WAEC). I
felt all alone and confused. Like, "okay what next?"
Having the mindset to go embrace freedom is not a realistic goal because, to be frank, freedom exists
nowhere. if you really want to make a meaningful impact on the surface of the earth. Family and
personal restrictions should be a habit to embrace and not escape from.
Greater responsibility awaits you over there in school. So rather than setting your mind to go experience
ever-ending freedom, Set your mind to make adequate preparation for your new environment because
that alone is the one goal you must pursue and achieve.
These would build your capacity, skills, and strengths, and help modify your weaknesses as they will
equip you for the challenges ahead.
This is what this book is all about, it is to equip undergraduates and aspiring tertiary students to prepare
for their new environment as they work hard to gain admission. And I pray that the Holy Spirit would
grant you understanding and the enablement to read to the end and as well practice what you read in
Jesus' name Amen!
Undergraduates should bear in mind that in the university, it is a mixture of the good, bad and ugly. To
avoid expulsion, examination malpractice, joining cultism, etc, they should still toll that path their
parents brought them up with and not deviate from it. Deviating from that Godly path will always lead
to regret. To survive, therefore, one must associate with good friends and be prayerful. Thank you.
Mr. Cajetan O.
When I gained admission to study the course I applied for, I was excited to resume classes. After my first
semester exams during my first year in school, I had a thought to quit school not because I wasn't doing
well, in fact, I was doing well academically and intellectually, but I was overwhelmed by stress and mixed
emotions. Therefore, I had thought maybe I should quit and come back next year or so. Let me just add
here that this feeling is most common in teens and young adult who is not fully prepared beforehand on
how to manage stress and emotions that comes with school life.
The thought to withdraw made my performance in some courses drop drastically. So I remembered
Sharing this with my loved ones and they encouraged me and motivated me, ..saying "no time is exactly
perfect I should be strong and do what I had to do".
I am still grateful for that advice. I also shared it with one of my coursemates who happens to be a close
friend of mine, she kept encouraging me and before you know it, I began feeling better and ready to
face whatever it takes to finish strong, and by the grace of God here am I today.
I must also encourage that in preparing for school life, do not be too quick to befriend any person that
comes your way. Choose your friends wisely. Apart from being academically sound or intellectually
prepared, be emotionally prepared as well, so you don't get overwhelmed easily. It will help guard your
heart through the highs and lows that accompany school life and stress.
On the other hand, let me add that in handling advances which also come both from students and
lecturers, your approach and response should be firm on what you stand for and believe in. You don't
need unnecessary help and sympathy when you sense a wrong motive behind it. Know that for some
places, you MUST have to go alone.
~Mrs. Nnadi
In my first year at the university, there was this course that was the simplest among other courses. I
prepared so well for it and I know that I wrote well, but when the result came out I failed it. I was angry.
Some others failed it as well, so we decided to see our HOD, he said there was nothing he could do, and
he advised us to go and rewrite it. I wrote it again and I failed it. I was sad but I wrote it the third time
and I passed it. It's one experience that really stressed me yet I gave it my best to achieve my goal.
~Mrs. Queen
It was all strange meeting so many unfamiliar people in school. I was an introvert, I like keeping things to
myself. it takes me time to make friends, I mingle with boys mostly. The hostel was a different thing
together, especially for the fact that am the lastborn in my family so everything was just tiring a certain
student hated me so much for that. I paid the cleaners to wash my clothes, plates and every other. I was
literally lazy to do house chores. Money wasn't my problem because my brothers and some family
members are ready to help. But, I sold indomie in school, and my roommate sold OK clothes. Lecturer
made advances but didn't succeed. I had to tell one lecturer that anyone who sleeps with anyone in my
family illegally dies. However, I work so hard to pass the courses of those lecturers so that I wouldn't
come to their office for any kind of favor. I remember the day I was embarrassed for wearing an
extremely short gown in the quest to draw attention to myself. ~Mrs. Chineye
"A guided and sharp knife is always beneficial than the one which is not"
There are basic life skills a student needs to make most of anything school would throw. As an
undergraduate, I saw some of my mates who triumphed and some who were trampled as a result of
what school threw at them.
So in this section, we would be discussing some basic life skills students are expected to develop in other
to have a successful transit through school.
Life skills is a term used to describe a set of basic skills acquired through learning and/or direct life
experience that enable individuals and groups to effectively handle issues and problems commonly
encountered in daily life according to the British council Greece
With these definitions, you will agree with me that life skills are essential to living a meaningful life in all
we do, including being productive in school.
Life skills are something very important in human life because it has a way of placing structures around
one’s life and enabling us to achieve goals and aspirations. While the list is inexhaustible, these are
further benefits of life skills according to Macmillan education.
