Super Secret Wiki

[Spoilers Ahead]

Ryan Nam is one of the main characters as one of the main leads of the series. He is also a werewolf and likes Emma Ji. He is a college student and the neighbor of Emma.


Ryan usually wears casual clothes, mostly wearing grey and muted colors. He can be seen in his purple and grey school hoodie and jeans, or a black and white long-sleeved shirt. He has grey hair and only once pictured with yellow eyes (wolf form).


Ryan in his original form

His original form is constantly described as being excessively large. It is implied that he is the biggest wolf that most people have seen. When going in and out of Emma's room through the window he often gets stuck due to his size. He is a regular grey wolf, just much larger.

Although he does not like his original form, there are times where he must return to his original form when he is too weak to maintain his human appearance.                                                                                                                                                                                       

Ryan also has a half-wolf/half-human form where he has both ears and a tail from his original form. He assumes this form when he wants to change back to his human form but does not have enough energy, when he's startled, excited, or when it's hard to control himself.                                                                                                                                                                                       


A mother

Ryan casually being mother-like towards Emma.

Ryan acts very motherly towards Emma (just as her own mother would have been). He is very cautious about what she does and always tries to help her remember things. Ryan is constantly looking out for her and is always worried that she is going to injure herself or be tardy for school. Emma has stated that Ryan acted as a stand-in for her parents and brother, who left her all alone.


Ryan waiting for Emma

When he is in his werewolf form, he is very shy, self-conscious, and doesn't want to be seen by others in his original form in fear that he may be detained. Even in this form, Ryan is still overprotective of Emma, although he doesn't show the personality of his human form to avoid revealing his true identity.

He gets embarrassed easily, especially when referring to his feelings towards Emma. Throughout the series, he starts to accept his feelings and grows to like her more.

When Emma describes him to Jasmine she refers to him as 'really sweet but swears a lot'. While Ryan's family thinks of her as more a pet or resource, Ryan thinks of Emma as someone that he needs to protect. (He thinks of her as a sloth. If he doesn't take care of her, she'll go extinct.)


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Ryan as half wolf/half human

Before he had turned one year old, Ryan wandered outside in his wolf form, resulting in Emma's parents finding him, mistaking him for a puppy, and bringing him home to play with Ethan. Ryan's parents, who had been searching for their son, found him at the Ji residence and requested that they return him. Emma's parents refused, saying that Ethan had grown close with Ryan, which Ethan named the puppy "Pretty". Upon hearing their response, Ryan's mother became enraged and revealed her true form, kicking up strong winds and demanding her son back. After this, Ryan and Emma's parents worked out a deal that stated once Emma was born, they would come and collect her and she would belong to Ryan. However, when Emma was born, she was very young, and they decided they would collect her once she was an adult. Throughout the years Ryan lives side by side with Emma and the two are very close friends. Ryan often gives up things for Emma so that she doesn't feel left out. As they grow up, Ryan always stays by Emma's side and helps her stand up for herself while he always feels the emotions she cannot for herself. Ryan's bond with Emma is a huge part of his history and his growth.


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Ryan kissing Emma

Emma Ji[]

At first, he thinks of her as something he needs to protect, and though he does have feelings for her, he doesn't admit it. Over time, his feelings grow stronger, and after the break up between Emma and Victor, he asks her out. After Emma's initial rejection, the two grow very distant for a period of time. After Ethan tells Emma that it is okay to be selfish, the two rebuild their relationship. In one of the later arcs in the story, Ryan and Emma imprinted (kissed) during her elimination. They tricked the association into thinking that she was a werewolf and was later let go because of it. Ryan gives Emma a ring right before he leaves for 3 years, which is implied to be a wedding ring.

Hailey Nam[]

Hailey is one of Ryan's older sisters. She is often the one giving him remarks about himself and Emma, as she believes they should be together. It has been shown that Hailey uses her crystal ball to spy on Ryan and Emma, to which Ryan responded by punching and breaking the orb. Ryan has also been shown to comment on Hailey and for her to retaliate with a physical attack. Overall, the siblings have a relationship exactly like that- siblings.

Victor Kwon[]

Victor, more than anything, is a rival to Ryan. Ryan was not happy to learn that Emma had a boyfriend and later, the two almost had a physical fight upon Victor's telling Ryan to stop worrying about his (Victor's) girlfriend (Emma). He also for an unknown reason gets teary and red around Victor, as if he's allergic to him.

Katherine Nam[]

Katherine is Ryan's other older sister. Kat has been shown to look out for Ryan with Hailey, as she helped search for him when he wasn't in control of his wolf form and she spied on him and Emma with Hailey via the crystal ball. She even gave Johan a fox bead(Which is very rare) in exchange for him to bring Ryan to the Association.

Jasmine Moon[]

Jasmine viewed Ryan as a potential love interest earlier in the series, asking Emma to set them up together. Later, Jasmine becomes annoyed with Ryan over the fact that he dated her despite his obvious feelings for Emma. When visiting Victor in the hospital, the two ran into each other and both independently thought the situation was awkward.

Ethan Ji[]

Ethan is Emma's older brother and a close friend to Ryan. They originally met when Ryan ran away as a baby/child. Ethan picked him up and was the main reason that his parents didn't want to give Ryan back. They now get along as close friends with Ethan and Ryan having to keep the secret a 'secret'. Ryan regularly worries about Ethan regarding his health, as Ethan is a normal human and takes painkillers regularly.

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Ryan when he is older
