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- "A Jedi is not proud or boastful, and I trust you will understand I am sincere when I say that it is hard for me to imagine that the guard might have spied me in the first place, had I not wished to be seen."
- ―Master Poof lectures on his abilities to bend the perceptions of others
Yarael Poof was a wise Quermian Jedi Master and Jedi Consular from the planet Quermia that was a member of the Jedi High Council by 44 BBY. He was legendary for his skills at mind trickery, and was the senior-most of four Quermian Jedi in the Jedi Order. He was the master of Jedi Master Roron Corobb. Poof was held with respect for his insight, and was skilled with the ability of battle meditation—which had proven instrumental in bringing about the Galactic Republic's victory during the Stark Hyperspace War in 44 BBY. In 33 BBY, Poof was present in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant and aided in defending it from a raid conducted by Yinchorri forces during the Yinchorri Uprising. In 32 BBY, Poof was among the Council as they investigated a string of incidents that targeted Supreme Chancellor of the Republic Finis Valorum.
Later in 32 BBY, Poof was present for the initial testing of the Force-sensitive youngling Anakin Skywalker, and was among the rest of the High Council when they denied Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn's request to train the boy. However, the Council reversed their decision following Jinn's death, and granted the newly anoined Jedi Knight—and Jinn's own Padawan until his death—Obi-Wan Kenobi permission to train Skywalker. In 27 BBY, Poof took it upon himself to investigate the potential presence of the Infant of Shaa, an ancient artifact that was capable of rending an entire planet apart through the Force, on Coruscant. Poof's investigation led him deep into Coruscant, where he encountered the radical General Ashaar Khorda attempting to use the artifact to destroy Coruscant. Poof was mortally wounded by Khorda, but managed to deactivate the Infant of Shaa in his final moments, saving the planet from destruction. Following his death, he was replaced on the High Council by Jedi Master Coleman Trebor.
On the Jedi Council[]
- "Before you can bring these planets together to talk you will need to assess the matter carefully. There may be more at stake here than meets the eye."
- ―Yarael Poof, to Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Jedi High Council communicates with Plo Koon through Sha Koon.
Yarael Poof was a male Quermian Jedi Master and Jedi Consular[4] hailing from[1] the planet[10] Quermia.[1] By 44 BBY,[11] Poof was a member of the Jedi High Council within the Jedi Order,[12] having accepted an invitation to join it[5] and serving a lifetime term.[13] At some point, he constructed his own lightsaber,[4] and trained his own Padawan, Roron Corobb.[7] Poof also eventually created a recording and stored it on a holocron created by Jedi Master Asli Krimsan, in which he gave a lecture on the applications of illusions cast through the Force. In the lecture, Poof gave his students a hypothetical to consider, in which they are caught by a guard while infiltrating a secure building and have to utilize illusions to escape. The Quermian Jedi Master provided a variety of potential solutions to the dilemma while also pointing out the potential drawbacks and consequences of each one. Poof advised caution to his students, urging them to consider the repercussions their chosen course of action could have on the hypothetical guard's life. At the end of his lecture, he maintained that, while a Jedi was neither proud nor boastful, he found it unlikely that he himself would have been caught in such a situation.[14]
In 44 BBY,[11] the Jedi Order became involved in a conflict with the Stark Commercial Combine criminal organization: the Stark Hyperspace War. During the conflict, Poof was present among the other members of the High Council as Jedi Master Adi Gallia reported to them the circumstances of Jedi Master Tyvokka's death on the planet Troiken. As the conflict continued, Poof—alongside the remainder of the Council—used the niece of Jedi Knight Plo Koon, Sha Koon, as a conduit to communicate with Plo as he was still on Troiken during the war. This allowed the Council to collaborate with Plo on a plan to send Jedi reinforcements to Troiken by brokering an agreement with the Trade Federation.[12] At some point, Poof also utilized battle meditation during the conflict, which helped ensure victory for the Galactic Republic.[15] It was ultimately Plo and the Council's plan that allowed them to bring the war to an end.[12]
At some point between 44 and 37 BBY,[16] Poof—alongside the other members of the High Council—convened to discuss the potential of ascending Padawan Yaddle to knighthood. After hearing the story of her time on the planet Koba, Poof and the rest of the Council agreed to ascend Yaddle not only to knighthood, but to the rank of Jedi Master.[17] In 40 BBY,[18] the Jedi Council assigned Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to a mission to the planet Vorzyd IV, where they were to investigate a recent string of sabotages the native Vorzydiak species blamed on the neighboring planet of Vorzyd V. As the Council administered this task on the two Jedi, Poof advised caution, stating that there could be more at stake than it appeared.[9] A year later, in 39 BBY,[19] Kenobi likened the appearance of Quermian professor Murk Lundi to that of Yarael Poof—in particular, his species and what Kenobi regarded as a commanding presence. As Jinn and Kenobi continued an investigation into Lundi's research of Sith teachings, Kenobi noticed himself being affected by Lundi's anger and wondered if all Quermians had abilities of telepathy in the vein of Poof's skill with Force suggestion.[20]
The Yinchorri Uprising[]
- "You seem troubled."