2) These skills help them to recognize the impact of their actions and teach them to take responsibility
for what they do rather than blame others.
3) it equally builds confidence, solves the problem of low self-esteem, and promotes independence.
4) it helps them to analyze options, make decisions and understand why they make certain choices
outside the classroom.
5)it enables them to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and appreciation for others.
7)It helps them to manage relationships between their fellow students as well as lecturers too.
These are a set of skills students need in their journey especially students in the tertiary institution. It
would help them stay strong, strive, build healthy relationships, manage their resources as well as make
healthy and empowering decisions.
1)Psychological Resilience
3)Problem-solving skills
7)Time management
8) Self-defense skill
9) Self-awareness skill
10)Money Management
Before we delve into details about psychological resilience, let's first know what resilience is.
What is resilience? Resilience is from a Latin word 'resilire' which means 'to bounce back or rebound'. As
a sports person, the word rebound is very common with basketball players. It equally means 're-trying
or re-aiming at the basket after a miss. In other words, resilience is the act of trying something over and
over again until success is achieved.
Having established what resilience is, let's now delve into the details of psychological resilience;
Psychological resilience is the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-
crisis status quickly. It is also the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
The truth is, you will experience tough situations where you will literally feel like giving up your dreams,
your goal, your pursuit, and everything you are aspiring to achieve. But instead of giving up, this skill will
help you to arise and keep striving.
According to Greg Kelly, an American Psychological Association report "The Road to Resilience" “being
resilient does not mean that a person doesn't experience difficulty or distress. Emotional pain and
sadness are common in people who have suffered major adversity in their lives (e.g., doctors).
In fact, the road to resilience is likely to involve considerable emotional distress. Resilience is not to be a
choose-able trait that people choose to have or not have. It involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions
that can be learned and developed in anyone.” In other words, it possesses growable characteristics.
The APA offers these 10 ways to build resilience; (hence psychological resilience).
1. Make connections. “Accepting help and support from those who care about you and will listen to you
strengthens resilience.”
2. Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems. “Try looking beyond the present to how future
circumstances may be a little better.”
3. Accept that change is a part of living. “Accepting circumstances that cannot be changed can help you
focus on circumstances that you can alter.”
4. Move toward your goals. “Do something regularly—even if it seems like a small accomplishment—
that enables you to move toward your goals.”
5. Take decisive actions. “Rather than detaching completely from problems and stresses and wishing
they would just go away, act on adverse situations as much as you can.”
6. Look for opportunities for self-discovery. “People often learn something about themselves and may
find that they have grown in some respect as a result of their struggle with loss.”
7. Nurture a positive view of yourself. “Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and
trusting your instincts helps build resilience.”
8. Keep things in perspective. “Even when facing very painful events, try to consider the stressful
situation in a broader context and keep a long-term perspective.”
9. Maintain a hopeful outlook. “Try visualizing what you want, rather than worrying about what you
10. Take care of yourself. “Pay attention to your own needs and feelings. Engage in activities that you
enjoy and find relaxing.”
Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term and meaningful goals. It is the ability to persist in
something you feel passionate about and persevere when you face obstacles. Grit is also about
perseverance. To persevere means to stick with it; to continue working hard even after experiencing
difficulty or failure. as stated by New Harbinger Publications, Inc
Research has shown that grit is even more important than intelligence or talent when it comes to
succeeding. Even the most triumphant among us occasionally fail. What they don't do is quit.
According to Tanner Christensena, Angela Duckworth, a Harvard graduate and psychology professor at
the University of Pennsylvania, who specializes in the psychology of grit, she's spent the bulk of her
career studying it. On the question of whether or not grit is something you can develop, Duckworth
explains in a podcast for she said "there's no reason why these things couldn't be
taught, practiced, or learned." She went further to clarify what gritty people are like; There are four
things Duckworth explains that make up the formulate to developing more grit:
1) Purpose
Purpose is anything you can develop an interest in over long term. Practice is useless if what you're
practicing is something you don't feel purposeful about or can be highly interested in.Of course, the
word purpose gets thrown around a lot. What's important isn't that you find some natural calling, but
instead find something you can readily dive deeper into the more you learn.
Deliberate practice means learning as you go, getting feedback from your experience as well as from
3) Hope
Failure is often inevitable, but if we learn to embrace failure as an opportunity to learn, improve, and
then get back up again, we're more likely to succeed in future attempts.To develop more grit you must
start with hope, and learn that it's alright to fail as long as you don't give up or quit.
So be definite about your purpose of being in the school environment, practice and keep growing from
feedback gotten from tests, exams and people. keep hoping and keep believing your dream as you
spend more and more time exploring your purpose and making adjustments.
