MarketResearch 101 For Startups
MarketResearch 101 For Startups
MarketResearch 101 For Startups
White paper
1 Ask
Ask Your
2010 2010
Many founders of startups act like market research doesnt exist. It may be ignorance in some cases but with some founders, its the fear of being told that
your baby is ugly. Ignorance is not only devoid of bliss, it can send you right
into the dead pool.
If you are looking for funding, your mission will be far easier if you can lay
objective market research data on the table to show that you have done your
homework and arent simply flying by your gut intuition.
What techniques can startups living on ramen employ to get some validation
in the real world? A major part of building startups is a lot about managing
and reducing risks. Wouldnt it be awesome if we could identify our target
market and go ask them our most important questions before we invest any
time and capital building anything, before the first line of code is written or a
die is cast and name is found? Well, we can.
In this white paper, we are going to review the ways that scrappy startup
founders just like you have performed market research on the cheap and
teach you newer approaches to getting the business intelligence you need to
survive and achieve the success of your dreams.
Guerilla market research
Aaron Patzer, who founded and took it in a few years to a $170 MM
exit, surveyed his target market, face to face, at the Mountain View Train Station. It may be challenging for you to define your target market. Well address
that subject a little later but for now, If your target market is simply normal
people, as Patzer states in his case, then his method of guerilla market research costs you only your time and enables you to get opinions from your
target market.
Home-made research
Another technique you can use to research before
you build is to use one of the many online survey
tools such as Survey Monkey. These tools have a gazillion features but generally have the drawback that
they require you to round up the respondents. This
can be a pain in the butt. It may be especially difficult
to get the opinions of the right segment of people
that represents your target market. If you have a mail3
So, AYTM is an online survey tool. But, it is so much more. You can write
surveys and utilize sophisticated features such a embedding images into any
question or answer. You can upload an introductory video that respondents
must watch before they answer your survey. Thats a perfect opportunity to
demo your product, service, website, TV commercial or movie trailer. There
are advanced survey-building features such as skip logic. But, what really sets
AYTM apart is the built-in US consumer panel. You can define your target
market, the respondents you wish to answer your survey, by setting a combination of 9 different demographic parameters. You can get even more precise
by adding a psychographic prescreening question so that only the people
you are really interested in surveying become your respondents. Say you only
Special Considerations
How to Discover Your Target Market
When You Dont Yet Know Who They Are.
AYTM is perhaps the most affordable and scalable option for helping you
identify and find your target market. Maybe you have a winning idea. But often your target market isnt whom you think. You can wait for your real target
market to discover you. Lots of outbound marketing may eventually reach the
ears of your target market and bring them to you. Thats an expensive process
and takes a lot of time to develop. Again, time and money is a luxury few of us
can afford. What if you could survey a large sample of US consumers and then
retrospectively discover the demographics of those who are poised to be
your target market customers ready to buy? The AYTM survey results pages
includes tools for retrospectively segmenting how different subsets of the
respondents answered. It also includes tools for ferreting out survey answer
patterns. By performing a large sample survey with questions designed to determine consumer interest in your product/service, you can utilize the AYTM
toolset to find and discover your target market.
Conjoint Analysis
Many experts consider conjoint analysis to be the gold standard for breaking down how consumers value a product or services individual features as a
contributor to overall value and price. Conjoint Analysis comes in several variations and the design and analysis of these types of studies is fairly rigorous
and probably beyond the scope of non-professionals. Nonetheless, conjoint
analysis is not always the ideal approach to studying pricing: If your product/
services features are already set, the features dont have a range of variance
or you simply want to test the overall price. Remember that conjoint analysis
is used to look at the inter-relationship of variable attributes of a product/service as contributors to the overall perceived value.
The results are then plotted as frequency curves and analyzed to find the
optimal price point.
Pricing research is only one of the many reasons that entrepreneurs come to
Another classic mistake: some logos are designed to fit in a header and
have horizontal proportions which makes them very readable with minimum height and others are perfectly fit in a square. Most professionally
designed logos include a few layout modifications to fit well in different
applications. When testing a logo, make sure that the different artwork fits
nicely into the preview frame and has similar layout/readability qualities.
Avoid adding long taglines that will make text too small for the respondents, and which might steal their attention away from the emblem itself.
You are better off testing the tagline as text in a different question.
Upload high-resolution graphics to make sure that the respondent has a
chance to see your images at full quality. You dont want them to be rated
low due to a small size or bad compression.
When you are trying to find the best set of icons for your
app GUI or Website, and you want to show them in the context of the entire page. Make sure that the respondents
attention is not distracted by other graphics and elements.
Its better to show icons separately by putting sets sideby-side. You can also shade down the rest of the screen to
draw their attention to the element being researched and
then test the visual context in a separate question.
Final Words
Market research is a fundamental tool for marking smarter business decisions.
Until recently, the costs and lack of access placed it out of reach for startups
and small businesses. Besides price and access issues, traditional market
research is too slow a process for startups. Startups require rapid feedback
mechanisms in order to use their agility as an advantage larger competitors.
Without agility, startups have no chance for survival.
For startups, market research offers the opportunity to validate their ideas
before expending capital and human resources and build a product or service
that has no market of willing customers. But, market research is not just for
initial validation. It should be utilized throughout the life of the business to
help guide strategic and tactical decisions.
With the advent of the self-service target market
research platform, startups and businesses of any size can afford high quality,
target market, quantitative and qualitative market research., Serious market research at silly prices.