Archaeology indicates that the site of Kursk was settled in the 5th or 4th centuryBCE. The settlement was fortified and included Slavs at least as early as the 8th centuryCE.
The first written record of Kursk is dated 1032. It was mentioned as one of Severian towns by Prince Igor in The Tale of Igor's Campaign: "Saddle, brother, your swift steeds. As to mine, they are ready, saddled ahead, near Kursk; as to my Kurskers, they are famous knights—swaddled under war-horns, nursed under helmets, fed from the point of the lance; to them the trails are familiar, to them the ravines are known, the bows they have are strung tight, the quivers, unclosed, the sabers, sharpened; themselves, like gray wolves, they lope in the field, seeking for themselves honor, and for their prince, glory."
K-141 Kursk (full Russian name Атомная Подводная Лодка «Курск» (АПЛ «Курск»), Atomnaya Podvodnaya Lodka "Kursk" (APL "Kursk"), meaning "Nuclear-powered submarine Kursk") was an Oscar-II class nuclear-powered cruise-missile submarine of the Russian Navy which was lost with all hands when it sank in the Barents Sea on 12 August 2000. It was a Project 949A Антей (Antey, Antaeus; NATO reporting name "Oscar II") submarine.
Work on building Kursk began in 1990 at Severodvinsk, near Arkhangelsk. Launched in 1994, it was commissioned in December of that year. It was the penultimate Oscar II class submarine designed and approved in the Soviet era.
The Antey design represented the highest achievement of Soviet nuclear submarine technology. They were the largest attack submarines ever built. It was built to defeat an entire United States aircraft carrier group. A single Type 65 torpedo carried a 450kg (990lb) warhead powerful enough to sink an aircraft carrier. Both missiles and torpedoes could be equipped with nuclear warheads. She was 30ft (9.1m) longer than any other Oscar I-class submarine. The senior officers had individual staterooms and the entire crew had access to a gymnasium.
How did the Red Army stop the Wehrmacht at the Battle of Kursk (1943). What were there defensive tactics? How well were they dug in? Where there organizational changes? Where there special precautions taken due to the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger?
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Glantz, David M.: Soviet Defensive Tactics at Kursk, July 194...
published: 19 Mar 2019
Запущенное производство в Курске | "АлтайСтройМаш"
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«АлтайСтройМаш» поставляет до 90% всего оборудования для неавтоклавного газобетона в России и СНГ. Компания получила Золотой диплом «СИБСТРОЙЭКСПО» за создание экономичного оборудования по производству неавтоклавного газобетона. Все линии имеют сертификат соответствия. Срок службы оборудования не менее 7 лет.
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published: 12 Feb 2018
Prokhorovka: Chances of a German Breakthrough?
Dr. Roman Töppel addresses the question if the Germans had the chance of an operational breakthrough after the Battle of Prokhorovka, which was part of the Battle of Kursk (Operation Zitadelle).
"I've heard arguments that there was a reasonable chance for an operational breakthrough after prokhorovka, given the damage to Rotmistrov's tank army and Rodimtsev's corps in the actions surrounding Prokhorovka. What is Dr. Toppel's opinion regarding German operational potentials in this situation, and what potential ramifications do you think this might have had? From my understanding the present orthodox American historiography is that the Germans had little to no chance of meaningful success, however I found myself unable to meaningfully comment when it was challenged. I'd love to see your co...
How did the Red Army stop the Wehrmacht at the Battle of Kursk (1943). What were there defensive tactics? How well were they dug in? Where there organizational ...
How did the Red Army stop the Wehrmacht at the Battle of Kursk (1943). What were there defensive tactics? How well were they dug in? Where there organizational changes? Where there special precautions taken due to the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger?
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Glantz, David M.: Soviet Defensive Tactics at Kursk, July 1943. Combat Studies Institute. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1986.
Töppel, Roman: Kursk 1943. The Greatest Battle of the Second World War. Helion: Warwick, UK: 2018.
Glantz, David M. (ed.) ; Orenstein, Harold S. (ed.): The Battle for Kursk 1943. The Soviet General Staff Study. Frank Cass: Portland, OR, USA: 1999 (1990).
Hartmann, Christian: Wehrmacht im Ostkrieg. Front und militärisches Hinterland 1941/42. De Gruyter Oldenbourg: 2010.