Problem-solving skills refer to our ability to solve problems in an effective and timely manner without
any impediments. It is a student’s ability to recognize a problem, understand its root cause, be able to
come up with possible solutions and evaluate and carry out the stipulated solution rational.
According to HealthyWa, these are six steps to help you solve problems
*Be specific about the behaviour, situation, timing, and circumstances that make it a problem. For
example: “I need to pay the phone and gas bills, and I don’t have enough money to cover both this
*List all the possible solutions; don’t worry about the quality of the solutions at this stage.
*Try to list at least 15 solutions, be creative and forget about the quality of the solution.
*If you allow yourself to be creative you may come up with some solutions that you would not
otherwise have thought about.
*The next step is to go through and eliminate less desirable or unreasonable solutions.
*Decide whether the existing plan needs to be revised, or whether a new plan is needed to better
address the problem.
*If you are not pleased with the outcome, return to step 2 to select a new solution or revise the existing
solution, and repeat the remaining steps.
The appropriate use of the words is very essential in our day-to-day life. It flourishes relationships and
creates opportunities for us. Be quick to use these words because they set you in the pace to demand
without any form of restrictions.
*Excuse me
*May I..
*Thank you
Never think you are too big to make use of these words whatsoever because the person you overlook
could be the key to your success. Also, know that none can outgrow the basis of life.
Decision Making:
Decision-making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and
assessing alternative resolutions.
Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions
by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives said UMass Dartmouth.
Decisions often fail because key factors are missed or ignored from the outset. So, before you can begin
to make a decision, you need to fully understand your situation
Step 2: Create a constructive environment for your decision
Can you give your decision the attention it needs? Spend some time preparing yourself before diving in
to the facts and figures by involving 5-7 people in your decision making especially when it involves
The wider the options you explore, the better your final decision is likely to be. Generating a number of
different options may seem to make your decision more complicated at first, but the act of coming up
with alternatives forces you to dig deeper and to look at the problem from different angles.
When you're satisfied that you have a good selection of realistic alternatives, it's time to evaluate the
feasibility, risks and implications of each one.
Once you've evaluated the alternatives, the next step is to make your decision!
After all the effort and hard work you've invested in evaluating and selecting alternatives, it can be
tempting to forge ahead at this stage. But now, more than ever, is the time to "sense check" your
Once you've made your decision, you need to communicate it to everyone affected by it in an engaging,
informative, and inspiring way. Get them involved in implementing the solution by discussing how and
why you arrived at your decision. The more information you provide about risks and projected benefits,
the more likely people will be to support it.
Assertiveness is the ability to honestly express your opinions, feelings, attitudes, and rights, without
undue anxiety, in a way that doesn't infringe on the rights of others.
When you are assertive, you are neither passive nor aggressive, but direct and honest. You don't expect
other people to know what you want, so you speak up to ask for what you need calmly and with
According to LOLLYDASKAL, These are some of the things you put into consideration while being
1)Pay attention to your body language as well as the words you say and the tone: Say what you want, or
what bothers you. Stand up straight, lean in a bit, smile or keep a neutral facial expression, and look the
person in the eye.
2) Understand and accept differences: Don't dismiss other people's points of view. Just as you state your
own opinion, you work to understand other points of view. Don't allow differences to upset you or make
you angry; remember that differences don't necessarily mean you are right and the other person is
wrong. Try to understand their point of view. Listen respectfully and don't interrupt when they are
3) Speak simply and directly: When you're practicing assertiveness, it's important to speak in a way that
doesn't imply accusations or make the other person feel guilty. Speaking your truth with candor
shouldn't mean making others feel wrong. Be simple, direct, and concise, and state what you know to be
true for you. When asserting yourself, remember, less is more. Keep your requests free of long-winded
4)Exercise the power of "I.": To be assertive without coming across as hostile, use "I" statements. Make
it a habit to say things like "I think ... " or "I feel .... " Never use aggressive language or phrases like "You
never... " or "You always.... " These statements trigger other people, leaving them frustrated, and they
shut down conversation. "I" statements allow you to be confident and assertive without alienating and
eliminating other people.
5) Stay calm: Being assertive might make you feel excited, but excitement can sometimes come across
as aggression. Learn to stay cool and calm when expressing yourself; it will make you more confident
and allow the other person to relax. Remember to breathe normally and be mindful of body language
and eye contact. Be present with each other. Calm mind, calm speech, calm action--it not only gives you
confidence, but allows the other person to remain composed as well.
6) Set boundaries: Boundaries are the rules and limits you create for yourself that help you decide what
you will and won't allow. You don't want people to walk all over you, but you don't want people to think
you are a bully, either. Setting boundaries will empower you to know when you need to say yes and
when you want to say no.