"Getting old, perhaps I am… After so many years of relative peace, troubles me does a threat like this. Fly into danger, they do… But face uncertainty also do we who remain." - ―Yarael Poof and Yoda, regarding the mission to Yinchorr

Poof aids in the defense of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
In the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo, Poof was the most senior of four Quermian Jedi within the Jedi Order.[5] In 33 BBY,[22] Poof was present when the High Council received a distress signal sent from the moon Mayvitch 7 during the Battle of Mayvitch 7, four days after the battle took place. After deliberation over the capabilities of the aggressors, the Yinchorri, the Council agreed to send Jedi Master Mace Windu to the planet Yinchorr to investigate. Poof, alongside Grand Master Yoda, observed as Windu departed alongside multiple Jedi volunteers. Later, Poof was present when Yoda received word that Windu's team had been attacked after exiting hyperspace in the Yinchorri system.[21]
Soon thereafter, a strike team of Yinchorri began a raid on the Jedi Temple on[23] the planet[24] Coruscant. The Jedi in the temple, including Poof, ambushed the Yinchorri after they had barely entered. After successfully staving off the assault, Poof commented that the Yinchorri were more bloodthirsty than they had anticipated—upon which Yoda corrected him, affirming that the Yinchorri were simply misguided and were influenced by an outside party.[23] After Windu's team had been initially unsuccessful in locating the Yinchorri command center on three planets in the system, Yaddle informed Poof, alongside other members of the High Council, that she had discovered mention of another planet, Uhanayih, in a holocron created by Jedi Master Tharence Wo. Shortly after the Council learned of Uhanayih, Windu contacted them from Yinchorr, informing them that he, too, had learned of the command center's location. Immediately afterward, the Jedi, including Poof, learned of Jedi Master Micah Giiett's death.[25]

Poof would learn of the death of fellow High Council member Micah Giiett (pictured).
Following the Yinchorri's surrender, Poof attended the return of Windu's team and watched as the corpses of those who perished on the mission were unloaded. Afterward, Poof convened alongside the High Council, which discussed the prospect of the Yinchorri being left at the Galactic Senate of the Republic's behest, as well as the matter of filling the late Giiett's seat on the Council—which Windu proposed should be taken by Jedi Knight Ki-Adi-Mundi.[25] Shortly following the Yinchorri Uprising, Jinn and Kenobi apprehended the smuggler Vilmarh Grahrk and brought him before the Jedi High Council—Poof included—to whom he confessed to hiring the Yinchorri, though he was unable to identify who had, in turn, hired him. Thusly, the Council decided to release Grahrk, hoping he would lead them to his employer.[26] The Sith apprentice Darth Maul lamented his lack of involvement in the Yinchorri Uprising to his master and the orchestrator of the conflict, Darth Sidious. Maul affirmed that he would have been able to kill far more Jedi in the conflict, including members of the Jedi Council.[27]
Protecting Valorum[]
- "The Nebula Front is not the important concern here. It is the Trade Federation that matters."