Sharp, Charles C.: The Soviet Order of Battle. World War II. An Organizational History of the Major Combat Units of the Soviet Army. Volume II: “School of Battle”. The Tank Corps and Tank Brigades January 1942 to 1945, George F. Nafziger: 1995.
Glantz, David M.; House, Jonathan M.: The Battle of Kursk. University of Kansas Press: United States, 1999.
Zamulin, Valeriy: The Battle of Kursk. Controversial and neglected Aspects. Helion & Company: England, 2017.
Zetterling, Niklas; Frankson, Anders: KURSK 1943 – A Statistical Analysis
Glantz, David M.: Colossus Reborn. The Red Army at War, 1941-1943. University Kansas Press: Kansas, US, 2005
Töppel, Roman: Kursk – Mythen und Wirklichkeit einer Schlacht. In: Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Zeitgeschichte 3/2009, Oldenbourg: 2009. S. 349-384
#Kursk #Tactics #RedArmy
How did the Red Army stop the Wehrmacht at the Battle of Kursk (1943). What were there defensive tactics? How well were they dug in? Where there organizational changes? Where there special precautions taken due to the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger?
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Glantz, David M.: Soviet Defensive Tactics at Kursk, July 1943. Combat Studies Institute. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1986.
Töppel, Roman: Kursk 1943. The Greatest Battle of the Second World War. Helion: Warwick, UK: 2018.
Glantz, David M. (ed.) ; Orenstein, Harold S. (ed.): The Battle for Kursk 1943. The Soviet General Staff Study. Frank Cass: Portland, OR, USA: 1999 (1990).
Hartmann, Christian: Wehrmacht im Ostkrieg. Front und militärisches Hinterland 1941/42. De Gruyter Oldenbourg: 2010.
Sharp, Charles C.: The Soviet Order of Battle. World War II. An Organizational History of the Major Combat Units of the Soviet Army. Volume II: “School of Battle”. The Tank Corps and Tank Brigades January 1942 to 1945, George F. Nafziger: 1995.
Glantz, David M.; House, Jonathan M.: The Battle of Kursk. University of Kansas Press: United States, 1999.
Zamulin, Valeriy: The Battle of Kursk. Controversial and neglected Aspects. Helion & Company: England, 2017.
Zetterling, Niklas; Frankson, Anders: KURSK 1943 – A Statistical Analysis
Glantz, David M.: Colossus Reborn. The Red Army at War, 1941-1943. University Kansas Press: Kansas, US, 2005
Töppel, Roman: Kursk – Mythen und Wirklichkeit einer Schlacht. In: Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Zeitgeschichte 3/2009, Oldenbourg: 2009. S. 349-384
#Kursk #Tactics #RedArmy
Подробнее о продукции вы можете узнать перейдя на наш сайт по ссылке Видео-отчет о запущенной конвейерной линии в Курске.
Подробнее о продукции вы можете узнать перейдя на наш сайт по ссылке Видео-отчет о запущенной конвейерной линии в Курске.
«АлтайСтройМаш» поставляет до 90% всего оборудования для неавтоклавного газобетона в России и СНГ. Компания получила Золотой диплом «СИБСТРОЙЭКСПО» за создание экономичного оборудования по производству неавтоклавного газобетона. Все линии имеют сертификат соответствия. Срок службы оборудования не менее 7 лет.
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Оборудовании для производства газобетона:
Подробнее о продукции вы можете узнать перейдя на наш сайт по ссылке Видео-отчет о запущенной конвейерной линии в Курске.
«АлтайСтройМаш» поставляет до 90% всего оборудования для неавтоклавного газобетона в России и СНГ. Компания получила Золотой диплом «СИБСТРОЙЭКСПО» за создание экономичного оборудования по производству неавтоклавного газобетона. Все линии имеют сертификат соответствия. Срок службы оборудования не менее 7 лет.
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Оборудовании для производства газобетона:
Dr. Roman Töppel addresses the question if the Germans had the chance of an operational breakthrough after the Battle of Prokhorovka, which was part of the Batt...
Dr. Roman Töppel addresses the question if the Germans had the chance of an operational breakthrough after the Battle of Prokhorovka, which was part of the Battle of Kursk (Operation Zitadelle).
