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Nancy Cartwright’s most recent monograph: Nature, the Artful Modeler: Lectures on Laws, Science, How Nature Arranges the World and How We Can Arrange It Better presents the state of the art in the philosophy of science literature. Here,... more
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      PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceSocial SciencesGraphical Models
The concept of shared mental models refers to the shared understanding among team members about how they should behave in different situations. This article aimed to develop a new shared mental model measure, specifically designed for the... more
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      Football (soccer)TeamsFutsalMental Models
Introduction. This paper focuses on a research strategy combining the concept of mental models, diary method, drawings technique and thematic analysis to study individual information spaces. The possibility of implementing such approach... more
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      Case Study ResearchQualitative ResearchDiary StudiesThematic Analysis
Resumen Un buen número de estudios psicolingüís-ticos han analizado los costos de procesa-miento en relación con las expectativas del lector durante el proceso de lectura y com-prensión de textos, así como su vínculo con determinadas... more
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      SemanticsPsycholinguisticsCausalityDiscourse Processing
Over the past decades, numerous researchers and practitioners have focused on the use case modeling for information technology project management. However, few studies have examined ways to improve the discovery phase of an information... more
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      Project ManagementMental ModelsBusiness AnalysisInformation Technology Projects
A model is a well-formed, adequate, and dependable instrument that represents origins and that functions in utilisation scenarios.
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      Computational ModellingModeling and SimulationMathematical ModellingBuilding Information Modeling (BIM) (Architecture)
There are significant differences between older and younger adults in terms of risk perception and risk behaviors offline. The previously unexplored existence of this dissimilitude online is the motivation for our work. What are the risk... more
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      Computer SciencePrivacyVideoRisk
The paper offers a social science perspective on some of the assumptions and abstractions implicit in the semantic web vision in one bio-medical domain. The focus here is on the more persistent semantic and systemic alignment issues in... more
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      Computer ScienceErgonomicsDecision MakingHuman Factors
This study investigated the influence of training format on knowledge structure development and how differing knowledge structure measurement techniques can be used to best assess training effectiveness. The presence of diagrams was... more
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      Computer-Based LearningMental Models
The aim of this paper is to investigate how alternative land ethics of agricultural stakeholders may help explain recent land use changes. The paper first explores the historical development of the land ethic concept in the United States... more
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      Mental ModelsLAND CONVERSIONAgricultural Land Conversion and Expansion Process
Equine-Human Relations –a shift in perspectives • From a functional to an emotional/relational relationship/partnership • From object to subject • From un-equal to equal • From non-sentient to sentient • From species to individual • From... more
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      Cognitive ScienceIntersubjectivityEquine BehaviorSubjectivity Studies
Through rumination I give the mathematical definitions from real analysis of hell or hellfire as they are mental constructs which we may readily experience if our sense of shame is alerted.
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      Real AnalysisMental ModelsHellfire
This is my graduate thesis book. My thesis develops systematic methods in interaction design using three case studies. I am focusing on two systematic models - the conceptual model and the mental model. A conceptual model is the model... more
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      Interaction DesignSystems ThinkingConceptual ModellingMental Models
In this presentation I will be discussing the relations between mental model theory, stemming from cognitive psychology, and fundamental image schemas that have been identified in the area of child language acquisition. In cognitive... more
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      Social CognitionCognitive LinguisticsMental Models
The purpose of this research is to determine appropriate methods for efficient learning and adoption of new software technologies. We considered Expert Modeling (EM) and Self Guided Modeling (SGM) approaches of Model Centered Instruction... more
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      Mental ModelsConceptual ModelJSPModel 2 software architecturemodel-centered instruction
Safe surgical practice requires a combination of technical and nontechnical abilities. Both sets of skills can be impaired by intra-operative stress, compromising performance and patient safety. This systematic review aims to assess the... more
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      SurgeryErgonomicsDecision MakingPatient Safety
This paper investigates the contribution of a human modeling and simulation software in two different applications: workstation in a medical products industry and a costumer service counter. This study examines its application in sectors... more
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      ErgonomicsDecision MakingHuman FactorsHealth Care
Recent decades have seen multiple calls, internationally, for enhanced earth science education. At present, quality earth science education in grade school is rare, increasing the importance of post-secondary courses. Research within the... more
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      Embodied CognitionGeoscience EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationMental Models
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      Organizational LearningMental Models
This article offers an interpretation of scientific concepts’ understanding in terms of mental simulation. A series of studies are reviewed, showing that mental simulation is a fundamental form of computation in the brain, underlying many... more
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      Instructional DesignScience EducationConceptual changeDigital Media & Learning
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
The most common schizophrenia nursing problems found were the risk of violent behavior, hallucinations, and low self-esteem. It was found that 55% of clients were at risk of violent behavior, hallucinations, and low self-esteem who... more
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      Mental HealthMental Health nursingCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesSchizophrenia
Tanulmányomban három olyan módszerről írok, amelynek használata a társadalomtudományokban elterjedt és bevált, és – bár nem általánosan, hanem inkább innovatív módon – az online felületek fejlesztése során is hatékonyan alkalmazható.... more
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      User Experience (UX)Usability and user experienceDiary StudiesUser interfaces
Resumen. Los procesos cognitivos involucrados en la conceptualización, la categorización, y sus implicaciones para áreas como la lingüística y la lógica, son un tema recurrente en la filosofía contemporánea de la mente y del lenguaje,... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceSet TheoryOntology
This technical note details the preliminary stage in the development of a postural analysis tool, Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). REBA has been developed to "ll a perceived need for a practitioner's "eld tool, speci"cally designed to... more
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      ErgonomicsDecision MakingHuman FactorsHealth Care
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      MafiaMental ModelsDidattica ItalianoPeppino Impastato
Using everyday examples and familiar language, Bitcoin Clarity separates technical concepts from industry jargon, and tells the story about how Bitcoin began and how each part of the system evolved into what it is today.