"Thought to be less important, the Nebula Front is. But directing this, they are. Directing all of this." - ―Poof and Yoda
At some point between 33 and 32 BBY,[29] Poof—alongside the rest of the High Council—tasked Jinn and two other Jedi—Knights Vel Ardox and Noro Zak—with traveling to Esseles and locating Jedi Master Adi Gallia. However, they also forbade him from bringing Kenobi along for the mission. Though Kenobi disobeyed the Council's orders for him to remain behind, Jinn's mission was ultimately successful.[30]
In 32 BBY,[31] Poof was among the members of the Jedi High Council who debriefed Jinn following the attempted assassination of Supreme Chancellor of the Republic Finis Valorum. During this meeting, the Council tasked Jinn, Kenobi, the Jedi Knight Vergere, and four Jedi Masters of the High Council—Saesee Tiin, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Depa Billaba, and Yaddle—with investigating further. The Council—without its four absent members—later reconvened to discuss the mission Jinn's group had taken to the planet Asmeru. Despite concerns that the Nebula Front resistance group had taken the Jedi on Asmeru hostage, Poof maintained that the Council and Chancellor Valorum needed to focus on the Trade Federation's involvement. However, Yoda countered that the Nebula Front was orchestrating the entire incident. Poof later questioned if the Senex Houses would remain neutral in the conflict, to which Piell suggested an accord with the Republic to ensure it would be so. After the incident resolved, the High Council reconvened once more, upon which Poof inquired what the motivation of the Nebula Front militants Arwen Cohl and "Havac" was in orchestrating the recent events. Windu surmised that it was to bring down Valorum and the Trade Federation.[28]
Naboo and the Chosen One[]
- "He is to be trained, then?"
"No, he will not be trained."
"He is too old."
"He is the chosen one. You must see it." - ―Qui-Gon Jinn and Mace Windu, regarding the Jedi Council's decision
In 32 BBY, the Jedi Order investigated a string of incidents tied to the Trade Federation (emblem pictured).
In the weeks prior to the Battle of Naboo[32] in 32 BBY,[33] Poof was one member of the Jedi High Council that oversaw training between Kenobi and the Jedi training droid JTR-47. After Kenobi was assigned to investigate the Black Heth street gang in the lower levels of Coruscant, Poof was present among the High Council as the Padawan and Jinn debriefed on the skirmishes with the gang. After further investigation, Kenobi reported to the High Council once again with the information that the Black Heth were acting as a front for a group of Jin'ha arms dealers. Following the meeting, the Council decided to send Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Eeth Koth to further investigate on[32] the planet[10] Obredaan. After the Council lost communication with Koon and Koth, they sent Kenobi and Jinn to Obredaan to investigate. After the Jedi Masters were freed and Kenobi discovered a cortosis mine operated by the Jin'ha, the Council took the remainder of the investigation into their own hands.[32]
That same year,[34] the Jedi Council had a meeting with Jedi Master Anoon Bondara and his Padawan, Darsha Assant, where they assigned her a mission to the Crimson Corridor in Coruscant's Zi-Kree Sector. She was tasked by the Council with locating Oolth, a former member of the Black Sun crime syndicate, who had information regarding a recent change in the power structure of the underworld—this task was to serve as her final trial as a Padawan. After the mission took a turn for the worse, Assant speculated that the Council would send a "real" Jedi to retrieve her following her failure. When Assant returned to the Jedi Temple and reported her failure to Bondara, the latter declined reporting to the Council, stating that they would only report to the council after first confirming whether or not Oolth had died. When they returned to the scene of his apparent death, the Jedi Master finally conceded that they needed to report to the High Council—though their chance was cut short when they were assailed Maul and Bondara sacrificed himself in a vain attempt to stop him. Having learned of an impending Trade Federation invasion of the planet Naboo from the informants Lorn Pavan and I-5YQ, Assant resolved to deliver the duo to the Council to warn them of the plot. Before she could, however, she and the informants were slain by the Sith apprentice. Further investigation of the incident from Kenobi only indicated involvement from Black Sun, which he wished to report to the Council.[35] The Council then, on behalf of Chancellor Valorum, deployed Jinn and Kenobi to Naboo to negotiate with the Trade Federation regarding their blockade of the planet,[24] as well as their potential collaboration with the Jin'ha.[32]

The Jedi High Council tests Anakin Skywalker.
Jinn and Kenobi were ambushed during their mission and forced to evacuate the Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala, from the planet as the Trade Federation invaded. The group took brief refuge on the planet Tatooine and, following a duel there with Maul, they returned to Coruscant and Jinn reported the events that had transpired to the Jedi High Council, as well as his belief that Maul was a Sith Lord. Additionally, he revealed to the High Council the Force-sensitive youngling Anakin Skywalker, who he believed to be the Chosen One. The Council agreed to test the boy, but—after the test—ultimately decided against training him due to his age and emotions. Jinn was then re-assigned to continue assisting Queen Amidala, in order to discern the identity of Maul—Skywalker's future was to be decided at a later time. After the Battle of Naboo took place and Jinn met his death, Kenobi was elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight and given permission by the High Council to take Skywalker as his apprentice.[24]
After Naboo[]
- "Relations between the Jedi and the guardians have been strained since Tinte [sic] became Sheyf. With the possible re-emergence of the Sith, we must look for a way to better interactions."
