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Asserts and explores the claim that further headway in substantive wide-scale learning organization development is seriously jeopardised unless individual organizations objectively measure their progress. In part 1 a new evaluative... more
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      Performance ManagementEvaluationBusiness and ManagementLearning Organizations
Kemp, A., Bowman, A., Blom, B., Visser, C., Bergoer, D., Fullard, D., Moses, G., Brown, S., Bornman, J. & Bruwer, J-P. 2015. The usefulness of cash budgets in micro, very small and small retail enterprises operating in the Cape... more
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      AccountingFinancial AccountingPerformance ManagementPerformance Measurement
This paper is a personal account of the author's involvement with management control research over the past 35 years. The development of management control as a research area is briefly reviewed, culminating with its transition into... more
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      Performance ManagementManagement ControlResearch Method
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      ManagementPerformance ManagementQuestionnaires
The ineffective governance, irresponsible management, and poor company performance will ‎continue ‎to ‎ravage the businesses, shareholders, employees, and the society, where the ‎perpetrators go free, careers come to a halt, ‎shareholders... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational ChangeOrganizational CultureInternational organizations
Building Information Modelling (BIM) concepts and workflows continue to proliferate within organisations, through project teams, and across the whole construction industry. However, both BIM implementation and BIM diffusion are yet to be... more
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      AssessmentPerformance StudiesDiffusion of InnovationsPerformance Management
This report presents the findings of a research project undertaken by the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance (hereafter The Institute) investigating the experiences of small music venues in the UK. The project was commissioned by... more
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      MusicMusicologyPopular Music StudiesPopular Education
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      Performance ManagementValue ChainGlobal value chain
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    • Performance Management
Since New Labour came to power in the UK in 1997, there has been a drive to improve the effectiveness of public services through the use of private sector principles. From, the Modernising Government White Paper to the development of the... more
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      Criminal JusticePerformance ManagementProductivityBalanced Scorecard
Briefly describing each of the following methods of performance appraisal.
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      Human Resource DevelopmentPerformance ManagementPerformance Management and AppraisalHuman Resource Management
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on organizational performance. Design/methodology/approach -A total of 300 employees from a public university comprising of both... more
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      Performance ManagementHuman Resource ManagementMalaysiaStrategic Human Resource Management
Today's organizations are functioning in a very much dynamic, viable and competitive environment. To sustain in the market, all have must respond quickly to changing customer demands and other factors. To be success they have two main... more
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      Performance ManagementPerformance MeasurementPMS
The economic performance of countries can be compared with various methods and the results obtained from these comparisons are accepted as the economic levels of the countries covering certain periods. Since the ranking or comparison of... more
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      MacroeconomicsPerformance Management
Lesson observations are one of the most hotly contested interventions to affect teachers over the last two decades. Yet surprisingly there has been very little empirical research carried out on this important area of practice. This talk... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationEducational ResearchPerformance Management
A central component of the primary health care approach in developing countries has been the development and utilization of community-based health workers (CHWs) within the national health system. While the use of these front line workers... more
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      ManagementSociologyAnthropologyHealth Promotion
The organisation has clearly defined business goals, purpose and strategy. 4.2 Employees believe in the organisation's goals, purpose and strategy. 4.3 Each unit or team has a compelling vision of how they add value to the whole... more
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      EngineeringPerformance ManagementEvaluationJob Performance
In many call centers, agents are trained to handle all arriving calls but exhibit very different performance for the same call type, where performance is defined by the average call handling time (AHT) and the call resolution probability... more
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      MarketingApplied MathematicsPerformance ManagementBusiness and Management
Uma equipe de alta performance deve ter um líder inspirador, que além de defender a causa e ter apreço pelo desafio, transpire uma insatisfação pessoal constante. Não veja esse líder como alguém perfeccionista e que se apegue a detalhes... more
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      ManagementProject ManagementPerformance ManagementPerformance
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      Program EvaluationInformation ManagementPerformance ManagementPublic Health
The purpose of this exploratory study is to measure and compare the performance of Portuguese secondary schools. Some data on the schools was collected via an electronic questionnaire sent to 103 secondary schools of the Centre Region of... more
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      EducationData AnalysisPerformance ManagementEducation Policy
Future applications need new computer systems with new properties pursued. Our presentation for ICT-2014 even initiated by EC in Florence address this. We are planning to submit this project in April 2015 for ICT call. Those who want to... more
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      Computer ArchitectureComputer EngineeringPerformance StudiesPerformance Management
The focus of this paper is on the management and governance of education at provincial level-specifically on efforts to introduce performance management into education by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED), and their impact.... more
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      Public AdministrationEducationPolitical SciencePerformance Management
Negative employee perceptions of performance management are pervasive throughout the public sector. Whether institutional or individual performance management is referred to, issues pertaining to coordination, integration and... more
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      GeographyPerformance ManagementStrategic ManagementPublic Administration and Policy
This paper presents the research conducted as part of the work requirements for the Human Integration into the Lifecycle of Aviation Systems (HILAS) project, sponsored by the European Commission. Specifically, it describes the proposed... more
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      PsychologyErgonomicsHuman FactorsPerformance Management
Warehouses constitute a key component of supply chain networks. An improvement to the operational efficiency and the productivity of warehouses is crucial for supply chain practitioners and industrial managers. Overall warehouse... more
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      Performance ManagementGrey System TheoryWarehouse Management SystemsParticle Swarm Optimization PSO)
Few firms can be said to be truly resilient by sustaining high performance for a long time. We draw on a case study of a large U.S.-based retailer to explore how an organization develops resilience -the ability to recover quickly from... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganizational LearningLeadershipResilience
Viele Geschäftsführungen denken derzeit über die Aktualisierung bestehender Vergütungs- und Anreizsysteme oder über deren erstmalige Einführung zum nächsten Geschäftsjahr nach. Doch der Anreizschuss kann auch nach hinten losgehen. Manch... more
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      Performance ManagementHuman Resource ManagementHuman ResourcesPay-For-Performance
Leistungsentgelt: Leistungsbezogene Entgeltsysteme erfolgreich einführen, umsetzen und modernisieren. Short Method. Hamburg: quayou Verlag 2015.
