Super Secret Wiki
This page contains major and minor spoilers for ‘Super Secret’ by eon. Read at your own risk.


The episode opens with Jasmine wondering how her luck could be so bad, first she got rejected by the boy she liked, then she has an awful hangover, then she got slapped by someone she didn’t even know. Emma helps her up as Jasmine asks Inna what her problem is. I’m a goes to slap Jasmine and Emma catches her arm saying that they talk this out. Inna wonders how a human girl could be so strong and almost goes into her original form before Victor stops her. Victor tells Emma and Jasmine he’ll explain later and takes Inna to talk.

Hailey, still frustrated wonders why Ryan even kept the love potion she gave him if he really wasn’t interested in using it. She goes t his room to take it back when she realizes it’s not there. She rummages through his room until Kat comes in and asks what she’s doing. When Hailey says she’s looking for something, Kat holds up a contract and asks if it’s what she’s looking for. She says she got it from their mom’s drawer.

Victor tells Inna to apologize to Jasmine later and Inna asks why should she since anyone would do the same thing if they saw someone clinging to their partner. He then asks who she thinks her partner is as Inna argues that she waited a year for him. Victor points out that he told her he never wants to see her face ever again and when Inna admits that she was being sincere Victor says so was he and that’s why he can’t forgive her.

Emma helps Jasmine with the bruise on her cheek and Jasmine says she’ll just ice it when she gets home. As she walks back, she tells Emma to make sure to ask Victor for that girl’s co fact information. Emma nods and walks down, realizing that Iman must be his ex-girlfriend. She comments that she didn’t expect her to be so extraordinary as she sees them in a coffee shop and quietly orders a green tea latte. She overhears their conversation where Inna says that it’s not like Victor actually cares about Emma. This enrages Emma to the point where she slams her coffee on her table and shouts at Inna. She shouts that she’s Victor’s girlfriend and Victor takes Emma and they walk away, leaving a shocked Inna alone at the table.

As the two walk back, Victor tells Emma she looks like she has a lot to say. Emma says he has a lot to explain and he wonders where he should start.

Inna gets a text from Victor saying that she should just leave unless she wants to get dragged back by force. Inna says how she didn’t want to resort to the love potion as the episode ends.

End Sketch[]

The love potion