Learning Organizations
Recent papers in Learning Organizations
Asserts and explores the claim that further headway in substantive wide-scale learning organization development is seriously jeopardised unless individual organizations objectively measure their progress. In part 1 a new evaluative... more
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to survey the various measurement instruments of the learning organization on offer, leading to the adoption of a tool that was considered most suitable for gauging progress towards the learning... more
Purpose -The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a relationship between learning organisation theory and the potential to retain knowledge workers. It emphasises that human resource (HR) managers must recognise specific relationships... more
Draws together theorizing in learning, organization and management studies in order to consider the nature of the problems by which the practice of knowledge management is animated. Though in places propositional, the points being made... more
A brief study of learning organizations, its structures and what defines it. This presentation looks at Maxis, a telecommunications operator in Malaysia and presents the arguments that Maxis applies the learning organization... more
Over the decades there has been a paradigm shift in school design and operations. Schools have been transformed static, authoritarian systems to dynamic learning organisations. A new tenet in the education world is 21 st century learning... more
Purpose -The present study sets out to propose and validate a measurement scale that aims to capture the organisational capability to learn, based on a comprehensive analysis of the facilitating factors for learning. The organisational... more
Abstract Mental models which is figured by Senge in his book “The Fifth Discipline” published in 1990 was mentioned as a proper way of thinking for the learning organizations in every step of the management. In this study the generation... more
Purpose -"What kinds of internships are possible?" "How should we decide whether to utilize internships, and if so, how can we ensure they will pay off?" The purpose of this paper is to help answer these key questions facing talent... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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In organizations across the country, extraordinary changes are taking place in the business universe. These changes go beyond an imbalance between supply and demand, or the advance of new technology. They represent an adjustment... more
Communities of practice have become an accepted part of organizational development. One should pay attention to domain, membership, norms and rules, structure and process, flow of energy, results, resources, and values.
Bu araştırmada, öğrenen örgüt oluşturmada okul müdürlerinin öğrenen liderlik rollerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, öğrenen örgütün yapısı, işlevleri, özellikleri ve örgütsel öğrenme açıklanmış; öğrenen örgüt yaklaşımının... more
Over the decades there has been a paradigm shift in school design and operations. Schools have been transformed static, authoritarian systems to dynamic learning organisations. A new tenet in the education world is 21 st century learning... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and job satisfaction, by taking into consideration organizational learning capability (OLC). Design/methodology/approach -Data were... more
Purpose -The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the factors that influence the innovative power of organisations. The concept of innovation and innovative power was examined by analysing the relationship between... more
This paper examines how organizational learning capability affects product innovation performance. We define organizational learning capability through five dimensions or mechanisms: experimentation, risk taking, interaction with the... more
Purpose -Guiding principles are knowledge structures that call to mind collective narratives with emotional content, and are articulated and used heuristically to guide decision making in organizations. The purpose of this paper is to... more
Purpose -This paper seeks to explore the effect of leadership style of a team leader on team-member learning in organizations, to conceptually extend an initial model of leadership and to empirically examine the new model of ambidextrous... more
The purposes of this research aim to find out the theoretical model of characteristics of learning organization and its impact on service quality in hospitals over Thailand as well as the goodness of fit of the theoretical model to the... more
Introduction This paper by Dr. Swee C.Goh discusses the learning organizations concept, and analyzes how much it’s essential for the organization development and sustainability. Identifying a bundle of managerial practices and... more
This paper is based on the E-World research programme focusing on international perspectives of entrepreneurship. In the first stage of this international research project, each country had to conduct focus groups in order to develop a... more
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of knowledge management (KM) as a critical factor for the business process reengineering (BPR) success. It supports the theory that the knowledge management can supply the dynamic... more
Purpose -The paper aims to present a framework for a systems perspective for business schools to formulate strategy, assess performance and adapt to change resulting from performance, environmental and learning feedbacks.... more
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of organizational learning culture as an enabler of knowledge-sharing behaviours and workplace spirituality. A model is proposed to examine the mediating role of... more
Purpose – Guiding principles are knowledge structures that call to mind collective narratives with emotional content, and are articulated and used heuristically to guide decision making in organizations. The purpose of this paper is to... more
This paper presents a research project in progress aiming at accelerating and making more profound the learning in organizations. The concepts of learning organization is revised and a learning architecture based on Alexander's patterns... more
Tulisan ini merupakan tugas kuliah Pengembangan Organisasi, dimana mereview salah satu artikel dari jurnal Emerald dalam Proquest yang berjudul The Nature, Characteristics and ten strategies of Learning Organization "
El avance de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, y su incidencia en el mundo organizacional son innegables. Las organizaciones se han adaptado a las lógicas de interacción, conectividad y acción que estas tecnologías... more
The aim of this study was to clarify the concept of organizational forgetting by reviewing the related literature. First, the study will focus on the concept of forgetting in general. Then, the related concepts will be clarified and the... more
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
Why do successful organizations often move in new directions and then fail? We propose that this pattern is especially likely among organizations that have survived a history of competition. Such experience adapts organizations to their... more
Managers' real life experiences will need to be supported by new learning tools, as external environments and internal dynamics of organizations become more complex. This need for simulated managerial expenence has come from a trend... more
The main purpose of this study was to review the relationship between knowledge management and learning organization in a theoretical framework. For this aim, the current and comprehensive literature review were scrutinized.With the light... more
The role of national professional qualifications and recognition of non-formal education and training in a chosen institution On complementation of the project concerning the status of contract coworkers, the public institute of RTV... more
El tema de las “organizaciones que aprenden” es uno de los que más atención ha recibido en la literatura organizacional de los últimos tiempos. Siendo el capital intelectual un factor estratégico para el desarrollo de las organizaciones,... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to apply the organizational learning framework to the management accounting literature to better understand why management accounting innovations succeed or fail in organizations.... more
Over the years the “Learning Organization” theory has overcome the barriers of business management, expanding to new fields such as the management of educational institutions. Many researchers around the world assume that adapting the... more
Today the criterion of innovation has become a paradigm for all institutions to maintain their success. Innovation is essential for service industry as well as production industry. It is the individual that is in the center of... more