九州大学について About


Donations to the University

The goal of the Kyushu University Fund is to support education, research, and clinical practice at this university and to further upgrade and enhance the environment within which they are carried out, in order to encourage research activities that truly contribute to humanity and society. This will enable Kyushu University to function as a base for further promotion of high-quality higher education supported by people around the world, as well as the pursuit, creation, and development of better knowledge, with the ultimate objective of building an institution that will open the door to a new century of knowledge as an academic leader in an increasingly globalized world. As well as general funds with no specified purpose, we accept donations to projects for specific purposes.

Donations to Schools, Graduate Schools, and Researchers, etc.

We accept donations from companies and individuals to help to cover the cost of academic and clinical research carried out by schools, graduate schools, and specific researchers, as well as costs associated with the promotion of education and research, student support, and operational management.

Donations of Personal Property and Real Estate

We also accept donations of personal property and buildings, among other things. Please inquire in advance.

Endowed Laboratories and Research Departments

We make effective use of personnel and funds donated by private sector companies and the like for the purpose of promoting education and research by establishing endowed laboratories and endowed research departments, with the aim of advancing and enhancing education and research at this university.

Contributions to the Student Support Association

The Student Support Association carries out activities aimed at providing financial support for the academic and extracurricular activities of students and various university events. It consists of parents and guardians of students of this university (Category A members); officers, staff, and faculty members of this university (Category B members); former staff/faculty members, alumni, and people sympathetic to the goals of this university (Category C members); and life members.