Recent papers in Printmaking
This article explores the emergence and significance of printed game boards in Rome at the turn of the seventeenth century. These objects constitute an important and overlooked visual and material aspect of a pervasive culture of gaming... more
HANDBOOK: Supporting Queer and Trans Students in Art and Design Education Edited by Anthea Black and Shamina Chherawala HANDBOOK: Supporting Queer and Trans Students in Art and Design Education is the first student-authored resource... more
Au regard de l’essor timide de la taille-douce à Paris au début du xviie siècle, l’expérience italienne devint une étape nécessaire pour les graveurs qui voulaient apprendre ou perfectionner le métier. À la différence de ses collègues,... more
De la revisión del artista del pueblo al cuestionamiento institucional. Lecturas sobre Guillermo Facio Hebequer Silvia Dolinko Conicet-UBA-IDAES/UNSAM El enfoque del grabado en su estrecha vinculación con la difusión de contenidos... more
This is a book about contemporary literary and artistic entanglements: word and image, media and materiality, inscription and illustration. It proposes a vulnerable, fugitive mode of reading poetry, which defies disciplinary... more
For many people, travelling, moving and encountering new places is part of living in the modern world. Being on the move has greatly influenced artists for whom travelling has become both a subject and a means of making their work. This... more
"Belgian artist James Ensor was one of extreme individualism. His work was both deeply personal, and socially radical, and he employed biting humor and satire to create overtly anti-establishmentarian imagery. While he explored a vast... more
Juan Martínez Moro “Ascenso y triunfo de la ilustración”, en Sublime, Revista de arte + pensamiento contemporáneo, nº 05, 2002, pp.36-41.
This paper will consider how the history and processes of Printmaking can provide a framework for contemporary material engagement within a feminist perspective. Cultural and historical lineages of Printmedia are discussed to... more
Review of "Concinnitas" (2014), a portfolio of ten aquatints by noted mathematicians and physicists including Michael Atiyah, Enrico Bombieri, Stephen Smale, Murray Gell-Mann, David Mumford, Steven Weinberg, Simon Donaldson, Richard Karp,... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
Međunarodni trijenale grafike Livno je pozitivna kulturno-umjetnička inicijativa koju je 2017. godine pokrenuo Franjevački muzej i galerija Gorica-Livno, kako bi uspostavio platformu koja će promovirati vrijedno grafičko nasljeđe i domaću... more
Van Gogh leverde nooit half werk. Gedreven zwoegde hij naar zijn doel, een oeuvre nalatend van ruim 800 schilderijen, 1500 tekeningen en bijna 850 brieven. Zijn verzamelwoede was al even groot: als beginnend kunstenaar vergaarde hij een... more
One of the more striking features of Paul Klee's graphic oeuvre is its modest size. During a career spanning nearly four decades he produced just over a hundred prints, fewer than 60 of which were published or printed in editions of ten... more
Short essay on Susan Goethel Cambpell for Penland Gallery exhibition folio.
Práca pojednáva o fenoméne technického obrazu a jeho vzťahu k umeleckej grafike v stredoeurópskom priestore. Skúma fenomény súvisiace s novými formami grafiky, prípadne s modifikáciou tradičných grafických techník v... more
This chapter maps a genealogy of artists who have created artists' books in hemispheric Latin America from the expansion of Europe in the 16th century across the Atlantic, emphasizing in contemporary artistic practices from the late 1960s... more
Is Pop Up Press a sustainable model of Printmaking for a national and international contemporary audience?
Synopsis A paper to cover the new and innovative process and possibilities of turning a traditional lino print matrix into a lithographic plate, at any stage of a lino-cut design. This research is continual and still ongoing, this paper... more
Discusses Stephen Varble's use of reproducible media in the final phase of his career. In particular, the essay charts Varble's use of the photocopier as an artistic tool in his pursuit of a cheap, accessible art that circumvented... more
On a newly identified etching in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
seminarski rad na temu visoki tisak (graficka tehnika)
Bu yazı, baskıresim alanına dair sahip olduğumuz birikimi ve bunun niteliğini görme gereksiniminin sonucu olarak, ülkemizde 1960'lardan sonra oluşmaya başlayan baskıresim gerçeğini ele almayı amaçlamış; bu geleneğin oluşmaya başladığı... more
Exhibition review of "What May Come: The Taller de Grafica Popular and the Mexican Political Print" at the Art Institute of Chicago (July - October 2014).
Memorial descritivo da xilografia The Joker, apresentada na disciplina Técnicas e Processos Artísticos III do Curso de Bacharelado em Artes Visuais da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia - UFRB.
- by Zimaldo Melo
- Art, Printmaking, Artes, Arte
Catalogue of the print exhibition held in Pesaro (Musei Civici di Palazzo Mosca, 18.12.21-28.03.22). With essays by Luca Baroni, Luigi Toccacieli, Francesca Banini.
Ходочашће у визуелној култури Србије XIX века
“To Develop Images from Thoughts. The South American Travels of the New York Graphic Workshop”, en Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro (ed.), The New York Graphic Workshop (1964-1970), Austin, The Blanton Museum of Art-The University of Texas at... more
A profile of the eminent Indian-born artist, Zarina.
A short article featured in 'Art South Africa' (vol.11, issue 01, Spring 2012) describing a creative investigation into an unsolved, postwar murder case in Johannesburg.
As the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, mounts a special exhibition of graphic prints, we discuss in the history of Indian art and its romance with print
In Printing Colour 1400–1700, Ad Stijnman and Elizabeth Savage o fer the first handbook of early modern colour printmaking before 1700 (when most such histories begin), creating a new, interdisciplinary paradigm for the history of graphic... more
TEXTURAS DEVELADAS: MUESTRA ANTOLÓGICA DE COLOGRAFÍA EN CUBA, es una exposición que se atreve a narrar la historia de una técnica que replanteó los basamentos estéticos y técnicos de la gráfica. La trayectoria del procedimiento... more