Assertiveness is like any other skill--it takes practice and time to get it mastered. So, keep working
through each of these techniques and soon you will feel more confident.
Time management” is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific
activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter – not harder – so that you get more
done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high.
Money management refers to how you handle all aspects of your finances, from making a budget for
where each paycheck goes to setting long-term goals to picking investments that will help you to reach
those goals. More of this would be discussed in the last chapter.
1) focus on your surroundings and not on your phone, especially in unfamiliar places
2) Make sure to lock your rooms, doors and windows, bags, or anything you needed to keep safe. Don't
be too trusting.
3) Don’t give out your location to people. Whoever that have an appointment with you should meet you
in somewhere central.
4)Always give out the full detail of where you are going to friends or roommate
6)During your free time, explore the school environment and know route and corners.
9) Pay attention to situations around you. When you feel uncomfortable, leave the environment
immediately. Respect your instinct.
Self awareness would help you to understand your strengths, weakness, emotions and abilities and how
it impact others.self-awareness include: Identifying and analyzing one's emotions, and how they affect
others. Being a self-aware student will help you understand who you are as a learner; your strengths,
weaknesses, the pace at which you learn; Your style of learning, and your method of retention.
2)Keep a journal.
While these things might be true, and are narrated to warn aspiring students, there's always a place
where the victims were left to make a choice, which they did.
This is a disclaimer, you will be faced with such choices, but you will have to act or choose smartly. Many
students have rejected admission because of myths and of-course overgeneralization. some only have
"freedom" as their driving force while others have given up their dreams due to various myths passed to
them by elders.
I was privileged to hear the story of the founder of a Radio Station who narrated how he went to school
and after studying he came out not knowing what he would venture into. That's when with his
knowledge, he started seeking the face of God. It was at that juncture that he discovered himself. He
went back to school and studied Mass communication, came back, and started an online Radio. Now he
has many working under him.
2) They belittled their passion that they failed to incorporate it into their career pursuit.
In this 21st century, passion mixed with skill is thriving in industries. if you don't have any skills or your
passion is not refined, You might find it difficult to fit in. Better put, you might end up becoming more
confused after school than when you entered. So there are jobs everywhere just that there are many
students who are yet to discover what they can do with the ability given to them by God.
Just as I said initially, life daily presents us with a bag full of choices, but it is left to us to choose wisely
or not. I once heard someone say “a lady promised God that she would come out from school a virgin
and with a certain result “ and it was achieved.
While discussing with a friend, he said he gave up the myth that “everyone must have a babe in school.”
while in school and it yielded tremendous results. That’s really shocking, right?. These days, it's rare but
it's achievable. I have discovered that years spent in campus is a critical time of remaking, redefining and
It's not really a time for freedom, But a time to pay close attention to Destiny, yes, your Destiny. So
instead of running from pillar to post, why not pay attention. Pay attention to DESTINY.
Doing my degree program, I had a lecturer who doesn't collect a dime from students because of his
integrity. While there are lecturers who always want to take advantage of students, there are ones who
still have their integrity intact.
Most times, it depends on individual student. Most students who follow this route, are either unserious
or reluctant about school. The innocent ones who are pressurized either do not know how to handle the
situation either by reporting to the appropriate school authority, avoiding contact occasions or prayers.
So it's the responsibility of students to find out who to report to when something like that comes up,
before it happens.
Trust me, most students didn't do that to clear their papers. I did not, and I know several people who
didn't. So you too can achieve your goal without any form of cheating.
Those Lecturers know who their target audiences are so don’t make yourself one.
> Study
> Pray
A guy who broke an age-long record in his school was interviewed about his amazing success and what
he said shocked me. He said, Success starts from when we stepped into the school premises. From your
conduct to class attendance, to test, to courtesy, to exam...everything counts.
A lecturer who you don't greet while marking your paper would have your attitude placed on his heart
and your paper placed on his hand and you know what that makes. It's the HEART that controls the
HANDS. So pay attention. While others are playing around, receiving the freshness of the environment,
get into work, study, and set your pace. You are there to study and not to play around.
I heard this coursemate of mine say "I felt so relaxed during my first year that the result wasn't
impressive. She had to wake up in year two. Every year counts therefore work hard and mean business
immediately you get in.
Definitely, you have to belong somewhere if not you will be carried to somewhere. What this means is,
the campus is a world of varieties. You have to find your species. You have to define what you want,
what type of people would enable you to get it, and how you want to get it. Be specific. This would help
you make friends.
You might not really have cultism in your school, depending on the school. But there's often a lifestyle
trend which usually have the capacity to influence one but it’s your responsibility to carefully select your
tribe before the pressure meets you unguarded.