- ―Poof, regarding recent actions from Quinlan Vos
Poof eventually reconvened with the Jedi High Council[37]—once again in 32 BBY[38]—to discuss sending six emissaries from the Jedi Council to assist in the Lannik–Red Iaro peace negotiations. After selecting which of its members would attend the negotiations, the Council dispersed.[37] In 30 BBY, Poof was present alongside the High Council again when they discussed the recent murders of Jedi Knight J'Mikel and Jedi Master Peerce at the hands of the former Jedi and bounty hunter Aurra Sing. After deliberation, the Council agreed to send Gallia, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and his Padawan A'Sharad Hett after Sing.[39]
That same year, Poof was present when Sheyf Tinté Vos contacted the Jedi, requesting the aid of Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos—her great-nephew—in investigating a recent raid on a security compound on the planet Kiffex. Alongside Quinlan, Poof, Tiin, and Windu received the message from Tinté. After instructing Quinlan to wait for their decision, Tiin and Poof objected to sending Quinlan on the basis that he seemed to be moving closer to the dark side of the Force and relations between the Kiffu Guardians and Jedi were already strained. After further deliberation, the Council agreed to send Quinlan to Kiffex.[36]

Vilmarh Grahrk gave an embellished retelling of events that had followed the Yinchorri Uprising.
Later in 30 BBY, Grahrk told an embellished version of his capture and release at the hands of the Jedi Order following the Yinchorri Uprising. In his recounting of events, he claimed that his employer, "Bobo"—who was, in fact, Darth Sidious—had used the Yinchorri Uprising as a cover to steal the "Secret Treasure of the Jedi." He further claimed that this theft enraged the members of the High Council—Poof included—to the point of brawling between one another, until Grahrk allegedly offered to retrieve it for the Jedi, prompting their adoration. The smuggler further recounted that he had successfully recovered the treasure from "Bobo," bringing additional praise from Poof and the other High Council members.[26] Poof was later present as the High Council ascended Vos to the rank of Jedi Master and his Padawan, Aayla Secura, to the rank of Jedi Knight.[40] In 28 BBY, Poof was among the councilors who elected to send Kenobi and Skywalker to act as protectors for Senator Palpatine during a diplomatic mission with members of the Colicoid species.[41]
Hero of Coruscant[]
- "… Perhaps I would be a better choice. My mental abilities are reasonably well honed [sic]. They could prove to be advantageous in such an endeavor."
- ―Yarael Poof, to Mace Windu

Poof is stabbed by Ashaar Khorda.
In 27 BBY,[2] Windu revealed to the Council that an Annoo-dat Prime radical, General Ashaar Khorda, was in possession of the Infant of Shaa, an ancient artifact so powerful it was capable of rendering a planet in two. Poof stated that such a weapon would send ripples through the Force. Concurring, Yoda declared that the responsibility solving this crisis rested upon members of the Council itself. Windu initially announced his intent to investigate on Coruscant—one of three potential targets—but Poof interjected, proposing that his own skills were better honed to locate such a disturbance in the Force. After Windu relented, the Quermian Jedi Master set out on his task. During his search, Poof encountered a youngling being chased by a gang led by the Human Spiz. Poof intervened, conjuring an illusion of a Rancor to scare the gang off. After explaining he had merely made the gang's fears more visible, he then explained to the youngling that he was a member of the High Council in search of a dangerous artifact and that he could sense it through the Force. After making sure the youngling would be okay, Poof continued searching for the Infant of Shaa deeper into Coruscant's alleys.[42]
The Jedi Master eventually tracked the artifact to a power relay and warned Khorda and his lackeys to remain where they were to keep from being harmed, just as the bounty hunters Jango Fett and Zam Wesell also entered the relay. Khorda ordered his lackeys to attack the Jedi Master and bounty hunters, forcing Poof to brandish his lightsaber in self-defense. He cut down his opponents as he made his way to Khorda and eventually disarmed the extremist before beginning to reach for the Infant of Shaa. Just before he was able to grab the artifact, however, Khorda retaliated, fatally stabbing Poof in the gut. Fett dispatched Khorda in response, causing the artifact to nearly fall until Wesell caught it. The bounty hunters then handed the Infant of Shaa back to Poof, who, using the remnants of his energy, bound the artifact's Force energies back into itself. With Coruscant saved from annihilation, Poof then died.[42]
- "I've seen too many of these, master. Is this what awaits me?"
