Recent papers in Landscape
L’arrivée d’artistes formés en Europe, l’émergence d’autodidactes locaux, l’existence de lieux et paysages originaux ont permis à la peinture de se développer rapidement en Amérique du Nord. Certains artistes se sont consacrés à des «... more
As the number of references to landscape increases in the Brussels-Capital Region, the article analyses its place and meaning within the Regional Development Plans (1995-2018). The article intends to show that landscape may be considered... more
The relationship between landscape and culture seen through language is an exciting and increasingly explored area. This groundbreaking book contributes to the linguistic examination of both cross-cultural variation and unifying elements... more
this is a very much incomplete submission for a subject: Sustainable Landscapes. I was battling a bug in my computer programs like Word that was programming the styles and deleting citations. a very annoy occurrence. Please be gentle.
This is an essay on methodology. It was published in 1984 when I was in an iconoclastic mood, but I think it is a reasonably accurate account of what I see as the relatively straightforward approaches I have used in all my substantive... more
Sailing the Islands of São Paulo was an enquiry into São Paulo's fragmented urban space through an on-foot exploration. The project aimed at revealing unseen lines of fracture or tension in the continuity of the urban matter. The... more
Infrastructural practices, made by the manipulations of pumps, pipes and hydraulic expertise, play a critical role in managing urban populations. Drawing on two years of ethnographic research in Mumbai, in this article I show how Muslim... more
Questa ricerca mira, sugli evidenti “valori” culturali, storici e architettonici del patrimonio militare ancora presenti nell'Arcipelago di La Maddalena, ad approfondire la conoscenza di queste strutture ea proporre idee e linee guida... more
Abstract: This paper presents an argument for considering issues of class in analyses of communicative planning projects. In these projects, class interests tend to be obscured by the contemporary preoccupation with the class-ambiguous... more
Rhythm lies in the movement of the universe. Consequently, it lies in the nature of humans. Artists try hard to pick up the different rhythms expressed, as the ancient Egyptian artists felt this hidden pulse of nature and recorded... more
Φωτογραφία και Αφήγηση Η ανάπτυξη των οπτικών αφηγήσεων στον εικοστό αιώνα εξελίχθηκε σε ένα ιδιαίτερα εκλεπτυσµένο επικοινωνιακό εργαλείο. Η εντατική χρήση τους από όλα τα οικονοµικά µοντέλα ενθάρρυνε την µελέτη και την περαιτέρω... more
What do huge flocks of sheep, hundreds of rabbits, business parks, metropolitan parks, leisure parks, high-tech parks have in common with airports? These are the most frequent visitors to airports recently constructed. These are the new... more
Existing research supports a wide range of positive effects for physical, mental and social wellbeing from outdoor exercise, particularly through engagement with nature, however few current landscapes facilitate exercise participation and... more
La arquitectura rural ibicenca es la construcción del territorio insular, un organismo formado por muros, bancales, caminos… que cubre toda la isla, y cuya célula es la casa rural, mínima unidad territorial y social formada por sus... more
This research aims, on the evident cultural, historical and architectural ‘values’ of the military heritage still present in the Archipelago of La Maddalena, to deepen knowledge of these structures and to propose ideas and guidelines on... more
Considers how landscape study helps us better understand the development of Cornwall. Reviews what landscape is, what aspects of it have been researched in Cornwall, and how that has affected the ways it is valued. From prehistory to the... more
Quels sont les rapports au paysage dans l’œuvre de Cy Twombly ? Comment le paysage est-il présent ? Peut-on parler d’un paysage abstrait ? Le but de cet article est d’étudier la notion du paysage et la manière dont elle se combine au... more
Gli spazi residuali generati dai processi di modificazione della città sono una potenziale risorsa e la loro rigenerazione può innescare significativi processi di trasformazione urbana. L’autore propone la riconfigurazione di questi... more
The Nore sand remains covered at low-water, and never seen by human eye; but the Nore is a name to conjure with visions of historical events, of battles, of fl eets, of mutinies, of watch and ward kept upon the great throbbing heart of... more
Sustainable design is a phrase commonly used in the realms of design practice and yet the definition of the same remains quite fuzzy, thus providing the motivation for this research. The paper looks at contemporary sustainable design... more
The article discusses the relationship between A.G. Matoš and the city of Rijeka, which can be seen in his work "Oko Rijeke". The focus of the analysis is in the ideology by which the discourse subject observes the city. From the... more
