Customer Loyalty Is Measure of Value Achieving Customer Satisfaction

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Customer loyalty is measure of value achieving customer satisfaction.

We are continuing to build the model and consider measuring value as

determined by the customer as evidence of customer satisfaction. See
the graphic.

As seen in the graphic measuring value is strictly a customer satisfaction

issue. No matter what the product or service the customer determines with
their dollars the value proposition. It is possible to change that understanding
through a variety of efforts on your part but make no mistake the customer's
satisfaction is the ultimate value measure of what is offered. Six sigma seeks
to understand that value from the view of the customer and enhance the
value in a way that is advantageous to both the customer and to the
organization. With increasedcustomer satisfaction the likelihood of customer
loyalty increases.

Some organizations because of unusual circumstances find themselves in a

high sales environment with unusually high margins. Not infrequently people
can practice enough self delusion to convince themselves that the customer
satisfaction is high and customers agree that there is adequate value involved,
when the real reason is some sort of market place discontinuity. That is not to
say that there is not a lot of money to be made during these times.

"Pet Rocks" were a nice fad that made handsome profits for some people but
no one really thought that the value was there for the price paid. As a fad it
died in a very short time. If your business seeks to capitalize on this sort of
market place, just realize that it is short lived and the value comes from the
unique idea, not from some underlying value or need in society.

Any new idea or product is in the position of trying to balance the true
value and the "newness" component. A classic of this is the early Ford Motor
Company. Henry Ford insisted on driving the cost of cars down and making
them inexpensive so the market could become bigger and bigger rather that
selling fewer cars at much higher prices. Yet when the consumer tastes
evolved to wanting colors other than black, that was seen as a fad that would
increase the cost and would soon disappear. What almost disappeared was the
Ford Motor Company. The changes in customer tastes can be surprisingly fast, if
your processes do not have the cycle time capability to respond others are likely
to meet the changing customer desires.

Few organizations can wait on the market place to inform them of exactly
what the value of the product or service, even the Ford Motor Company barely
survived a miss reading. Yet in many cases if too much time is spent on
study and evaluation the profitable opportunity may have passed. Small
organizations have the ability to react and change rapidly, yet a few large
companies are able to keep their product pipeline filled with profitable
innovation. 3M each year expects to have 40% of the sales revenue from
products that are less than four (4) years old. In some businesses it takes that
long to get approval for model changes of the same product. One of the most
important competitive advantages in the market place today is speed. Cycle
time reduction in addition to eliminating waste has the real benefit of
providing more opportunities to learn. Every cycle is a learning opportunity.
For those who learn in every cycle, if
they just complete the cycle one more time than you in the same time frame,
will in short order build a huge competitive advantage because they have
learned and know more.

As can be seen from the graphic the customer value will drive re-design and
evolution of your products and services. This Voice of the Customer
combined with technical consideration drive the product and service
evolution. Those who are not staying ahead of this evolution will soon
suffer. Videos are a good example. The Beta Max from Sony were first to
market and from what I am told a superior technical product to VHS, yet
VHS with inexpensive players and
a marketing move to get a wider variety of movies drove the Beta Max from the
field. One of the places that we believe six sigma has great potential, that is
largely untapped, is in the marketing functions of most companies. When the
marketing, design, manufacturing and design all become a team focused on
driving customer value breakthrough has generally be achieved.

One method of measuring value is to consider the defects in the entire process
of delivery to the customer. Lower defect levels will be of higher value.
With six sigma the concept of rolled through yield is very important. If
defects occur in multiple places or stages before reaching the customer they
can all be added together to get the total number of defect per unit. Using a
Poisson approximation the

Yield = e **-DPU.

(Yield is equal to e with the exponent of minus the defects per unit). Note that
if you average 1 defect per unit the yield is 0.36788. Some have multiple
defects and about 36.7% will make it through without any defects. Where
anything that is less than the expectation of the customer is a defect. Doing
some simple math 63.3% of the customer interfaces will have a defect. There
are multiple surveys that indicate that less than 4% of customers will ever
complain. 4% times 63.3= 2.532 or approximately 3%. Which means that if
3% of your customers (each transaction being counted as a unit) complain then
you have a defect rate averaging 1 per unit.

In the December 2000 issue of Quality Progress Gregory H. Watson suggests

that there are three logical categories for failures or defects. First the product or
service does not meet customer expectations, second the price is not appropriate
for the customer to see sufficient value and third the delivery in not with in the
required time frame for the customer. The assumption here is that all defects are
the same in the eyes of the customer.

This view of measuring defects from the perspective of the customer is essential
if you are going to move the improvements through six sigma from
incremental internal improvements to the dramatic customer focused changes
that are found with World Class Performance. All of the non-product
related defects are now considered in the yield. Here our yield is customer

The implications of a 3% complaint rate by customers are terrible. Only by

chance are you able to produce defect free product or service 36.7% of the
time and all of the remaining products or services have at least one defect and
some multiple defects. Few businesses can survive with that level of poor

Measuring value is more than just considering the value of a product being
delivered to the customer as intended. The value has to consider the total
customer experience, including all of the support services such as logistics,
accounts receivable, etc.

Quotes that Inspire

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. Moliere

It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didn't."*Martin Van

Buren {1782-1862 8th President of the US}

"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to
accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble." Helen Keller
{1880-1968 American Blind/Deaf Author & Lecturer}

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading." Lao-

Never give up!

23 publishers rejected Dr.Seuss's first book.

Michael Jordan's high school basketball team cut him.
21 publishers rejected M*A*S*H
Henry Ford went broke five times before succeeding.

He who finds diamonds must grapple in mud and mire because diamonds are
not found in polished stones. They are made. Henry B. Wilson

It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident

knowledge that they will help us.--Epicurus

People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content

with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents. Andrew

The best is good enough. German Proverb

I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day, as each day
came. Abraham Lincoln

The Serenity Prayer

Lord, Give Me The Courage To Change The Things I Can.
The Serenity To Accept The Things I Can't .
The Wisdom To Know The Difference.

The smallest deed is better than the grandest intention. Larry Eisenberg

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