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Sunday and Monday reports slowed, mostly because of the conditions. Those who fished early in west Galveston Bay landed a few speckled trout before the winds picked up. After that, it was pretty much a grind.

Congratulations to all the anglers who participated in these events. The weather wasn't always so nice as it was this past Saturday. They battled the wind, cold and rain during the series.

Friday morning, I reached out to Capt. Reanna Delacruz to talk about fishing. She's still down in Port Mansfield, but will jump back up to Baffin Bay at certain times. Delacruz reported a tough bite since the last cold front.

Capt. Bink Grimes of Sunset Lodge in Matagorda reported a good bite on speckled trout wading over shell reefs with Down South lures. He did not mention what color lure worked best, but a lot of anglers this time of year are throwing something in the shade of white.

"Chamber of Commerce" weather is the type of weather that would attract tourists to your city. Tuesday's weather on the island was just that type of weather. Clear and sunny skies, with the perfect air temperature.

I'm excited to pair this reel with my old All Star rod and drift across a shell reef, reeling in some speckled trout. What was good enough then is still good enough now, it just might not be as pretty.

The West End Anglers hosted their third event in the FishWestEnd Winter Trout Series on Saturday. This tournament was headquartered out of West End Restaurants and Marina in Sea Isle on Galveston Island. Here are the results of this event.