I have a couple of mates in school who were very determined to go to school without having it all
figured out but they were determined.
I know some who couldn't finish with us, they may not have it all but they lacked the one thing that
matters- determination.
So the myth that you need to have all the money in the world to go to school, is not true. You just need
determination. And it would drive you to all the resources you need to go through school.
There's always time to do other kinds of stuff. You could even be engaging in activities that would enrich
your understanding and knowledge on the particular area you want to build a career in. Although it
would be all together demanding which need a level of balancing to manage but its rewarding and
I frequently heard this while in school. Although it is a reality to some, it is not always true if you do
your part well. You have all it takes to succeed in your studies.You can come out without any carryover.
But if eventually it happens, it is not a taboo. It is even an opportunity to get the point you need to
attain a particular GP (Grade Points).
This is another myth I hear people often say which has little or no form of truth in it, although they are
referring to being seriously monitored but some Lecturers seriously care. While some really think you
have grown to make certain decisions for yourself, some understand that you still need their guidance
and support. They would go all the way to protect you and make sure you made the right decision, if you
would listen to them. If not they will just leave you to yourself. I don’t want to omit the fact that some
could do that because of their selfish desires while others out of genuine reason to help you rise. So be
vigilant, observing, prayerful as well as friendly with them, as you gradually separate the good from the
bad, for some sincerely do care.
This is sincerely a big blast because it's a tale. One sure truth about any institution is, you wouldn't be
given something you weren't taught. either it's somewhere in the material you were given or you are
asked to research it Those who always say this are those who don't have the habit of reading and
preparing for exams although they could be really smart. All through my time in school, I can't
remember cheating in the exam hall. Once you read, you will always find something to write and in the
case where you didn't prepare, it's wise you leave the exam to re-register the course the next semester
in other to prepare for it adequately then being caught in the trap of malpractice. Guess what, it can
make you a target to prey on. Lecturers would identify you as an unserious student and would feast on
you during exams.
When you write exams unprepared, it would drop your GP. But trust me, you can finish school without
exam malpractice.
Malpractice drains the joy one derives from working hard. It kills confidence. It leaves you defenseless
when you needed to prove your results. To have your complete joy, therefore, sit and work hard for
your result. That’s the root of your joy. the proof that you are worth your results
I found out that as most students prepare for admission into higher institutions most end up not actually
preparing for the most important things; the years that would be spent.
As a result, most end up losing themselves to the new environment. I believe young adults should
explore but not to the detriment of what matters most, as it will avert regrets that come with unguided
Most times, the zeal to explore the new environment presents itself pure and attracting without printing
on itself "consequences are inevitable" so they following are few important things every university
aspirant must prepare for if they are going to have they very best experience campus has to offer.
This sounds like the familiar rhyme, right? I must be honest with you, Identifying with your Creator will
save you so many stress in life even through University.You need Him to succeed and scale through
unstained. You just need your God.
You need to KNOW him by yourself and FOR yourself and be ready to be identify with Him in DEEDS AND
WORDS. Be real with God and let people know about it. I tell you, many in the kingdom of darkness
understand this. They carry their gods to anywhere they are posted. They are everywhere manipulating
things and people in their favor.
So you can't afford to enter the University dry and empty with the mindset of let-me-just-go-and-
explore. You too, carry your God with you. You badly need God's backup!
There will be situations that will stare at your face in a challenge. It is only when you're grounded in God
that you can boldly say "MY REDEEMER LIVETH" without compromise. Your faith and walk with God will
be tested.
So as you prepare to be admitted into the higher institution, prepare to carry YOUR GOD along with
you. Don't get admission and kick your God out of the window.
Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years
approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them” Ecclesiastes 12:1 NIV
You might not really have it all put together. I mean the big picture of who you are because it's actually
bigger than you. But then, hold unto God to show you a glimpse of it.
I have seen people not finding satisfaction in their choice of career in life, simply because of the path
they took. While the knowledge is not a waste, they have taken the wrong lane towards their destiny.
Although some have the courage to retrace their steps, others kept threading with shame and regret on
the path full of void.
"My parents are my issue. I know what I want in life but they kept imposing what they want on me" . Yes
I understand, I believe you know that down within their soul they aren't doing it because they hate you.
So pray about it, they are created by God so He will handle them.
Please settle this issue with your parents so that you wouldn't have to journey alone when you will need
them the most. Having a glimpse into the future will help keep you in check, knowing your identity in
God and what he had created you to achieve.
So pray and ask God to open your eyes and guide you in your career choice. Then do a soul-search, and
scan through your interests and passion. They MIGHT be a pointer to that career path but then allow
God to guide you.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
Oh yes, goal setting should be part of what you must put in place as you step into the higher institution.
You shouldn't go through it without any form of plan.
