The subject of this article has no official name. It was only given for identification purposes and must not be considered as canonical information. |
The Moebius Arc (
After a brief leap into the future and a meeting with Nobutaka Osanai, the once leader of the gang Moebius, Takemichi Hanagaki and Naoto Tachibana discover that Ken Ryuguji's death in the past was a part of someone's scheme. The identity of that person remains a mystery, as Osanai refuses to elaborate on the details of the August 3rd incident.
Coming to the conclusion that the perpetrator had the goal of putting a divide between Draken and Manjiro Sano, they decide that Takemichi should go to the past and prevent that from happening at all costs.

Takemichi and Naoto talk to Osanai.
Takemichi time leaps and searches for Osanai, along with Naoto, to know what happened in the past. On reaching a construction site, they find him working as a construction laborer. Confronting him inside a restaurant, Naoto asks him about Draken's death, to which Osanai breaks down, refusing to reveal anything about it, but eventually gives in. He says that the incident of August 3rd, which started the infightings in Tokyo Manji Gang, was all planned by someone whose identity he refuses to disclose. Naoto deduces that someone will try to make Mikey and Draken fight each other, for which Takemichi decides to go to the past and stop this from happening.[1][2]

Mikey thinks that Draken is going against Toman.
After time leaping, Takemichi has a brief conversation with Atsushi Sendo, making him promise to pursue his dreams of becoming a Hairdresser, saying he would be his first customer. After leaving him, Takemichi runs off to where Mikey, Draken, Ryohei Hayashi, and Haruki Hayashida are.[1] On reaching there, he advises Mikey to call the fight off, but Pah-chin grabs his hair, throwing him around the floor. Refusing to give up, Takemichi insists on not fighting with Moebius while Pah-chin punches him. Mikey tells him that since he has already decided, he will not stop before crushing Moebius. Hearing this, Takemichi kneels, saying that this would end Toman. Draken stops Pah-chin and suggests looking more into Moebius, but Mikey regards his opinion as him going against Toman.[3][2]

Mikey vs. Osanai.
Taunting about how they are fighting with each other, Osanai enters the shed. Pah-chin tries to punch him, which he easily dodges and knocks him down on the floor. The entire Moebius gang, prepared to fight them, enters the place.[3][2] While wondering how Osanai is acting differently from how he will in the future, Osanai walks up to Takemichi and starts punching him for looking at him. Pah-chin stops him and provokes him to fight against him. Taking up his challenge, after sharing some blows, Osanai punches Pah-chin on his nose, which makes him bleed and lose conciousness. After helping him down, Mikey steps up and knocks down Osanai with a single kick, even before he can complete his sentence.[4][5]

Pah-chin stabs Osanai.
Enraged, Osanai tries to stab Mikey with a broken bottle before getting stopped by Draken. Draken declares that the fight has ended, and everyone from Moebius now belongs to Toman. Suddenly, police sirens are heard approaching, which makes everyone run away. Before Draken can leave Osanai with other Moebius members, Pah-chin stabs Osanai in his stomach. He reveals that he wants to turn himself to police and says his goodbyes to Mikey and Peh-yan. Mikey protests, but Draken picks him up and starts running away. While running away, Takemichi falls down on the ground due to the punches he received earlier.[6][5]
Takemichi wakes up at a hospital with Emma Sano standing at his side. Breaking down, she informs Takemichi that Toman broke into 'The Mikey Faction' and 'The Draken Faction' after Draken fought with Mikey and that many people had started fighting with each other.[6][5]

Draken messing up Takemichi's puzzle.
On August 1st, Takemichi is resting in his home due to his injuries when his friends enter the house and help cheer him up. Amidst their conversation, Draken walks in too. He informs others about how Pah-chin got sentenced to a year in prison and that Osanai is alive. But when Takemichi tries to ask him about Mikey, he snaps and unknowingly breaks Takemichi's puzzle. Apologizing, he says that Toman will end and that he is splitting with Mikey. While leaving, he sees Mikey standing on the lawn. Both of them argue before Mikey picks up Takemichi's bicycle, throwing it and breaking it. Draken takes up the challenge, and thus they both break all the things they find on the lawn.[7][5] Devastated by all his precious things broken, Takemichi becomes enraged and tries to punch Mikey in the face. Mikey easily dodges, making him trip into the Garbage disposal.[8][9]

Takemichi with poop on his hair (anime).
When he stands, he becomes emotional and starts yelling at the two of them for how inconsiderate they are about anyone else when they fight with each other. He also tells how everyone who idolizes them is also fighting due to this, tearing Toman apart. At the end of his speech, Mikey comments that Takemichi has poop stuck in his hair, and the solemn atmosphere disappears as everybody laughs and runs away from Takemichi.[8][9]
Later, Draken and Mikey apologize to one another. Takemichi thinks that earlier, Mikey wanted to help Pah-Chin, and Draken didn’t want Pah’s decision to turn himself in to the police to be in vain. He realizes he’s stopped Draken and Mikey from fighting, and so that means Draken won’t die on August 3rd. Hinata Tachibana and Emma show up where all of the boys are gathered and Hina asks Takemichi if he’ll go with her to a festival on the 3rd, which he agrees to.[8][9]