"The pyre is the end for which all true Jedi are destined, Anakin Skywalker. Yes, the death of any of us is a sad thing. But Master Poof is one with the Force now." - ―Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu, regarding Poof's funeral

Yarael Poof was succeeded in his position on the Jedi High Council by Jedi Master Coleman Trebor (pictured).
Poof's sacrifice was honored with a funeral in which he was cremated, with the remainder of the Jedi High Council, Kenobi, Skywalker,[42] fellow Quermian Jedi Knights Loo Raelo, Vinian Ska, and Kindee Ya,[43] and others in attendance. Windu recited a eulogy for Poof, commending his bravery and sacrifice as the epitome of what a Jedi was. Skywalker, meanwhile, questioned if a fate similar to Poof's awaited him. Windu reassured him that Poof met the end of a true Jedi, sad as it were. Windu and Kenobi then discussed if the danger had truly passed; the former was certain it had, though he reasoned that Poof was likely not the only hero of Coruscant.[42] Fellow Council member, Jedi Master Even Piell, had mourned Poof's death.[44]
At some point from 27 BBY to 26 BBY,[45] Poof was succeeded on the Jedi High Council by Jedi Master Coleman Trebor,[46] who was selected in particular due to his ability to communicate with various groups across the galaxy and resolve crises peacefully.[47] In 25 BBY,[48] Kenobi recounted the deaths of Jinn and Poof to himself as he contemplated the recent losses the Jedi Order had faced.[49] In 23 BBY,[50] the absence of Poof still resonated among all Jedi. That same year, Windu and Jedi Master Kit Fisto attended a memorial for Poof on his homeworld, Quermia.[51] However, their visit was cut short by a call for aid from Kenobi, Skywalker, and Jedi Knight Bultar Swan, who were undergoing a mission to the planet Fondor.[51]
Around 40 ABY, historian Tionne Solusar recounted the skill Poof had in creating illusions in her book Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force. Solusar also shared the recording Poof had stored in Krimsan's holocron in her book.[14]
Personality and traits[]
- "I should be going. And you should hurry home. Will you be all right?""
- ―Yarael Poof, asking a youngling if they would be alright before continuing on his mission

Yarael Poof
Yarael Poof had pasty white skin and red eyes. Like other Quermians, he possessed two pairs of arms—the second of which he hid beneath his robes—as well as a lower brain within his chest, olfactory glands in his hands, and a long neck.[1] Alongside his long legs, his neck gave Poof a height nearly three feet taller than other humanoids, standing at 2.64 meters,[5] or 8 feet and 8 inches.[6] His head was small.[52] During debates among the High Council, Poof would utilize both of his brains.[53]
Poof was a wise Quermian whose connection with the Force was admired by all. He spoke very little during meetings of the High Council, but was respected for his insight nonetheless. His extensive past experience made him prepared for field duty. Poof was soft-natured, and preferred to avoid violent conflict;[5] this aversion to violence, in turn, led to his preference of illusory Force powers.[4] Poof was compassionate to the point that he was willing to help others even when actively undertaking another mission.[54] He had a mischievous side and enjoyed playing mind tricks on colleagues.[6]
Powers and abilities[]
- "But if a guard had seen me, I might make him believe I was nothing but a gust of wind, or the shadow of a soaring indigenous avian. A Jedi can do such things, for it is the will of the Force."
- ―Yarael Poof
Poof was renowned as legendary for his mind trickery skills,[3] and his connection to the Force was admired by all.[5] Using these skills, he was capable of bringing conflicts to a quick end by turning the fears of his combatants against themselves,[55] sometimes through the conjuration of illusions of beasts and soldiers, which were refined through his skill with battle meditation.[5] He could also utilize the ability to give courage to his own forces while weakening the resolve of their enemies.[56] A lesser-known ability of Poof's was combustion.[15] Other Force abilities he could use included skills from the Alter, Control, and Sense branches of Jedi powers, such as Force empathy, Enhance Attribute, Magnify Senses, Tutaminis, Force stealth, Force healing, Inspire, Sense Force, telepathy, and Force Mind. Poof could also strike others through the Force by means of telekinesis. The Jedi Master had some skill in deflection and blocking of attacks, as well as with computers, diplomacy, and intimidation. He had some knowledge of Jedi lore. Alongside Galactic Basic Standard, Poof was able to both read, speak, and write in Quermian, and he was also able to speak Mon Calamarian, Cerean, and Shyriiwook.[4]
- "Look! He is Jedi!"
