Super Secret Wiki

Katherine Nam is Ryan Nam's oldest sister and the oldest child in the Nam family. She is the only Nine-Tailed Fox left and because of that, she was taken into the association when she was ten, which traumatized her. Because of them, she has developed Agoraphobia or fear of going outside.


Katherine wears a yellow blouse and black skirt and high-heels. She has shoulder length straight black that is usually left down.

When she is in her nine-tailed fox form, she is wearing a white Korean traditional clothing (hanbok). She has either 1 or 9 fox tails and fox ears which are above her normal human ears.


Ryan Nam[]

Ryan is Katherine's younger brother

Hailey Nam[]

Hailey is Katherine's younger sister

Jamie Moon[]

Katherine took Jamie under a contract after the association threatened to erase his memory if he didn't find a contractor in a week. In return, he promised to help Katherine make a fox bead. Before they met in person or knew about each other, Jamie was a fan of Katherine's online lectures and was said to be one of her top supporters that comment on something on each one and even fought off mean comments for her.

Johan Song's father[]

They grew close once he was assigned to take care of her when she was young, soon once Katherine's parents got her back they never met for a long time. Near the end of the story, their companionship was revealed(With the President wearing a Bunny suit.)

Katherine 9 tailed fox form

Katherine in her nine-tailed fox form


  • In Episode 120, she is revealed to be 12 years older than Jamie and Hunter
  • Her favorite food is the liver. She has always wanted to try the human liver but never did.
  • She has never been in any romantic relationship.