"I've heard arguments that there was a reasonable chance for an operational breakthrough after prokhorovka, given the damage to Rotmistrov's tank army and Rodimtsev's corps in the actions surrounding Prokhorovka. What is Dr. Toppel's opinion regarding German operational potentials in this situation, and what potential ramifications do you think this might have had? From my understanding the present orthodox American historiography is that the Germans had little to no chance of meaningful success, however I found myself unable to meaningfully comment when it was challenged. I'd love to see your commentary!"
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New Article by Dr. Roman Töppel here:
Töppel, Roman: Kursk 1943. The Greatest Battle of the Second World War. Helion: Warwick, UK: 2018.
Glantz, David M. (ed.) ; Orenstein, Harold S. (ed.): The Battle for Kursk 1943. The Soviet General Staff Study. Frank Cass: Portland, OR, USA: 1999 (1990).
Hartmann, Christian: Wehrmacht im Ostkrieg. Front und militärisches Hinterland 1941/42. De Gruyter Oldenbourg: 2010.
Sharp, Charles C.: The Soviet Order of Battle. World War II. An Organizational History of the Major Combat Units of the Soviet Army. Volume II: “School of Battle”. The Tank Corps and Tank Brigades January 1942 to 1945, George F. Nafziger: 1995.
Glantz, David M.; House, Jonathan M.: The Battle of Kursk. University of Kansas Press: United States, 1999.
Zamulin, Valeriy: The Battle of Kursk. Controversial and neglected Aspects. Helion & Company: England, 2017.
Zetterling, Niklas; Frankson, Anders: KURSK 1943 – A Statistical Analysis
Glantz, David M.: Colossus Reborn. The Red Army at War, 1941-1943. University Kansas Press: Kansas, US, 2005
Dr. Roman Töppel addresses the question if the Germans had the chance of an operational breakthrough after the Battle of Prokhorovka, which was part of the Battle of Kursk (Operation Zitadelle).
"I've heard arguments that there was a reasonable chance for an operational breakthrough after prokhorovka, given the damage to Rotmistrov's tank army and Rodimtsev's corps in the actions surrounding Prokhorovka. What is Dr. Toppel's opinion regarding German operational potentials in this situation, and what potential ramifications do you think this might have had? From my understanding the present orthodox American historiography is that the Germans had little to no chance of meaningful success, however I found myself unable to meaningfully comment when it was challenged. I'd love to see your commentary!"
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New Article by Dr. Roman Töppel here:
Töppel, Roman: Kursk 1943. The Greatest Battle of the Second World War. Helion: Warwick, UK: 2018.
Glantz, David M. (ed.) ; Orenstein, Harold S. (ed.): The Battle for Kursk 1943. The Soviet General Staff Study. Frank Cass: Portland, OR, USA: 1999 (1990).
Hartmann, Christian: Wehrmacht im Ostkrieg. Front und militärisches Hinterland 1941/42. De Gruyter Oldenbourg: 2010.
Sharp, Charles C.: The Soviet Order of Battle. World War II. An Organizational History of the Major Combat Units of the Soviet Army. Volume II: “School of Battle”. The Tank Corps and Tank Brigades January 1942 to 1945, George F. Nafziger: 1995.
Glantz, David M.; House, Jonathan M.: The Battle of Kursk. University of Kansas Press: United States, 1999.
Zamulin, Valeriy: The Battle of Kursk. Controversial and neglected Aspects. Helion & Company: England, 2017.
Zetterling, Niklas; Frankson, Anders: KURSK 1943 – A Statistical Analysis
Glantz, David M.: Colossus Reborn. The Red Army at War, 1941-1943. University Kansas Press: Kansas, US, 2005
How did the Red Army stop the Wehrmacht at the Battle of Kursk (1943). What were there defensive tactics? How well were they dug in? Where there organizational changes? Where there special precautions taken due to the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger?
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Glantz, David M.: Soviet Defensive Tactics at Kursk, July 1943. Combat Studies Institute. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1986.
Töppel, Roman: Kursk 1943. The Greatest Battle of the Second World War. Helion: Warwick, UK: 2018.
Glantz, David M. (ed.) ; Orenstein, Harold S. (ed.): The Battle for Kursk 1943. The Soviet General Staff Study. Frank Cass: Portland, OR, USA: 1999 (1990).
Hartmann, Christian: Wehrmacht im Ostkrieg. Front und militärisches Hinterland 1941/42. De Gruyter Oldenbourg: 2010.