- ―One of Ashaar Khorda's lackeys, upon spotting Yarael Poof's lightsaber
Poof wore a set of brown robes, under which he concealed his second pair of arms and on top of which he was also adorned with a cannom collar in line with the traditions of his species.[6] He was also in possession of a blue lightsaber.[42]
Behind the scenes[]
Notable appearances[]
- "If you think back to the original Jedi Council there was a long-necked Jedi on the far side—Yarael Poof—he was a puppet. George was afraid that if we kept that guy in, people might confuse him with the Kaminoans."
- ―Attack of the Clones animation director Rob Coleman, regarding Yarael Poof

Early concept art of Yarael Poof, which was labeled simply "Alien Jedi"
Yarael Poof was first shown in the teaser trailer for the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.[58] The trailer debuted in theaters across twenty-six cities on November 17, 1998,[59] with a wider release on November 20 the same year.[58] He was first identified on April 21, 1999,[60] in the reference book Star Wars Episode I Who's Who: A Pocket Guide to the Characters of The Phantom Menace, written by Ryder Windham.[61] His first appearance was a storybook adaptation of The Phantom Menace, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace Movie Storybook,[62] which was released on May 3, 1999[63] and published by Random House.[62]
In The Phantom Menace, Poof was portrayed by a puppet operated by Michelle Taylor.[24] The puppet for Poof was built directly into his chair inside the set for the Jedi Council Chamber,[64] with Taylor[24] inside the puppet controlling his appendages and neck.[64] Poof was originally slated to reappear in the 2002 film—and second installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy—Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, but George Lucas was concerned that viewers would confuse him with the Kaminoans, a new species introduced in the film. As no new footage of the Jedi Council chambers was shot for Episode II, archive footage from Episode I was reused. In order to remove him from the film, Poof was digitally painted out of the footage and replaced by Coleman Trebor, a new Jedi Master designed for the movie.[57] The 2002 reference book Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Illustrated Companion, written by Marcus Hearn, misspells Poof's first name as "Yareal,"[65] as does the 2006 reference book The New Essential Guide to Alien Species, written by Ann Margaret Lewis and Helen Keier.[56] The 2011 reference book Star Wars Character Encyclopedia, written by Simon Beecroft, erroneously states that Poof was a member of the High Council during the start of the Clone Wars,[6] despite his death having occurred five years prior.[66]
Non-canon history[]
Robot Chicken[]
Council underdog[]
- "Who can't use the Force now? I can still use the Force. Let's put that one to a vote, because I don't even know what that means. Does anyone realize that I'm talking?"
- ―Yarael Poof

Yarael Poof in Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III
Yarael Poof appears in multiple skits in the 2010 comedy special Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III, voiced by Dan Milano. In the first sketch, which takes place during the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, Poof is seated alongside the Jedi High Council as they discuss the matter of training Anakin Skywalker. Yoda initially states that Anakin should not be trained due to the darkness inside of him, only for Mace Windu to point out that he could bring balance to the Force and for Yoda to agree. Poof interjects, reminding Yoda that he had just claimed training Anakin would be a bad thing. When Yoda mentions the prophecy of the Chosen One, Poof questions what exactly the prophecy is and why he is unaware of it. Windu ignores him, stating that he will inform Skywalker of the Council's decision the following day. The Quermian Jedi Master once again interjects, sarcastically remarking that they are apparently now a council rather than solely Yoda and Windu and asking a member he referred to as "Dogface" if they are also aware of this "revelation."[67]
Once again, Yoda and Windu ignore Poof, declaring they need to inform the Senate of their lessened ability to use the Force. Poof responds by stating that he can still use the Force and that they should put the claim to a vote, then ponders if his remarks are actually being listened to. After a brief pause, Windu announces that the Council should stop for the day to eat. Yoda then suggests that Poof pick up pizza, to which the entire council—excluding Poof himself—agree. Poof complains that he had just picked up their coffee the day prior and has yet to be reimbursed despite submitting the receipt, but then sarcastically states that he would still pick up their food if it was the will of the Council. He then informs Yaddle that he needs to borrow her car, prompting her to lie that it was in the shop. Poof states he had just seen it downstairs in the Jedi Temple, to which she responded with a new excuse of "insurance." Poof exasperatedly then declares he is going anyway, remarking that despite being one of twelve Jedi in the entire galaxy on the Jedi High Council, today it was his job to retrieve the pizza. He then sarcastically remarks that his parents are very proud.[67]
Order 66[]
- "They didn't have calamari pizza because Mon Calamari are people, and I did not know that."