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      Systems ThinkingSystems Thinking and Problem SolvingMental ModelsBitcoin
This study seeks to evaluate how interventions exposing leaders to ego development models and personality coaching could cultivate leadership maturity. The intervention targeted two levels of adult and leadership development. The first... more
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      LeadershipLeadership DevelopmentEnneagramMental Models
Back pain in thle nursing profession is an acknowledged wide spread occupational hazard. This study used OWAS (Ovako Working posture Analysis System) to measure the severity of the working postures adopted by nurses on Care of the Elderly... more
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      NursingErgonomicsDecision MakingHuman Factors
Background: We aimed to improve the quality and safety of handover of patients from surgery to intensive care using the analogy of a Formula 1 pit stop and expertise from aviation. Methods: A prospective intervention study measured the... more
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      ErgonomicsDecision MakingHuman FactorsHealth Care
มโนมติในวิชาเคมีจำนวนมากเกี่ยวข้องกับเรื่องของนามธรรมที่มองไม่เห็นและสัมผัสไม่ได้ ทำให้นักเรียนจำนวนมากมีมโนมติที่คลาดเคลื่อนเกี่ยวกับวิชาเคมีอย่างไรก็ตาม... more
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      Chemistry EducationMental Models
Chapter 1. The notion and conceptions of virtual reality. Chapter 2. "Platonic" senses of the "virtual": the "virtual" as a produced by the activity of the objectively-mental. Chapter 3. "Platonic" senses of the "virtual":... more
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      Philosophy of MindPlatoAristotleVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)
Background Teamwork in surgical teams is at the forefront of good practice guidelines and empirical research as an important aspect of safe surgery. We have developed a comprehensive assessment for teamwork in surgery-the Observational... more
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      SurgeryErgonomicsDecision MakingTeams
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      Creative WritingEvolutionary BiologyNeuroscienceSocial Theory
BACKGROUND: Failures in nontechnical and teamwork skills frequently lie at the heart of harm and near-misses in the operating room (OR). The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the impact of nontechnical skills on technical... more
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      SurgeryErgonomicsDecision MakingTeams
Background Stress can impair surgical performance and may compromise patient safety. This prospective, crosssectional study describes the feasibility, reliability, and validity of the Imperial Stress Assessment Tool (ISAT) as an approach... more
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      SurgeryErgonomicsDecision MakingPatient Safety
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
The following comparison of Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw and Benjamin Britten’s adaptation of this novella to the operatic stage reveals there are two oceans that are crossed: the Atlantic Ocean and the ocean of time. In spite of... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthMental HealthPosttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Opera
In der Frühen Neuzeit finden sich idealisierte Denkfiguren, welche die Regeln der geometrischen Abstraktion durch praxeologische und inszenatorische Verankerung unterlaufen. Sie werden in diesem Beitrag als Modellszenarien aus der Per... more
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      TheatricalityMetatheatre and theatricalityNicolaus CusanusMental Models
Internet használat közben sok esetben előfordul, hogy a különböző tartalmakat (pl fontos dokumentum, érdekes cikk, megvásárolni kívánt árú, egy jó fotó vagy zene) szeretnénk megőrizni, ezért elmentjük őket valamilyen formában.... more
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      Environmental PsychologyHCIAffordancesDigital Environments
Este estudo objetiva comparar duas técnicas de avaliação subjetiva da usabilidade (SUS e DS) aplicadas em estudo perceptivo de objetos domésticos. Estudos desta natureza norteiam futuras aplicações e possibilitam a valorização de técnicas... more
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      UsabilityErgonomicsDecision MakingHuman Factors
The classical view of a manager's role has been that he/she organizes, coordinates, plans, and controls. In 1973, Mintzberg clarified that on any given day managers are very busy, frequently interrupted, and at pains to control what they... more
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      ManagementLeadershipMental ModelsHenry Mintzberg
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      Software EngineeringErgonomicsSociotechnical SystemsDecision Making
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      Psychological AnthropologyEmbodimentMental Models
Complex domains require cognitive work for which current approaches to training may be ill-suited. To improve training for cognitive work, Klein and Baxter have proposed Cognitive Transformation Theory (CTT), a learning theory that... more
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      SensemakingAir traffic controlMental ModelsAdaptive Expertise
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      Mathematical StatisticsFractal GeometryFinancial EconomicsEthics
Referat ma charakter metodologiczny, jego zasadniczym celem jest opis i dyskusja jakościowej analizy danych wizualnych jako procedury poznawczej w badaniach zachowań informacyjnych człowieka (ang. human information behavior). W... more
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      Information BehaviorHuman Information BehaviorParticipatory Visual ResearchThematic Analysis
Abstract Mental models which is figured by Senge in his book “The Fifth Discipline” published in 1990 was mentioned as a proper way of thinking for the learning organizations in every step of the management. In this study the generation... more
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      PsychologyStrategic ManagementStrategic ThinkingLearning Organizations
The main objective of this thesis is to provide elements for the consolidation of a new culture of the territory and for a new theory & practice of urban and territorial planning, based on the the so-called paradigm ecological and the... more
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      Landscape EcologyAnthropologyEnvironmental StudiesCommunity Engagement & Participation
Importance of physical health screening in mental health
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      Mental HealthPsychiatric & Mental Health NursingMental Models