
Megan Chan

Megan Chan is a User Experience Specialist with Nielsen Norman Group. She uses her expertise in user research, interaction design, and storytelling to guide product and business decisions. Megan consults clients across various industries and trains UX professionals around the world.

Articles and Videos

  • Testing Visual Design: A Comprehensive Guide

    Use methods like 5-second testing, first-click testing, and preference testing to gain insights into how users perceive your visual design.

  • Why 90’s Designs Are Coming Back

    Understanding the cyclical nature of design trends allows us to build on the past and fulfill the evolving needs of users. 3 examples of returning trends are neumorphism, dark mode, and gradients.

  • User Testing with Older Adults

    When conducting usability testing with older adults, understand the unique needs of participants in this age group and adjust your test setup and tasks accordingly.

  • Seeing Is Believing: Using Video Evidence When Presenting Research to Stakeholders

    Video evidence is a strong UX storytelling tool that helps you improve comprehension, build empathy, and overcome skepticism when communicating research findings to stakeholders.

  • Skeuomorphism

    Skeuomorphism involves designing digital interfaces that imitate physical elements, reducing the learning curve for unfamiliar interactions.

  • Storytelling in UX Work: Study Guide

    Use this collection of links to our articles and videos to learn how to craft compelling stories while communicating research findings and design ideas.

  • Mental Models

    What users believe they know about a user interface impacts how they use it. Mismatched mental models are common, especially with designs that try something new.

  • 5 Formatting Techniques for Long-Form Content

    Techniques like summaries, bullet points, callouts, bolding, and helpful visuals improve comprehension and engagement with content exceeding 1,000 words.

  • Usability Testing with Users' Personal Information

    Usability Testing benefits from using participants’ personal information, but asking for this requires preparation and consideration.

  • Usability Testing With Older Adults

    When conducting usability testing with older adults, understand your participants’ needs and accommodate them accordingly.