Takemichi about to kiss Hina.
Takemichi and Hina join Draken and Emma at the festival. Hina talks about how hard Emma tries to get Draken to notice her, even going as far as using Takemichi to make him jealous. Before enjoying the festival, it starts raining, and Takemichi and Hina retreat into the tree line. Takemichi helps Hina walk, as her sandals are the wrong size, putting her in pain. They embrace each other, but when they’re about to kiss Hina interrupts Takemichi and tells him that his phone is ringing. It’s Kazushi Yamagishi, telling Takemichi to tell Draken to be careful because he’s received some intel that some of the Toman members who support Mikey are targeting him. Takemichi tells Hina to wait and runs off to go tell Draken, berating himself for letting his guard down.[10][9]

Hina encourages Takemichi.
On his way, he sees a member of Moebius talking to Kiyomasa, who states aloud that he’s going to kill Draken; the Moebius member gives Masataka Kiyomizu a knife.[10] While watching Kiyomasa, Takemichi is discovered and dragged before him by Red. He is pushed and kicked around and realizes that, despite hanging out with Mikey, it hasn’t made him any more powerful, and he’s still useless and scared in this situation, unable to do anything. Kiyomasa has his underlings wrap Takemichi up with duct tape and tells Takemichi that after they kill Draken, they’ll be back to make him pay for what he did.[11][9]
Hina finds where Takemichi is bound. He cries over being unable to help or save anyone. In order to stop him from carrying on yelling about being useless, Hina kisses him, remarking that she gave him her first kiss, and tells him that he’s a special person even if he can’t do what Mikey or Draken can do. Takemichi thanks her for snapping him out of it and leaves to settle the score with Kiyomasa.[11][9]
As he’s going to track down Kiyomasa, Takemichi runs into Takashi Mitsuya and tells him that Draken will get attacked. Mitsuya tells him that he already knows, but while Takemichi thinks that Kiyomasa is the one that’s going to do it, Mitsuya says that it’s Peh-Yan. He informs him that, even though Mikey and Draken had resolved their conflict thanks to Takemichi, Peh-Yan is still unhappy about Pah-chin’s arrest and how nothing was done about it, thinking that Toman abandoned Pah-chin.[12]

Draken fighting Moebius.
Peh-yan approaches Draken and Emma while Draken gets ambushed from behind. Takemichi recalls that Draken was killed in a brawl at a parking lot in the future and leads Mitsuya there. They find Draken has taken down 20 Moebius members, who had attacked him, but has gotten heavily injured in the process. Mitsuya and Emma call out to Peh-Yan for being a coward for coming after Draken with an entire gang like this, and Draken tells Mitsuya to take care of the rest of Moebius for him. As Takemichi realizes that Kiyomasa isn’t around and that he will have to fight against the Moebius members, Draken points out that the sound in the distance is Mikey approaching on his CB250T bike.[12]

Hanma blocks Mikey's kick.
After arriving, Mikey pieces together the enemy's plan to break up Toman; he receives a call to be at a different area to isolate Draken. As Mikey asks Peh-yan who manipulated him, Takemichi wonders about this too. Suddenly, Shuji Hanma emerges from the shadows, describing himself as the temporary leader of Moebius, spurring Mikey to kick him. However, Hanma blocks his kick and orders the Moebius members to kill Mikey and Draken to destroy Toman. As Takemichi contemplates the unexpected developments, all of Toman arrives, prepared to unite to fight Moebius.[13]

Draken is stabbed by Kiyomasa.
As the fight begins, Takemichi is determined to protect Draken, despite the unexpected developments, and looks for him. Amid all the fighting, Mikey confronts Peh-Yan, questioning why he attacked Draken. Peh-Yan reiterates his anger at Pah-chin's perceived abandonment and tells Mikey to fight him back. Mikey reminds Peh-yan of the situation's seriousness, from Pah-chin's arrest to Toman's potential split. He thinks of his selfishness, which Takemichi has caused him to reflect on. Telling Peh-yan to beat him until he is satisfied, Mikey tells Peh-yan that he does not want to fight and asks him to rejoin Toman. As Peh-yan and Mikey reconcile, Takemichi finds Draken on the ground right after Kiyomasa stabs him.[14]

Takemichi carrying Draken.
Takemichi realizes Draken's serious injury at the hands of Kiyomasa, and Mikey requests him to take care of Draken while the fight with Moebius continues. While Takemichi attempts to carry Draken to the hospital, Emma and Hina inform him that they have called for an ambulance. As they wait for the ambulance in an alleyway, Kiyomasa's gang suddenly shows up. Takemichi briefly considers running away, and despite his stab wound, Draken tells him to leave with Emma and Hina. This order reminds Takemichi of his goal of saving those he cares for; his determination renews, motivating him to stand against Kiyomasa.[15]