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      Human Resource DevelopmentPerformance StudiesHuman Perception and PerformancePerformance Management
This article aims to explore the nature and functioning of trust in work teams. Trust is defined as a multi‐component variable with distinct but related dimensions. These include propensity to trust, perceived trustworthiness,... more
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      PsychologyPerformance ManagementBehaviourBusiness and Management
This paper presents a methodology for the strategic management of enterprise performance. The methodology uses and integrates tools and methods for performance management found in literature and practice. The paper first presents an... more
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      Performance ManagementStrategic Management
Managed care organization use risk adjustment systems to allocate resources and evaluate provider performance. Managers of healthcare organizations need statistical methods to determine whether a particular risk adjustment system can be... more
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      Performance ManagementPost traumatic stress disorderSpinal CordPerformance Model
Overall equipment effiiency (OEE) measures the ratio of how much of a product or part is being made defect-free versus how much could be made according to the equipment’s design. A machine or process that has an OEE of 100 percent is... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringOperations ManagementPerformance ManagementProductivity
Many talent management programmes are unaffordable and destined to fail. Talented people can be costly to recruit and difficult to manage and retain. Fortunes are spent on expensive people who are not engaged, effectively used, or... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentE-learningPerformance ManagementTalent management
This paper discusses the findings of research exploring the conduct of portfolio-based performance appraisal within medicine. Portfolios are now used throughout medical school and junior doctor training, in later specialist training, as... more
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      SociologyPerformance ManagementSocial ControlQuality Assurance
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating role performance measurement plays in the relationship between competitive strategies and firm performance.Design/methodology/approachThis study conducted a mail‐survey of Thai... more
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      BusinessPerformance ManagementPerformance MeasurementCompetitive strategy
Suzanne Gill reports on the important role that continuous improvement has to play in ensuring food processes remain profitable in an ever more competitive environment. Working to constantly improve the efficiency of a process is one of... more
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    • Performance Management
Charities are often complex and networked, and face an increasingly demanding environment. Providing stakeholders with timely and adequate information on activities and impact is therefore challenging. Based on case studies of six UK... more
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      Performance ManagementCharitiesEnterprise Performance ManagementNonprofit Organizations/charities
Perceived work stress, It is stated that employees are psychologically disturbed and intensely threatening their health at their busy working tempo. Employees with a high degree of stress in the face of excessive workloads may experience... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPsychologyOrganizational TheoryOrganizational Culture
There is a reasonable level of acceptance amongst policy makers, academia and international development agencies of the criticality of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) as important agents of development particularly in employment... more
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      Performance ManagementHuman Resource ManagementEnterpreneurshipCompetitiveness
Purpose-This paper is an effort to identify the difference between government and private primary schools in terms of physical infrastructure, schooling costs and student's performance. Further, the paper assessed the role of physical... more
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      SociologySocial ChangeDemographyEconomics
The performance concept originated from the concept of firm management. The performance management of the firm involves improving its value-cost relationship, which means that the firm will be able to build a product or service, in terms... more
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      BusinessManagementPerformance ManagementPerformance Evaluation
The 25th AHRD annual conference will include leading scholars and senior-level practitioners reporting their cutting-edge research and theorizing. The program will be comprised of blind, peer-reviewed submissions that offer a diverse... more
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      Organizational BehaviorEducational TechnologyHuman Resource DevelopmentOrganizational Change
This development paper sets out the rationale for future empirical studies that focus on understanding the complexities associated with performance measurement within the NHS. It is intended that the study, which will focus on... more
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      Operations ManagementQualitative methodologyPerformance ManagementQualitative Health Research
Purpose-The purpose of this study is to investigate how the use of information technology (IT) and supply chain management initiatives (information sharing and collaboration) impact a company's performance in reverse logistics (RL).... more
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      MarketingInformation TechnologySupply Chain ManagementPerformance Management
Come condurre un colloquio di feedback strutturato ed efficace
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      Performance ManagementHuman Resource ManagementPerformance MeasurementEvaluation
Strategic formulation is a management tool for measuring negotiated performance targets. It is a freely negotiated performance agreement between the government, acting as the owner of public agency on one hand, and the management of the... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsFinancial EconomicsPublic Economics
In relative performance evaluation systems, appraisers may choose to adopt stricter or laxer evaluation criteria. When laxer (vs. stricter) criteria are used, higher absolute performance evaluations become easier (vs. harder) to achieve.... more
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      Feedback (Education)Performance ManagementAssessing PerformanceHuman Resource Management
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementMarketing
É reconhecida a necessidade de práticas de avaliação do desempenho nas instituições ligadas aos hospitais universitários, de forma a monitorar o alcance satisfatório de sua missão social, ao fornecerem atendimento à população, ao... more
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      Performance ManagementAvaliação de DesempenhoTeaching Hospitals