Straightforward mapping of detailed heathland habitat patches and their quality using remote sensing is hampered by (1) the intrinsic property of a high heterogeneity in habitat species composition (i.e. high intra-variability), and (2)... more
Land-use/land-cover change is the most important factor in causing biodiversity loss. The Mediterranean region has been affected by antropic disturbance for thousands of years, and is, nowadays, one of the most significantly altered... more
The two smallest islands of the Azores have received at the same year the title of Biosphere Reserve, from the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme. The territorial object of this article is precisely one of those islands, Graciosa... more
The two smallest islands of the Azores have received at the same year the title of Biosphere Reserve, from the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme. The territorial object of this article is precisely one of those islands, Graciosa... more
This study determined the change and distribution of land-uses/covers along the landscape, and evaluated the nutrient status of the top soil layer in the Lake Kivu Pilot Learning Site (LKPLS) benchmarked micro-catchments. Soil physical... more
La savane africaine occidentale est un des paysages tropicaux les plus largement parcourus par les feux de brousse. Lors de la periode coloniale, relayee par les gouvernements post-coloniaux, des politiques en vue de controler ces feux... more
The factors responsible for widespread declines of grassland birds in the United States are not well understood. This study, conducted in the short-grass prairie of eastern Wyoming, was designed to investigate the relationship between... more
Outside the Frame: A Critical Analysis of Urban Image Surveys Phoebe Crisman Aided by digital technology, designers and planners are making ever greater use of photographic images to depict and envision proposals for urban change. Yet,... more
Designing a fuel-sampling program that accurately and efficiently assesses fuel load at relevant spatial scales requires knowledge of each sample method’s strengths and weaknesses. We obtained loading values for six fuel components using... more
tuotannossa havaittavaa käsitystä taiteesta utooppisena prosessina. Analysoin Jornin taidetta suhteuttaen sen Bloc hin utopian filosofiaan, koska Jornin ja Bloc hin avantgarden sekä 1900-luvun massakulttuurin ajan esteettistä... more
This review offers a perspective on the role landscape and gardening play in urban settings from a socio-cultural, and ecological dimension. The practice of cultivating in gardens, parks and vacant lots, creates community spaces, and are... more
Definito con chiarezza da William Gilpin nell'estate del 1748, il Pittoresco è un fenomeno estetico e politico, romantico e virale, destinato a modellare la cultura visiva di massa dell'Ottocento grazie alla riproducibilità tecnica.... more
The book offers multi-layered responses to the scope and causes of spatial, as well as social, economic and physiognomic changes in the cultural landscape in Slovenian countryside. It presents the results of an interdisciplinary research... more
An integrated parameter has been elaborated to estimate landscape changes based on the concept of spatial-temporal analysis and synthesis of natural territorial complexes (NTCs) enabling to study components of nature applying the... more
A short piece from 1979, one of the earliest things I published, in the former magazine Landscape, that was subsequently reprinted in Orion Quarterly and in the Utne Reader. It is about ways of looking at and seeing landscapes.
El artículo analiza e interpreta el sentimiento de la naturaleza en la obra de Miguel de Unamuno, en el marco de su filosofía poética, destacando su afinidad con Rousseau. Para ello, seleccionando y analizando algunos de sus escritos, se... more
Landscape sounds. Sounds are an intrinsic dimension of human environmental relatedness. While contemporary urban landscape planning practice focuses only on the defensive treatment of unwanted sounds, we should rather prepare for the... more
The parameter terms (second column) for log (Aerial shrub cover + 1) × scale and log (Aerial tree cover + 1) × scale were incorrectly given positive rather than negative values. The correct values are: log (Aerial shrub cover + 1) × scale... more
Dans les politiques de protection et de restauration de la nature, le paysage tient de plus en plus de place. II est pen.& comme I'instrument pertinent pour que les strategies de ceux qui agissent sur la nature, agriculteurs, pasteurs et... more
A number of experimental freshwater wetlands (150 m long ϫ 75 m wide) with different ages since they were abandoned as rice fields, were used to analyze the prospects of multipurpose wetland restoration for such degraded areas. Nitrogen... more
Agricultural practices that promote increased diversity and abundance of soil macrofauna may improve soil quality and productivity, due to the influence of soil macrofauna on organic matter breakdown, nutrient cycling and soil structure.... more