After Identifying what you wanted, the next thing is "how will I achieve them?" and that's when goal
setting comes in. From Nigeria scholars article, there are 15 things you have to prepare for and set your
plans around before or once you step into the higher institution.
1) Prepare for a good grade from the START and be DETERMINED to come out with the best.
2) Go through all the introductory ceremonies and orientations organized by the school authority.
3) Become acquainted with your roommates and Classmates despite their differences. find a way to
cope with them.
4)Plan to push yourself through lectures and all the related activities by yourself. Be self-motivated. Be
ready to attend all the lectures because they are big pluses to your grade.
5) Understand yourself, when, where, and how best to read. Try to create or join a study group that will
motivate your reading habit.
6)Be acquainted with your academic Adviser and your lectures. It will save you a lot of stress.
7)Find a balance between your social life, religious life, personal life and academic life. Eat well,stay
healthy, exercise,learn to cope with homesickness etc
10) Don't procrastinate. Prioritize your life and manage your time.
11) Seek professional help when you need it be it medical or that of a counselor.
12) NEVER try to cut corners for any reason. It has a way of cashing up with us in the future. Be real. It's
better you fail honorably and repeat the course than passing shamefully.
13) Don't ever leave your campus to an unnecessary place that will endanger your life. Embrace your
God,sit and read.
14) Stay positive and relate with goal oriented individuals. Intelligently firebrands.
15) Above all be ready to go with God when taking any step.
Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place.Proverbs 16:3 MSG
This part is summed up by knowing how to respond to stress and peer pressure.This two is highly
inevitable as you try to adjust to your new environment,but having the right knowledge about it,is a
wonderful way to cope with it. Let's start with PEER PRESSURE.
This is an act of trying to BE or BEHAVE in a certain way as a result of external influence. Peer pressure
can be positive or negative. While the positive pushes you out of your comfort zone to be the best
version of yourself,the negative compiles you into engaging in activities that will always leave you with a
full dose of regret and shame.
And some of these pressures can come from classmates,lecturers, family members, friends etc
6)Ask for help if necessary from your parents, lecturer, counselor etc
7)Go with your gut (Don't try to like something you hate because of intimidation)
Stress refers to the situation of too many demands and not enough resources like time, money, energy
to meet them.This is another thing that is inevitable as an undergraduate student.Learning how to
respond to it will make you feel refreshed and ever fit to keep pushing.
3)Keep track of your lectures, Assignments, and appointments using your calendar or alarm
7)Listen to a good music to refresh your soul and energize your spirit
8)Try exercising
9)Get someone to just listen to your rants without lecturing you. Talk to someone.
10) Plan your day and manage your time using a to-do list.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 NLT
Here, we will be looking at having a side business. There is dignity in labor the ancient quote says.
Don't step into the institution with the devourer mindset. Your little contribution counts I must say. Do
you know what it means to your parents when you say to any of them " I just cleared my departmental
dues with the money I got from selling that items"?
Most of us will not like to mention this to them though.It might not be much but you're telling them that
you understand and appreciate their labor of love towards you therefore you are contributing this little
as a way of supporting them.
You're as well telling them you are becoming more responsible and matured to know what to do with
money. Some parents will even want to pay you back. God bless our parents!
They will forever appreciate and respect you for easing their burden.A wise man said It's incredible
when skills and passion come together. Be confident enough to start something despite how small in
line with your passion.Don't just let the skill rust away because you're afraid and lack confident. DO IT
AFRAID! It's on the field of service that skills and passion get better and better.
For some, the skill combined with passion will produce career as the end product So don't ever give up!
1) Tutoring
2) Freelance writing
3) Graphic design
4) Editing business
5) Dropshipping
9) Hairdressing business
11) Blogging
15) Photography
21)Event planning
22) Tailoring
23)Bead making
24) Pencil drawing
25)Honey selling
27)Stand-up comedy
✓Consider your personality type and things around you then plan adequately on how to manage both
your academics and business without any of them suffering
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters
Colossians 3:23 NIV
Here we will be looking at joining a tribe. Tribe simply means people with same values, morals, purpose,
or passion. Once you see yourself in the U-world there will be a desire to befriend anyone that laid a
helping hand to you either by showing you the registration office or guiding you through
something.There is no way you can hide you are a novice.
The predictors know this so they will always come around to be so nice that you will start considering
having them around you. So at this point, pause! Let the passerby be passerby. Let the pointer just point
and go. Don't allow them entangle around you and you too don't be. Don't worry help will always come.
Am just saying, don't quickly befriend. Give yourself time and monitor the person.Please I will like to tell
you,try as much as possible to join a tribe of people that defines you and that look like where you are
going in life.It can be an NGO, your church school assembly,interdenominational ministry,etc... Find a
place to fire up your life!