Takemichi gets his revenge over Kiyomasa.
Takemichi declares his resolve to fight Kiyomasa, mentioning that they never finished their fight in the ring. Draken, Hina, and Emma throw words of support behind Takemichi. As he prepares to punch Kiyomasa, Kiyomasa impales his palm with a knife, telling Takemichi that he has no intention of fighting fairly and is prepared to kill him. Pulling the knife out of his palm, Takemichi thinks back to his aspiration of becoming not only Tokyo's but one of Japan's top delinquents alongside his middle school friends. As he is thrown on the ground by Kiyomasa, he laments his past weakness and cowardice and rushes towards Kiyomasa once more. Lacking in fighting ability, Takemichi grabs onto Kiyomasa, resorting to biting, and puts him under a chokehold, determined not to let go. After holding Kiyomasa in a chokehold, Takemichi successfully subdues him. However, the rest of Kiyomasa's group remains.[16]

Takemichi's friends come to help.
Takemichi tells Hina and Emma to leave while he and Draken prepare to fight, despite their weakened state. As they stand up to face their opponents, they are prepared to die, with Takemichi asking Draken what Heaven would be like. Chuckling, Draken replies that they are going to hell. Despite this, they face their opponents with determination, and Takemichi reflects on his failure to save Draken while still driven to try his best. Suddenly, Akkun appears and punches one of their opponents in the face, coming to Takemichi and Draken's aid alongside Makoto Suzuki, Yamagishi, and Takuya Yamamoto.[17] But they are of no match. All of them were about to lose when hearing the arrival of the ambulance and police, Takemichi thanks his friends, and Kiyomasa's group leaves in a panic, leaving behind an unconscious Kiyomasa. Takemichi is glad his actions were not in vain, and his friends help Draken to the ambulance.[18]
Meanwhile, Toman successfully defeats Moebius, with Hanma the sole member standing. Hanma remarks on the dullness of his fight with Mikey, then leaves on a motorcycle. Before his departure, Hanma tells Mikey that Valhalla, the soon-to-be strongest biker gang alliance in Kanto, is about to form with Hanma as one of its leaders, and that Toman will not know peace as a result.[18]

Takemichi hearing the good news about Draken.
Inside the ambulance, Draken's severe condition becomes evident. Before going into cardiac arrest, Draken thanks Takemitchi and tells him to take care of Mikey for him. As this happens, Mikey drives to the hospital.[18] Draken arrives at the hospital in critical condition, and is immediately operated on. everyone waits anxiously about Draken, but Mikey calmly reassures everyone that Draken will survive, as they promised to own Japan together. He implores them to stop worrying and believe in Draken. The surgery is a success, and Draken survives, to everyone's relief. Mitsuya reveals to Peh-yan that Draken has been going to visit Pah-chin in prison, despite not being allowed to see him face-to-face, demonstrating the care he showed for Pah-chin. He tells Peh to apologize to everyone, especially Draken and Pah-chin, but is happy that Peh rejoined Toman.[19]

Takemichi enjoying the fame.
A week after the fight between Toman and Moebius, Takemichi has gained brief fame and respect because of his ability to stop Toman's splitting, as well as his victory over Kiyomasa. He has let this go to his head, dressing in flashy outfits and acting arrogant, as noted by Draken when Takemichi visits him in the hospital. There, Draken gives him Mikey's first Toman uniform, as Mikey wanted him to have it. Draken says Takemichi is Toman's savior and thanks him again. Takemichi realizes the significance of receiving Mikey's uniform, and Draken tells him to talk to him. Finding Mikey reflecting on the conflict and the possible events to come, Takemichi panics when Mikey wonders how he knew about Draken's danger beforehand, but Mikey shifts his focus to his flashy outfit. After Mikey thanks Takemichi for saving Draken, Takemichi leaves for Hina's apartment to shake hands with Naoto and return to the future, as his mission has been successful.[20]
- Pah-chin is sent to prision.
- Hanma is introduced.
- Draken is saved from dying in the battle of 8/3.
- Mikey gives Takemichi his first Toman uniform.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Chapter 13
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Episode 6
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Chapter 14
- ↑ Chapter 15
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Episode 7
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Chapter 16
- ↑ Chapter 17
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Chapter 18
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Episode 8
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Chapter 19
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Chapter 20
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 Chapter 21
- ↑ Chapter 22
- ↑ Chapter 23
- ↑ Chapter 24
- ↑ Chapter 25
- ↑ Chapter 26
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Chapter 27
- ↑ Chapter 28
- ↑ Chapter 29
Moebius Arc | |
Chapters | 13 · 14 · 15 · 16 · 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25 · 26 · 27 · 28 · 29 · 30 · 31 · 32 · 33 |
Episodes | 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10 · 11 · 12 |
Battles | Haruki Hayashida vs. Nobutaka Osanai Manjiro Sano vs. Nobutaka Osanai |