Sharp, Charles C.: The Soviet Order of Battle. World War II. An Organizational History of the Major Combat Units of the Soviet Army. Volume II: “School of Battle”. The Tank Corps and Tank Brigades January 1942 to 1945, George F. Nafziger: 1995.
Glantz, David M.; House, Jonathan M.: The Battle of Kursk. University of Kansas Press: United States, 1999.
Zamulin, Valeriy: The Battle of Kursk. Controversial and neglected Aspects. Helion & Company: England, 2017.
Zetterling, Niklas; Frankson, Anders: KURSK 1943 – A Statistical Analysis
Glantz, David M.: Colossus Reborn. The Red Army at War, 1941-1943. University Kansas Press: Kansas, US, 2005
Töppel, Roman: Kursk – Mythen und Wirklichkeit einer Schlacht. In: Vierteljahreszeitschrift für Zeitgeschichte 3/2009, Oldenbourg: 2009. S. 349-384
#Kursk #Tactics #RedArmy
Подробнее о продукции вы можете узнать перейдя на наш сайт по ссылке Видео-отчет о запущенной конвейерной линии в Курске.
«АлтайСтройМаш» поставляет до 90% всего оборудования для неавтоклавного газобетона в России и СНГ. Компания получила Золотой диплом «СИБСТРОЙЭКСПО» за создание экономичного оборудования по производству неавтоклавного газобетона. Все линии имеют сертификат соответствия. Срок службы оборудования не менее 7 лет.
Мы поможем выбрать линию для ваших целей и обучим технологии.
Получить подробную информацию по оборудованию для производства газобетона и технологии производства газобетона вы можете на сайте компании «АлтайСтройМаш»:
Видео-отзывы от клиентов компании «АлтайСтройМаш»:
Оборудовании для производства газобетона:
Dr. Roman Töppel addresses the question if the Germans had the chance of an operational breakthrough after the Battle of Prokhorovka, which was part of the Battle of Kursk (Operation Zitadelle).
"I've heard arguments that there was a reasonable chance for an operational breakthrough after prokhorovka, given the damage to Rotmistrov's tank army and Rodimtsev's corps in the actions surrounding Prokhorovka. What is Dr. Toppel's opinion regarding German operational potentials in this situation, and what potential ramifications do you think this might have had? From my understanding the present orthodox American historiography is that the Germans had little to no chance of meaningful success, however I found myself unable to meaningfully comment when it was challenged. I'd love to see your commentary!"
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New Article by Dr. Roman Töppel here:
Töppel, Roman: Kursk 1943. The Greatest Battle of the Second World War. Helion: Warwick, UK: 2018.
Glantz, David M. (ed.) ; Orenstein, Harold S. (ed.): The Battle for Kursk 1943. The Soviet General Staff Study. Frank Cass: Portland, OR, USA: 1999 (1990).
Hartmann, Christian: Wehrmacht im Ostkrieg. Front und militärisches Hinterland 1941/42. De Gruyter Oldenbourg: 2010.
Sharp, Charles C.: The Soviet Order of Battle. World War II. An Organizational History of the Major Combat Units of the Soviet Army. Volume II: “School of Battle”. The Tank Corps and Tank Brigades January 1942 to 1945, George F. Nafziger: 1995.
Glantz, David M.; House, Jonathan M.: The Battle of Kursk. University of Kansas Press: United States, 1999.
Zamulin, Valeriy: The Battle of Kursk. Controversial and neglected Aspects. Helion & Company: England, 2017.
Zetterling, Niklas; Frankson, Anders: KURSK 1943 – A Statistical Analysis
Glantz, David M.: Colossus Reborn. The Red Army at War, 1941-1943. University Kansas Press: Kansas, US, 2005
Archaeology indicates that the site of Kursk was settled in the 5th or 4th centuryBCE. The settlement was fortified and included Slavs at least as early as the 8th centuryCE.
The first written record of Kursk is dated 1032. It was mentioned as one of Severian towns by Prince Igor in The Tale of Igor's Campaign: "Saddle, brother, your swift steeds. As to mine, they are ready, saddled ahead, near Kursk; as to my Kurskers, they are famous knights—swaddled under war-horns, nursed under helmets, fed from the point of the lance; to them the trails are familiar, to them the ravines are known, the bows they have are strung tight, the quivers, unclosed, the sabers, sharpened; themselves, like gray wolves, they lope in the field, seeking for themselves honor, and for their prince, glory."