Recent papers in Agriculture
An extensive programme of experiments was conducted in the former USSR on transfer of radionuclides to a wide range of different agricultural animals. Only a few of these studies were made available in the English language literature or... more
Natural preservatives such as herbal essential oils have the ability to extend the life of fresh-cut flower pots after harvest. The effect of clove oil, lavender oil and thyme oil, especially when combined with antimicrobial agents such... more
In this paper I revisit previous critiques that I have made of much, though by no means all, bioethical discourse. These pertain to faithfulness to dualistic ontology, a taken-for-granted normative anthropocentrism, and the exclusion of a... more
Rudolf Steiner's Agriculture Course at Koberwitz (now Kobierzyce), in the summer of 1924, was the gateway event that led to the development of biodynamic agriculture and, subsequently, organic agriculture. The present paper identifies for... more
Social scientists commonly know that time is a social construct and a tool for governing by those holding power. Yet, how exactly is time used for governing? This article examines how timescape (embodiment of approaches to time) works in... more
The Increasing pace of Industrialization throughout the world has brought with It a serious, and ever Increasing threat from air pollution. It Is true that this threat Is being taken seriously, and that many responsible research workers,... more
This article examines the productivity of agriculture at the Postclassic polity of Xaltocan, Mexico. Employing multiple lines of data (remote sensing, artifactual, ecofactual, chronological, demographic, historic, ethnographic, and... more
This paper identifies some of the key intersections between trade policy and water management, in areas such as agriculture, hydropower generation, water services and wastewater management. From a trade policy perspective, the main... more
Yeni bir yıla başlarken siz seslerini duyun, hayatlarını görün, çığlıklarını hissedin, yapabileceklerinizi öğrenin, bilin, isteyin diye iştah açan turuncu bir dergi hazırladık. Yıllarca rüzgârların eğemediği, dökülen yaprakların hep geri... more
— Neem plant is considered as the most useful traditional plant in India. The various properties of different parts of neem tree are used as insecticide, antifeedant, hormonal, antifungal, antiallergic, antidermatic, anti-inflammatory,... more
The food industry is one of the largest energy consumers in the world, with 95 EJ/year. In this context, in Europe the amount of energy needed to cultivate, process, package and bring food to the homes of citizens reached 285 Mtoe in... more
Sesbania grandiflora L. an indigenous species native to Asian, South-Asian nations widely used for innumerable purpose. The plant is accepted for its vast use for an economic benefit from environmental valuation to human livelihood.... more
So far, drying systems have not been classified systematically. However, drying methods can be broadly classified on the basis of either the mode of heat transfer to the wet solid or the handling characteristics and physical properties of... more
İnsanlık tarihinin dönüm noktası olan tarım; insanları tüketiciden üretici konumuna getirmesi, yerleşik hayata geçirerek bir topluluk halinde yaşamalarına sebebiyet vermesi bakımından önemlidir. Toplumların yaşayış biçimleri dilleriyle eş... more
Nutritional value of plant purely depends on the methodology of cultivation. (Urmila Sarkar and Surendra Sawardekar) Different methods of cultivation lead to prior proficiency of plant growth in terms of germination, height, weight,... more
Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Cashew marketing system in Nigeria is deregulated and influenced by middlemen who determines sales price for rural farmers. They are constraint to sell their produce at cheaper prices. This situation affects producers' livelihood and... more
Iroquoians become recognizable in the archaeological record of southern Ontario about AD 500, with the appearance of Princess Point sites and maize agriculture in the lower Grand River valley. AfterA.D. 1000, Iroquoians lived in longhouse... more
Those engaged in agriculture possess a definite but unexamined moral confidence or certainty about the correctness of what they do. The basis of the moral confidence is not obvious to those who have it, or to the public. In fact, the... more