Engage in activities that will sharpen your gifts and passion.While some see admission as a way to
freedom and deliverance from the tunnel of their parents others understood that it's a battle field that
there is a great need to keep taming oneself.some young adults sell off their destiny while others do
place a price tag on their destiny at this point of their lives. Papa Solomon said "there's time for
everything" So as you're packing your luggage,plan to join a tribe that will...
✓Help you be accountable in your life, your journey with God and destiny
✓Have around you Firebrand relationships that will always keep you on your toes to keep burning
"What! I can consider carrying anything to school but please not my parents "you must have exclaimed,
Just calm down. Let me explain. You know, most times we think that stepping into the university is the
greatest measurement of maturity especially if our parents didn't smell the four walls of a school talk
more of university.
While you might be maturing as you claim,many times we fail to understand that what made up an adult
is the experiences and lessons gathered over the years of existence. They might not be literate but they
are wise.
So prepare to carry them along, to borrow their brain, advice, guidance, and prayer just as you wouldn't
fail to carry their money, foodstuffs, wrappers, etc. As you are traveling, Aside from God, your parents is
another set of people whose heart is always with you.
They actually feel your absence and all you might be going through. so show them some love,
appreciation, and honor by carrying them along in your matters of life. Honor their love and affection.
They might not appear and clear all your problems but a word of prayer from them goes a long way
because of their spiritual authority over you. While you need your friends, you earnestly need your
parents or a parent figure in your life.
“Honor (respect, obey, care for) your father and your mother, so that your days may be prolonged in the
land the Lord your God gives you.Exodus 20:12 AMP
Although my father and my mother have abandoned me, Yet the Lord will take me up [adopt me as His
child].Psalms 27:10 AMP
People of Israel, descendants of Jacob, you may be weak and worthless, but do not be afraid. I myself
will help you.” This is what the Lord himself says. “I am the Holy One of Israel, the one who saves
you.Isaiah 41:14 ERV
Let me start with this ironic question. Have you ever heard someone say " hmmm, I saw XYZ today, I
didn't believe my eyes? For real, I never believe she would ever dress and behave like I was so
shocked to my marrow”? Mrs. Anya, my secondary school teacher, told us “What you can’t confidently
do in the presence of anyone is not far from SIN”
Why would you wait until you are admitted into the higher institution to keep a relationship, to wear
that stuff, to go to clubs, to buy everything you want etc? Have you ever asked yourself, "why is it that
am so loose to do anything each time am far from my parents..what pushes me?" I will answer you, it's
simply because they are saving you from actions that will cause you pain. But you, on the contrary, want
to try it and know the consequences yourself.
No wonder a preacher said "Preventing a child from getting natural consequences of an action is never
the best, if actually, we need our children to learn. That, sometimes it is good to leave them to
experience things and learn themselves" Dear, I don't think you would want to experience the blast of
life before you learn...hmmm?
So be real, in or outside your environment. With or without the presence of your parents. Despite the
strictness of our parents, you will agree with me that they do whatever they do from the place of
love.When you live differently from home is called DECEPTION.
There is a better way to disagree with your parents opinions about things than becoming a time bomb
waiting to explode.There's a reason behind every instructions and boundaries.
Instead of waiting for their absence to try that. Why not ask them the reasons behind whatever they ask
you not to do?Have you ever seek counsel from a wise adult about it? Ask and learn so that you
wouldn't see yourself doing the mistakes they were trying to prevent you from doing.
Will you keep returning to factory setting each time you want to go home after each semester...? Is that
the best way to live? As you enter they higher institution try to be real to yourself and your parents. Just
be simple and real.
Be real. Don't loose yourself to your environment. Don't put confusion on yourself and people around
you.While I believe some of our parents can be manipulating, I also believe that at some point they
should be confronted with the truth especially if it agrees with the word of God.
Ask questions,measure it with God's word and learn.Let the adjustments and changes be POSITIVE,
forsake totally the NEGATIVE ONES.Let the changes start from home and boldly carry it to school.
Take responsibility of your actions and be ready to answer for yourself each time anyone demands for
explanation.Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every
kind 1 Peter 2:1
Not contradicting the fact that our parents are to be responsible for our upkeep and also as many that
are willing but sincerely speaking, although you have hard-working parents and faithful friends, if you
don't learn how to manage your money you will always end up being a burden to them.
To some extent, you will be avoided. It gives you dignity and honor when you don't basically beg ALL
THE TIMES; relying on people to meet basic needs for you ALWAYS. You need to learn how to save and
manage your available resources.
