Super Secret Wiki
This page contains major and minor spoilers for ‘Super Secret’ by eon. Read at your own risk.


The episode opens with Hailey looking somewhat shocked that Emma has got a boyfriend. She asks Ryan if he’s okay and he walks right back to his room, simply stating that it doesn’t bother him at all. He crashes into his door, in an attempt to walk back.

Emma is calling Jasmine, who also seems shocked at how Emma and Victor are officially dating. She mentions how rushed it is and when Emma asks if it was too rushed, Jasmine points out how people used to get married without even seeing people. Jamie asks Jasmine to get out of his room and even offers to pay her, but she still refuses.

Hailey pushes Kat into Ryan’s room, saying that she needs to talk to him. Kat doesn’t know what to say, so she informs Ryan that she’s coming I’m before seeing Ryan in his bed, while in his original form. She questions this, mentioning how Ryan hates his original form.

At Victor’s house, Victor’s brother (who insists on wearing an oxygen mask) seems surprised about Victor having a girlfriend, saying that even uf she’s one of their kind, she’s a mongrel. Victor reassured him that she’s not a mutt, and is instead a human. His brother seems relieved for a moment before deciding that that’s even worse.

Jamie wonders how Emma could be official with Victor after telling her she smells like a dog and the fact that they just met today. As Jasmine explains, she points out that he’s really good-looking and Jamie sarcastically responds that that makes sense then.

Ryan is still a wolf in his bed, explaining that he wanted to live life as a human, protecting Emma forever. He says how he thought he’d need to with Emma being so slow and clumsy and when Hailey tries to agree with him, he argues that she has no right to say that about Emma when it’s her fault. Hailey is confused for a moment, until Ryan explains how she would erase Emma’s memory whenever she discovered one of them, which resulted in memory loss on her part. Hailey denies this, saying that he should also blame her for things like the sky being blue if he blames her for this.

Emma receives a text from Victor, asking what movie she wants to watch. Emma puts a heart next to Victor’s name before wondering what she should wear, texting Ryan for advice. Emma thinks about how Ryan seemed sick earlier and how his leg is hurt, but also that she cant figure out what to wear on her own. She proceeds to throw rocks at Ryan’s window to see if she’s awake and instead sees Ryann in his original form, who seems slightly panicked after noticing Emma.

End Sketch[]

A young Emma is eating candy and a young Ryan asks her to tell him if she gets a headache.