This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
AES Luanti Server 77% 2,761 12,846 73,174 2,640 189 33 12
Baba 93% 104 443 2,618 97 33 1 2
Back In Time 72% 5,919 51,395 318,360 3,933 712 0 0
Clock 72% 21,323 123,793 775,567 21,222 2,582 24 21
Conversations 75% 12,076 75,328 466,519 11,641 638 28 21
Currencies 91% 953 16,435 103,710 938 80 6 2
Forgejo 50% 97,718 545,074 3,455,380 90,800 984 3,715 98
GNUHealth 16% 1,219,243 16,049,537 120,916,478 1,189,376 6,239 524 7
HeliBoard 47% 22,697 157,680 1,029,018 22,396 409 10 4
Hurry Curry! 68% 2,110 14,088 81,252 2,035 71 0 0
JoinJabber 31% 8,282 171,292 1,304,739 8,205 216 15 1
Lazarr! 23% 16,245 99,785 570,458 15,546 196 22 0
Mineclonia 41% 55,651 403,973 2,284,843 55,651 723 3 0
MintApps 83% 4,826 70,929 547,460 3,966 225 0 0
Prav 39% 5,391 26,954 166,692 5,329 92 17 5
Readeck 78% 1,580 6,976 42,329 1,422 103 16 3
Socialhome 60% 1,449 8,788 53,966 1,423 78 0 0
esmBot 12% 16,468 87,685 484,591 16,446 125 7 0
namida-translations 73% 6,468 24,306 146,569 6,199 397 20 1
searxng 90% 1,840 7,925 47,503 1,822 28 0 1

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