Race and Ethnicity
Recent papers in Race and Ethnicity
In the Netherlands, there is increasingly critical debate about the government’s top- down ethnic categorisation procedures and the assumption that analyses of integration should be based on internally homogeneous (and dichotomous)... more
Ever since jazz appeared in Hungary in the 1920s, it has entered an interaction with Gypsymusic of the coffee houses, which has been practised by the Romani minority as an urban, folkloristic, popular style of music. Instances when the... more
This essay seeks to examine in parts, the ostensible absence of women’s political participation, particularly in peace processes in Africa. The essay will draw experiences and examples from a couple of African countries to argue that... more
People who are against racism are ‘White supremacists.’ They believe that everyone else, whatever colour or background, must be the same as Whites. They will allow biological differences from this norm: colour, facial features, etc., but... more
Acknowledgements: Tina Libhart, master's degree candidate, and Amanda Toller, master's degree candidate, contributed to an earlier version of this article.
Because research is needed to identify the conditions that facilitate or impede the prevalence of perceived workplace discrimination, the authors examined the effects of demographics and demographic similarity on the prevalence of sex-and... more
This article addresses the recent attempts to integrate evolutionary history in the US national narrative. Focusing on the cultural, legal, and scientific controversy over Kennewick Man, the ancient human remains discovered in Washington... more
Verbete do "Dicionário crítico das ciências sociais dos países de fala oficial portuguesa".
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
This paper argues that capitalist accumulation requires imperialist expansion, and that this expansion creates a “raced” surplus laboring population. The argument proceeds in seven parts: that Marx’s assertion in chapter 25 of Capital... more
Future. Il domani narrato dalle voci di oggi, an anthology published in Italy in 2019, comprises writing by 11 self-identified black Italian women. As the book’s title suggests, their work, mostly personal accounts of being black women in... more
Interracial sex mattered to the British colonial state in West Africa. In Crossing the Color Line, Carina E. Ray goes beyond this fact to reveal how Gold Coasters—their social practices, interests, and anxieties—shaped and defined these... more
Current discourses about migrants and diaspora communities in Europe are often informed by a social worker's perspective and haunted by residual notions of supposedly pure and authentic cultures of origin. Between national entrenchment... more
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
With two new publications, the Museum of Mormon History in Mexico has firmly established itself as a leading venue for the production of Mormon history in Mexico. The Spanish translation and English commentary on Part 1 of F. LaMond... more
The indigene/settler question has been central to scholarly discourses on land ownership, ethnicity and identity in Nigeria. The legacies of the 1804 Jihad and the subsequent divide and rule colonial model of governance are extant in the... more
This article argues for a reconceptualization of the intersections of race, gender and class as simultaneous processes of identity, institutional and social practice in order to redress the lack of attention to these intersections in... more
I would like to begin my presentation with a revealing quote from Antonio Pedreira's classic polemical dissection of the Puerto Rican body politic, Insularismo:
Amidst the expected, punning advertisements for data companies lining the drive into San Francisco, one passes a lone cultural billboard depicting Klimt’s The Virgin (1913). The image advertises Klimt & Rodin: An Artistic Encounter at the... more
This essay considers the ways in which an “ethnic studies” analysis might be used to think through issues of tension and conflict between Black and immigrant Muslims, in particular the ways in which those in each group have sought to... more
In this paper, I explain how the gender binary is described by Sandy Stone, an academic theorist, media theorist and author, and considered a founder of the academic discipline of transgender studies, as a matter of space from which trans... more
While the idea that racism is accompanied by its denial is well established, this paper examines the widespread explicit advocacy of a stance of ‘not racism’. The rejection of racism by proponents of positions that hinder the cause of... more
A theoretical examination of race and ethnic relations in terms of pluralism and integration based on equality versus those based on inequality.
O artigo busca contribuir para o debate acerca dos museus, coleções e representações tendo como foco o caso do Museu de Arte Negra (MAN), organizado pelo ativista, escritor e pintor Abdias do Nascimento. Dessa maneira, apresenta uma... more
Authenticity occupies a central position in sociology and those social science fields, which deal with subcultures and racial identity. When considered alongside music and culture, aspects of legitimacy and imagery emerge and are debated.
1 The first to use the concept of ethnicity was Max Weber (1968). His example was not followed, however. 2 The first two cases rely heavily on an article I wrote a decade ago (Vermeulen 1984). Some of the additional, main sources for the... more
This paper presents the author’s reaction to watching the Jane Elliot’s “Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment” and answers the question: Do you believe that it is still necessary to teach children about prejudice, racism, discrimination... more
The following is an interview conducted for Octopus: A Visual Studies Journal with Jennifer A. González, author of Subject to Display: Reframing Race in Contemporary Installation Art (The MIT Press, 2008).
A life narrative as short addendum to Chapter IV/Lives in Translation. In Xenophon's Anabasis, Book IV, beginning of Chapter 8. Xenophon's army reaches the land of the Macrones at the east of Trabzon. The Macrones are lined up for... more
This practice-research based article explores the relationship between mana motuhake (indigenous sovereignty) and white patriarchal sovereignty in Aotearoa New Zealand, focusing on Ngāti Tūwharetoa as a case study. It seeks to find the... more
A sequel to the groundbreaking volume Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western and Eastern Constructions, the present volume examines in depth interactions between Western racial constructions of East Asians and local constructions of... more
The intro is available on my personal website via the link. The Shape of Sex is a pathbreaking history of nonbinary sex, focusing on ideas and individuals who allegedly combined or crossed sex or gender categories from 200–1400 C.E.... more
The research on which this study reports was informed by the following questions: Do Black gay men identify more closely with a racial identity or with a sexual identity? What experiences influence the saliency of a racial or sexual... more
What has been referred to as the 'multiracial millennium' signifies the hype around multiraciality. Since the 1990s the United States has seen an increasing public interest with the multiracial experience and in the multiracial body. This... more