- ―Yarael Poof

Yarael Poof carries pizza.
The second sketch takes place during the events of the[67] 2005 film—and third installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy[68]—Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith[67]—and thus anachronistically due to Poof's death prior to the Clone Wars[66]—and narratively follows the first sketch. Poof returns to the High Council's chamber during Order 66 carrying a stack of pizza boxes, announcing that he could not get calamari pizza due to the Mon Calamari's status as a people, something he was unaware of. After stating this, Poof realizes the Council chamber is in ruins and that everyone on the Council may be dead. Declaring his time is short, he sets the pizza boxes down and runs to a seat in the chamber. Once seated, he begins mocking Yoda, making fun of his manner of speech and complaining once again that he never allowed the other Council members to talk. Shortly afterwards, an explosion occurs outside the temple, prompting Poof to panic and leave—though he collects the pizza boxes again as he does so.[67]
Imperial chef[]
- "Everyone I know is dead."
- ―Yarael Poof
The third sketch depicts Poof[67]—once again anachronistically[66]—during the Imperial Era. Poof is working, disguised with a fake mustache, as a chef under the Galactic Empire. While working, he is approached by Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, the former of who requests bisque for his meal. Poof panics and drops his ladle, prompting Palpatine to request cream of spinach, albeit with a different ladle. Poof nervously hands the two Sith Lords their meals and they walk away. Shortly thereafter, Palpatine senses a "disturbance" in the Force, and the pair return to Poof, who is still panicking. Palpatine then states the Quermian had forgotten to give them crackers, which he then provides. After the Sith Lords walk away once again, Poof distressingly comments that everyone he knows is dead.[67]
The Padawan Menace[]
- "Tracked the battle droid to Hoth, I have. Pursue him, I will."
- ―Yoda, to the Jedi High Council

Yoda speaks to Poof and the rest of the Jedi Council from Hoth.
Poof anachronistically[66] appears in the 2011 LEGO television special LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace. During the Clone Wars, Grand Master Yoda and the Padawan-impersonator "Ian" chase a B1-series battle droid carrying plans for a Separatist attack on Coruscant to the planet Hoth. When there, Yoda contacts the Jedi High Council, including Yarael Poof, informing them of his progress. Ian then interrupts the holo-transmission, changing its "channel" to various shows including Ackbar Tonight, Keeping up with the Calrissians, infomercials, and a singing competition. All the while, Poof observes and is startled by the sudden changes. Later, when Ian and the other Padawans are rewarded for their bravery on Coruscant, Poof is in the crowd celebrating.[69]
Jedi Academy[]
- "Having said that, please consult your student datapads for some new campus policy updates, particularly the section on the explicit prohibition against keeping wild animals in the dormitories. This also applies to very cute ones."
- ―Yarael Poof
In the 2020 young-reader novel Jedi Academy: At Last, Jedi written by Amy Ignatow, Yarael Poof is the author behind a letter welcoming Jedi Initiates and Masters back to the Jedha Campus Jedi academy. In the letter, he describes his pleasure in seeing everyone's faces—as well as cranial ridges and tentacles—once more and expresses that he can feel the Force flowing on the campus once again with the returning personnel. Afterwards, he warns readers that despite the joy, there are also challenges on the path to becoming a Jedi. In the second paragraph of the letter, Poof informs students to consult their datapads for updates regarding campus policy. He singles out a policy that prohibits keeping wild animals in the dormitories and elaborates that the policy extends to those viewed as "cute" as well. Finally, he closes the letter by thanking them and bidding them farewell with the phrase "may the Force be with you." Below the text of Poof's letter is his signature as well as an image of him.[70]
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