3)Be self-discipline
4)Move with friends who understand the principle of saving and not living an extravagant life
Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving. – Warren Buffett
I will be talking about facing school fearfully with confident. I believe with no doubt that you must have
heard so many stories about the almighty "University" where series of things happens ranging from
cultism,to rape,to lecturer-student relationship,to students lifestyle,to pressure etc
I believe some undergraduate has eehn, cook themselves inside-out like ehn odieshi! Nothing mega!
They are fiercely ready to face whatsoever.. That's the spirit! while some on the other end are still
considering whether or not to further education. They are just full of fear of what will become of them.
Before you kick yourself out of the path way of destiny,have you ever heard of youths who literally
became a force just because they met and corrided with firebrand students (ruggedly and godly young
men and women)? Have you ever heard that there are students whose destiny and life changed because
they met a certain lecturer?
What of those who got clarity and became established in their purpose as a result of relationships from
school. Most men of God I have heard about started during their University days. So it is not a matter of
the university, it's simply a matter of personal choices and values.
You might not be wrong with your thoughts but am just saying "IT'S A MATTER OF CHOICE"
Who am I? etc
These and many more are the questions you need to ask yourself in other to measure and control your
choices and relationships
"For with God all things are possible," the Bible said. Trust me, you can go and come out refined like
gold, shining, and priceless.
Don't bury your face in fear. There are Firebrands students looking for who to fire up. Some students
have not bowed to the idols. They still know and maintain their stand in God. Look out for them and
hook up.
Always trust God to guide you. Learn how to pray. Yes, the prayers of your parents are wonderful but
Learn how to pour out your worries,fears and pains to God. He's a super connector! He has the best plan
for you. Just partner with Him. So as you prepare, prepare to face anything fearlessly, be fearfully
confident. Prepare to be the force of change and pressure yourself because YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I
These are ten basic things you actually need to prepare for before stepping out of your home because
the journey is too far to not prepare for it.
Yes, you are here! Lets thank God for his faithfulness and grace.
With a grateful heart and a mouth full of praise I say... thank you for your sons and daughters, Lord.
Thank you for Grace and mercies over their lives.Thank you for this season of their lives.Thank you for
your love, cares, and faithfulness. Who said you are not God? Who said you are not existing? Didn't the
the great book said," Only fools can say there's no God"? Who said you do not rule in the affairs of man?
Who said you didn't create the universe? Even our lives, breathe, and systems are testifying of your
infinity wisdom, and creative power. Thank you because you are more than worthy
Thank you for the destiny of these Lord. Thank you for the redirection, Thank you for the Saving power
over that Son, over that daughter. Thank you for uplifting the veil of darkness over that individual, Thank
you for setting us apart. Thank you for the setups, Thank you Jesus for the Cross of Calvary, and Thank
you for uplifting the baggage of sin and slavery. that sin that easily ensnares your children, Thank you for
building sons and daughters of the kingdom. Thank you for the preservation
Thank you for the wonderful plans you have for your children, Thank you for bringing them into your will
for their lives. Thank you for the light of clarity and direction.Thank you for they are not confused and
lost.Thank you for opening their eyes to the perversion and lies of the wicked ones.Thank you for firing
them up to carry fire to their appointed schools.Thank you for your wisdom over them.
Thank you for the favorable admissions you are releasing on your children. Thank you Father for you are
preserving their feet from evil and preparing them for greater things, Thank you for peace you are giving
to their parents over them,Thank you for making them know you intimately and personally,Thank you
Father. In Jesus mighty name we have given thanks Amen and Amen.
Remember that Jesus LOVES you. The destination of anyone who died without Christ is hell. So repent
and give your life to Christ. Admission is good, wealth and achievements are great but lives without
Christ are empty..I mean empty!
Sincerely say this prayer ...if you would like to give your life to Jesus
"Lord Jesus, I thank you for the Cross of Calvary. I sincerely repent from my sins, Lord. Thank you for the
grace to walk with you. Write my name in the book of Life. With my heart, I believe and with my mouth I
Thank you, Jesus, Thank you, Jesus. Thank you Jesus in Jesus’ name Amen and Amen
Esther Uchechukwu Muolokwu is a lover of Christ, a visionary, a passionate teenage mentor, and a
teacher who started her work with teens 9years ago and counting as part of the Children ministry
leaders in New Covenant Community, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church.
She went further to study Counselling at the prestigious University of Ibadan where she obtained her
first degree in Guidance and Counseling. She equally obtained a certification in Child and Adolescent
Counseling at the Institute of Counseling in Nigeria. She's a member of the Association of Counselling
and Matchmaking professionals in Nigeria.
She is a founder of The Nurturers Mentoring Hub an organization that specialized in mentoring and
counseling teenagers.
She's a wife, and the mother of three; Daniel, Chidalu, and Chiemela