
Codic Web APIのサポート

codic.el から Codic Web APIを使えるようにしました. リポジトリ https://github.com/syohex/emacs-codic/ 使い方 M-x codic-translateで使えます. 使用するには APIトークンの設定が必要になります. codic.jpから APIトークンを取得し, codic-api-tokenに…

helm-do-ag supports command line options

We can input command line options at helm-do-ag as following Gif animation. If you want to use pattern which starts with -, please use -- separator.

集中線GIFメーカー in Golang


http://hitode909.hatenablog.com/entry/2015/09/13/205925 I wrote @hitode909's 集中線GIFメーカー(Awesome Web application) in Golang. This is command line application and you can use this as below. Repository https://github.com/syohex/speedli…

Emacs daemon memo

Run named daemon Emacs --daemon command line option can accept name argument(like --daemon=server1). % emacs --daemon=vim -Q % emacs --daemon=atom -Q Sending S-expression via emacsclient And we can specify server by -s(--socket-name) optio…

Better space handling in helm-do-ag

I have implemented better space handling in helm-ag. If you want to input pattern which contains space, you can use escaped space like pattern1\ pattern2. Such pattern matches lines which have pattern1 pattern2. (While pattern1 pattern2 ma…

ac-emoji for Linux users

We can use emoji fonts other than MacOSX platform. (However MacOSX fonts is good looking :-() Installing Symbola font http://zhm.github.io/symbola/ Download Symbola.ttf and put it into fonts directory such as ~/.fonts. % cd ~/.fonts % curl…