学部・大学院等 Academics
Graduate School of Humanities, Faculty of Humanities
Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Faculty of Social and Cultural Studies
Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies
Graduate School of Law, Faculty of Law
Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Languages and Cultures
Graduate School of Science, Faculty of Science
Graduate School of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics
Graduate School of Systems Life Sciences
Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences
Graduate School of Dental Science, Faculty of Dental Science
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Graduate School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Graduate School of Design, Faculty of Design
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Engineering Sciences
Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture
Graduate School of Integrated Frontier Sciences
Law School (Professional Graduate School)
Department of Clinical Psychology Practice, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies
Kyushu University Business School-QBS
Department of Health Care Administration and Management, Graduate School of Medical Sciences
Joint Graduate School of Mathematics for Innovation